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Re: Saint of the day
« Reply #120 on: September 09, 2024, 02:42:40 PM »
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  • Peter Claver [color=var(--color-progressive,#36c)]SJ[/iurl] [/font][/size][/color]

    Saint Peter Claver’s Story
    A native of Spain, young Jesuit Peter Claver left his homeland forever in 1610 to be a missionary in the colonies of the New World. He sailed into Cartagena, a rich port city washed by the Caribbean. He was ordained there in 1615.
    By this time the slave trade had been established in the Americas for nearly 100 years, and Cartagena was a chief center for it. Ten thousand slaves poured into the port each year after crossing the Atlantic from West Africa under conditions so foul and inhuman that an estimated one-third of the passengers died in transit. Although the practice of slave-trading was condemned by Pope Paul III and later labeled “supreme villainy” by Pope Pius IX, it continued to flourish.
    Peter Claver’s predecessor, Jesuit Father Alfonso de Sandoval, had devoted himself to the service of the slaves for 40 years before Claver arrived to continue his work, declaring himself “the slave of the Negroes forever.”
    As soon as a slave ship entered the port, Peter Claver moved into its infested hold to minister to the ill-treated and exhausted passengers. After the slaves were herded out of the ship like chained animals and shut up in nearby yards to be gazed at by the crowds, Claver plunged in among them with medicines, food, bread, brandy, lemons, and tobacco. With the help of interpreters he gave basic instructions and assured his brothers and sisters of their human dignity and God’s love. During the 40 years of his ministry, Claver instructed and baptized an estimated 300,000 slaves.
    Fr. Claver’s apostolate extended beyond his care for slaves. He became a moral force, indeed, the apostle of Cartagena. He preached in the city square, gave missions to sailors and traders as well as country missions, during which he avoided, when possible, the hospitality of the planters and owners and lodged in the slave quarters instead.
    After four years of sickness, which forced the saint to remain inactive and largely neglected, Claver died on September 8, 1654. The city magistrates, who had previously frowned at his solicitude for the black outcasts, ordered that he should be buried at public expense and with great pomp.
    Peter Claver was canonized in 1888, and Pope Leo XIII declared him the worldwide patron of missionary work among black slaves.

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

    Offline Miseremini

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    Re: Saint of the day
    « Reply #121 on: September 10, 2024, 01:20:16 PM »
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  • From his childhood St. Nicholas Tolentino was a model of virtue and innocence. He entered the Order of St. Augustine and became a famous preacher. He died in 1310

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

    Offline BOTHY

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    Re: Saint of the day
    « Reply #122 on: September 12, 2024, 08:22:00 AM »
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  • The Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary

    Ave Maria!

    Offline Miseremini

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    Re: Saint of the day
    « Reply #123 on: September 14, 2024, 11:56:32 AM »
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  • The Cross: Glorious and Sorrowful
    The liturgical feasts of September 14 (the Exaltation of the Holy Cross) and 15 (The Seven Sorrows) present the same theme under an entirely different spiritual outlook:

    • September 14th emphasizes Christ’s kingship; it praises the Cross as the sign of objective redemption and unfolds before our eyes the crux gemmata (the gemmed cross).
    • September 15th portrays the human and suffering Christ with his co-sufferer, Mary of the Seven Sorrows.
    Both feasts honor the Cross of Our Lord, following so closely upon one another, showing the two spiritual trends of ancient times and that of the Middle Ages, the beata passio (the blessed passion) and the passio amara (the bitter passion).
    The occasion
    The occasion of the feast of the Holy Cross was the finding of the True Cross on September 14, 320 by St. Helen, and the consecration of the church of the Holy Sepulcher at Jerusalem. Later on the “finding” received its special feast day on May 3, and the present date referred to the recovery of the Cross from the Persians by Emperor Heraclius in 628, who delivered the Cross to the patriarch Zacharias on May 3, 630. So there was a swapping of the occasion of the feasts.
    The Mystery
    Here the Church stresses the mystery of the Cross with full enthusiasm and love because She glorifies the sign of redemption. Why does she celebrates the feast at the start of the fall: the Cross is “raised” against the rising darkness, always the symbol of the power of hell. The Church “raises the sign of the Son of Man” which will appear at his Second Coming, and the expectation of the parousia is always connected with the Church’s Harvest time.
    The Preface of the Holy Cross contrasts paradise’s tree of knowledge with Calvary’s tree of the Cross; on the one the devil is conquered, on the other he was conquered!

