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Various Saints Quotes
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:25:24 PM »
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  • The following quotes have all been assembled over a few months from the Saints Quote website:

    This is a wonderful website that everyone should considering having as their homepage. It is operated by a member of Cathinfo - shin.


    Quote from: Saint's Quotes Website
    'Every blessing comes from the Lord providentially. But this fact escapes the notice of the ungrateful and the idle.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'To assure our salvation it does not suffice to call ourselves children of Mary, therefore let us always have the fear of God.'
    St. Teresa of Jesus

    'Reject all thoughts of greed, and you will be able to see the devil's tricks.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'He who is ignorant of the enemy's ambush is easily slain; and he who does not know the causes of the passions is soon brought low.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'It is absolutely impossible at the same time to be a man of understanding and not to be ashamed to gratify the body.'
    St. Clement of Alexandria

    'The truly repentant is derided by the foolish - which is a sign that God has accepted his repentance.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'There is often more danger in making light of little faults than of great sins.'
    St. Ignatius of Loyola

    'He who is constantly chattering about frivolous things, who fears being despised, who is weary of life, whatever marvels he may work, I do not look on him as a perfect man, since all he does is without foundation, and he who cannot suffer is ready for a fall.'
    St. Thomas Aquinas

    'Where is the father who, holding a beloved son in his arms, would let him fall to the earth? And if an earthly father would not act thus, much less would a God of infinite love. We must have courage in His service.'
    St. Paul of the Cross

    'Afflictions that come to us are the result of our own sins. But if we accept them patiently through prayer, we shall again find blessings.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'To deserve the name of a true religious, it is not only necessary to renounce the world, but still more to renounce one's self.'
    St. Ignatius of Loyola

    'God gives each one of us sufficient grace ever to know His holy will, and to do it fully.'
    St. Ignatius of Loyola

    'To him who loves holy purity conversations with persons of the opposite sex always appear long and fatiguing, however short they be.'
    St. Paul of the Cross

    'I love to see the good in health, the wicked ill; the former because they consecrate their strength to the glory of God, the latter for the excess of evil they return to Him.'
    St. Ignatius of Loyola

    'Not all, nor even a majority, are saved. . . They are indeed many, if regarded by themselves, but they are few in comparison with the far larger number of those who shall be punished with the devil.'
    St. Augustine

    'Let us fancy we see hell, and imagine what is worst to behold – a horrible cavern full of black flames. Sulphur, devils, dragons, fire, swords, arrows, and innumerable damned who roar in despair. Imagine the worst you can, and then say, "All this is nothing compared to hell" . . . In that voracious subterranean cavern all the filth of the world is collected and inclosed, without exhalation or air, which must produce a most foetid pestilence. . . The sight is tormented by frightful devils; a holy religious saw at death two so monstrous and ugly devils, that he cried out that rather than see them again he would walk till the day of judgment on fire of sulphur and melted metal.'
    St. Ignatius of Loyola

    'The shortest, yea, the only way to reach sanctity, is to conceive a horror for all that the world loves and values.'
    St. Ignatius of Loyola

    'He who does not mortify his palate will neither know how to mortify his flesh.'
    St. Paul of the Cross

    'We must accept our own death and that of our relations when God shall send it to us, and not desire it at any other time; for it is sometimes necessary that it should happen at that particular moment for the good of our own and their souls.'
    St. Philip Neri

    'Believe that others are better than you in the depths of their soul, although outwardly you may appear better than they.'
    St. Augustine
    'It is easy to infuse a most fervent devotion into others, even in a short time; but the great matter is - to persevere.'
    St. Philip Neri

    'If you do not want evil thoughts to be active within you, accept humiliation of soul and affliction of the flesh; and this not just on particular occasions, but always, everywhere and in all things.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'Obedience is a short cut to perfection.'
    St. Philip Neri

    'Nulla dies sine linea: Do not let a day pass without doing some good during it.'
    St. Philip Neri

    'Prayer comprises the complete fulfillment of the command-ments; for there is nothing higher than love for God.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'Do not dishonor marriage by diabolical feasts. If you banish from them unbecoming, effeminate singing, dances, improper conversation, the pomps of Satan, noise, boisterous laughter, intemperance, with all that is unbecoming in Christians, Christ will be present at the wedding. But it is Satan who presides at those weddings at which voluptuous and disgraceful dancing is indulged in; and, from all the expenses incurred on such occasions, great harm results, and no profit is derived.'
    St. John Chrysostom