    From a tree came death, from a tree also should come forth life. He who triumphed on a tree should also be defeated on a tree."
    The Power of the Cross
    The Communion antiphon refers to the power of the Cross: “Through the sign of the Cross deliver us from our enemies, O our God!” The sign of the Cross has often been employed as an exorcism against the demons; the Latin Church also distributes holy Communion with this sacred sign. This sign is the most used sacramental, which we would make with much more devotion if we were conscious that it had sacramental power. The ancients expressed the power of the Cross very succinctly by the Greek anagram:


    For in the Cross is light (phos) and life (zoe).
    The Exaltation of the Cross
    The brazen serpent which Moses set up in the wilderness was a type of Christ’s Cross and its redeeming power. Our Lord speaking to Nicodemus mentions it: “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whoever believes in Him may not perish but have life everlasting.” He adds elsewhere: “If I be lifted up from the world, I will draw all things to Myself.” In all ages our crucified God is the great magnet attracting to Himself everyone capable of salvation. His degradation and humiliation is the starting point of his glorification:

    Therefore God has exalted Him and has given Him a name that is above all names."

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

    Offline Miseremini

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    Re: Saint of the day
    « Reply #124 on: September 14, 2024, 03:51:48 PM »
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  • Information on the stations and indulgences from 1909.
    For the stations only you could gain multiply plenary indulgences, as stated below, keep one for yourself and give the rest to the souls in purgatory.

                The Chaplet of the Way of the Cross
    Of  the Archconfraternity of the Holy Agony

    Approved by Pius IX in 1864.  And also by Pius X in 1906.
                                            “ Thy Will be Done “

    The Way of the Cross is a devotion dear to souls devoted to the Passion of our Lord : most salutary to those who practice it and of all devotions in the Church the most richly indulgenced.  These indulgences are applicable to the souls in Purgatory.

    It was the servant of God, Louise Borgiotto called Louise of the Crucifix ” whom our Lord inspired with the idea of this Chaplet or “ Crown of the Way of the Cross ”,  because of her devotion to His sorrows in the Garden of Gethsemani and also to the Way of His Cross.
    “ Louise of the Crucifix ” lived at Turin 1802-1873 and was foundress of the Nazarene Sisters.
    Her life and death were so holy, her sanctity so widespread, that the cause of her beatification has been undertaken by Cardinal Richelmy, Archbishop of Turin.
    “ Louise of the Crucifix ” a devout adorer of The Passion, had in the chapel of the priests of the Congregations of the Mission, for here director one of these sons of the great St. Vincent de Paul, who cultured in her soul an intense devotion to the Holy Agony of Jesus.  It was also a priest of the Congregation of the Mission, now the present Bishop of Aosta, who obtained from Pius X, 1906, an augmentation of favors already granted Chaplets of the Way of the Cross by Pius IX, 1864.