    'Jesus, as you know, became obedient unto death, and the death of the cross. You must also die, burying your own will and judgment.'
    St. Paul of the Cross

    'First of all, we know that God is the beginning, middle and end of everything good; and it is impossible for us to have faith in anything good or to carry it into effect except in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'For when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through places without water, seeking rest; and not finding. . . For the unclean spirit enters easily into a man, and easily goes out from him. For as often as a man, either in thought or in action, does something that is wicked, the devil is present with him. But should he begin to repent from his heart, the devil will leave him. And going out he walks through dry and waterless places, tempting those that are free of the sap of malice and of lust, and in whom he finds no rest; since he seeks what is corrupt and moist. And for this was it written of him: He sleepeth under the shadow, in the covert of the reed, and in moist places (Job xl. 16); in which reference the genitals are signified. Then he saith: I will return into my house whence I came out. Because he could find no foothold in the good he turns back to the wicked. For the devil may tempt the good, but he cannot find rest in them; for he is shaken violently, and upset, and driven out, now by their prayers, now by their tears of repentance, and now by their almsgiving and similar good works.'
    St. Bruno

    'We must cover the failings of our neighbor with the mantle of charity, attributing them to ignorance or inadvertence.'
    St. Paul of the Cross

    'If a soul could altogether abstain from venial sins, the greatest pain it could have would be to be detained in this life, so great would its desire be of union with God.'
    St. Philip Neri

    'If man remembered that it is written: "By your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned," (Matt 12:37) he would choose to remain silent.'
    St. Poemen

    'Prayer is called a virtue, but in reality it is the mother of the virtues: for it gives birth to them through union with Christ.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'To do well and to feel that we do nothing well is a sign of deep humility.'
    St. Paul of the Cross

    'Let go of a small part of your righteousness and in a few days you will be at peace.'
    St. Poemen

    'Fix the time, the length of your meditation, and do not rise from your place until you have finished it even at the cost of being crucified.'
    St. Padre Pio

    'The devil is afraid of resolute souls.'
    St. Teresa of Jesus

    'Above all, let us carefully keep silence on occasions that mortify us. Let us be charitable and humble, both in our thoughts and words.'
    St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

    'He has so fashioned and destined me for His all-lovable Heart, that He alone is all my joy, my consolation, my treasure and my happiness; and apart from Him all else is as nothing to me.'
    St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

    'Where sin was hatched, let tears now wash the nest.'
    St. Robert Southwell

    'They who labor in God's vineyard ought to have as it were only one foot resting on earth, the other continually raised to walk in the way of our Lord.'
    St. Ignatius of Loyola

    'The fort is betrayed even of them that should have defended it.'
    St. John Fisher

    'For the higher reason which is assigned to contemplation is compared to the lower reason which is assigned to action, and the husband is compared to his wife, who should be ruled by her husband, as Augustine says.'
    St. Thomas Aquinas

    'For it is impossible that God and sin, however slight, should remain together, for such an impediment would prevent the soul from attaining to his glory. And as a little thing that thou hast in thine eye will not allow thee to see the sun, and as it is possible to compare the difference between God and the sun to that between the intellectual vision and that of the bodily eye, it is plain that the great opposition between the one and the other can never be truly imagined.
    St. Catherine of Genoa

    'Those only are to be called poor and unhappy, who are in hell, who have lost God for eternity, not those who are poor on earth.'
    St. Benedict Joseph Labre

    'When you sin, blame your thought, not your action. For had your intellect not run ahead, your body would not have followed.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'Whoever wishes to listen well to divine speech must enclose himself in great silence.'
    St. Umilta of Faenza

    'When the intellect through rejection of the passions attains to unwavering hope, then the enemy makes it visualize its past sins on the pretext of confessing them to God. Thus he tries to rekindle passions which by God's grace have been forgotten, and so secretly to inflict injury. Then, even though someone is illumined and hates the passions, he will inevitably be filled with darkness and confusion at the memory of what he has done. But if he is still befogged and self-indulgent, he will certainly dally with the enemy's provocations and entertain them under the influence of passion, so that this re-collection will prove to be a prepossession and not a confession.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'Nuptials fill the earth; virginity, paradise.'
    St. Jerome

    'Suppose that the whole horizon, as far as you can see from this mountain, were a sea of fire; if we cast into it a bit of oakum, it will disappear in an instant. So, when you have committed a fault, humble yourself before God, and cast your fault into the infinite ocean of charity, and at once it will be effaced from your soul; at the same time all distrust will disappear.'
    St. Paul of the Cross

    'Detachment from the things perceived by the senses means the vision of things spiritual.'
    St. John Climacus

    'Judge him according to the law; if he is worthy of death, put him to death, if not, do what you choose.'
    St. Poemen

    'It will be a great consolation for us at the hour of death to know that we are to be judged by Him whom we have loved above all things during life.'
    St. Teresa of Jesus

    'By the test of suffering the chaff in the Church of God is distinguished from the wheat: he that humbles himself under tribulations, and is resigned to the will of God, is wheat for paradise; he that grows haughty and is enraged, and so forsakes God, is chaff for hell.'
    St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

    'He who fights against others out of fear of hardship or reproach will either suffer more harshly through what befalls him in this life, or will be punished mercilessly in the life to come.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'Everything that happens has a small beginning, and grows the more it is nourished.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'Do not lay open your conscience to anyone whom you do not trust in your heart.'
    St. Poemen

    'A man ought never to say one word in his own praise, however true it may be, no, not even in a joking way.'
    St. Philip Neri

    'We should love the Lord as do our friends. Many a time I have seen people bring grief to God, without being bothered about it, and I have seen these very same people resort to every device, plan, pressure, plea from themselves and friends, and every gift, simply to restore an old relationship upset by some minor grievance.'
    St. John Climacus

    'Understand the words of Holy Scripture by putting them into practice, and do not fill yourself with conceit by elaborating on theoretical ideas.'
    St. Mark the Ascetic

    Offline shin

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    Various Saints Quotes
    « Reply #1 on: November 15, 2011, 02:24:01 AM »
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  • It's a great blessing to be surrounded by the quotes of the saints, and to make concordances and themes of them to learn about spiritual subjects.

    There are so many hidden answers.



    'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus.' (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)'-

    Offline shin

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    Various Saints Quotes
    « Reply #2 on: November 15, 2011, 02:30:01 AM »
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  • Quote
    'Those only are to be called poor and unhappy, who are in hell, who have lost God for eternity, not those who are poor on earth.'
    St. Benedict Joseph Labre

    'Do not ask how a poor man can be self-indulgent when he lacks the material means. For it is possible to be self-indulgent in a yet more despicable way through one's thoughts.'

    St. Mark the Ascetic

    'There are many people in the world who are poor in spirit, but not in the way that they should be; there are many who mourn, but for some financial loss or the death of their children; many are gentle, but towards unclean passions; many hunger and thirst, but only to seize what does not belong to them and to profit from injustice; many are merciful, but towards their bodies and the things that serve the body; many are pure in heart, but for the sake of self-esteem; many are peace-makers, but by making the soul submit to the flesh; many are persecuted, but as wrongdoers; many are reviled, but for shameful sins. Only those are blessed who do or suffer these things for the sake of Christ and after His example. Why? Because theirs is the kingdom of heaven, and they shall see God (cf. Matt. 5:3-12). It is not because they do or suffer these things that they are blessed, for those of whom we have spoken above do the same; it is because they do them and suffer them for the sake of Christ and after His example.'

    St. Maximos the Confessor

    'You will find the name of Jesus engraven on the countenances of the poor.'

    St. Paul of the Cross

    'Come, Holy Spirit. Spirit of truth, you are the reward of the saints, the comforter of souls, light in the darkness, riches to the poor, treasure to lovers, food for the hungry, comfort to those who are wandering; to sum up, you are the one in whom all treasures are contained. Come! As you descended upon Mary that the Word might become flesh, work in us through grace as you worked in her through nature and grace. Come! Food of every chaste thought, fountain of all mercy, sum of all purity. Come! Consume in us whatever prevents us from being consumed in you.'

    St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi


    'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus.' (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)'-

    Offline shin

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    Various Saints Quotes
    « Reply #3 on: November 15, 2011, 02:32:59 AM »
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  • Thank you for sharing those quotes Vladimir. I always love reading these and how they touch our poor lives on this earth.


    'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus.' (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)'-