    The origin and approbation of the Holy See demonstrates how precious is this Chaplet, but in particular its excellence is shown from this.
    1st.  The numerous and precious Indulgences which are attached to it.  These are the same Indulgences that are attached to the canonically erected Stations, or rather those granted to the faithful who visit in person the Stations at Jerusalem.  The Indulgences are so great that the Sovereign Pontiffs have forbidden preachers to enumerate or to specify them.  as many of them are Plenary, it is well in making the Way of the Cross to gain one for one’s self, applying the rest to the souls in Purgatory.  The indulgences of the Way of the Cross may be gained each time it is made.
    2nd.  The great ease with which one may gain these Indulgences.  To acquire such a treasure, one need not make a pilgrimage to the Holy Places, nor visit the Stations of Calvary, it is not even required to visit a Church where the Stations of the “ Via Crucis ” are canonically erected, a slight obstacle occasioned by illness, or the duties of one’s state, or by other reasonable motive is sufficient to enable one to gain these indulgences, by using the Chaplets of the Way of the Cross.
    Consider how the sick, those detained at home by household cares, those who toss at night impatiently awaiting slumber, though they may be unable to go to church may unite their sufferings to those of our Divine Redeemer, and if they but devote a few minutes to the recitation of this Chaplet may gain the tremendous Indulgences of the Way of the Cross.
    Pope Pius X, himself, when offered one of these Chaplets, took it in his hands, he kissed it, exclaiming, “ I will keep it as a precious treasure ”.
    This chaplet of the Stations is composed of fourteen oval medals, representing the fourteen Stations of the Cross, each connected by three separate beads; a heart and six beads join the Chaplet to the Crucifix.
    Those who devoutly recite this Chaplet may gain the same indulgences that are attached to making the Way of the Cross in those churches where the Stations are canonically erected.
    In order to gain the indulgences of the Way of the Cross, in saying this Chaplet, it is necessary :

    1st.  That one cannot make the Stations in a Church or Chapel where they are erected.  A slight inconvenience, however, is sufficient, especially for women and mothers of families, as was declared by His Holiness Pius IX.

    2nd.  That at each Station the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father be recited once, and at the end, after the fourteen Stations are finished the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father five times, in honor of the Five Wounds of our Lord and then one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
    Commence as usual with the Sign of the Cross.  Then say a fervent Act of Contrition.  Then say the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father three times on the three beads which precede the First Station, in honor of the three hours of Jesus in the Garden of Olives.
    At each medal recall the mystery it represents, for instance :  First Station, Jesus is condemned to death ; and recite the Our Father, Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father on the three beads that follow.  Second Station, Jesus carries His Cross ; Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, and so on to the end.
    It is an excellent practice to meditate a few moments on the particular Station of the Passion indicated on each medal, but this is not necessary to gain the indulgences.  Neither is it absolutely necessary to say the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father three times, in honor of the three-hour Agony of Our Saviour in the Garden of Olives.
                                                                                                            + PHILIPPE
                                                                                                      Cardinal de Angelis, Arch. Of Fermo.


    1st.  The power of conferring Indulgences on this Chaplet was granted by His Holiness Pius X on November 2nd, 1906, to the Priests of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) : to all the directors of the aggregated Confraternities of the Holy Agony, and to all priests who are promoters of zealators of the Archconfraternity of Paris.  A simple Sign of the Cross is ritually sufficient for indulgencing Chaplets.
    The General Director of the Archconfraternity will gladly confer the title Zealator on any priest who desires earnestly to work for the spreading of the devotion of the Holy Agony.
    2nd.  The cross may be replaced by another, the beads and medals may be strung on another chain, and even a few beads, which may happen to be broken or lost, may be renewed, without losing the Indulgences.
    3rd.  The indulgences on the Chaplets are personal, that is, the Chaplets may not be given away or loaned by the owner to another person after being used, without losing the indulgences.  Before they have been used, however, one may give gratis these blessed and indulgenced Chaplets.  After they are blessed, no price may be accepted for them, even if spontaneously offered.
    4th.  After being blessed, they may not be sold, but they can be blessed and indulgenced before being sent to places where there are no Vincentians, nor Directors nor Priest Promoters nor Zealators of the Holy Agony, if they are intended for certain determinate persons.
    They must be ordered, however, before being blessed, even if not paid for when ordering.

    Boston, Jan. 22, 1909.

    If one cannot easily have the indulgences conferred on the Chaplet of the Way of the Cross, can have it blessed ; and have the indulgences of the Way of the Cross conferred on the Crucifix.  In that case, the Chaplet is used as a guide and the same indulgences of the Way of the Cross are obtained, as though the Chaplet had been indulged to that effect.

    With respect to the Crucifix : -- It must be of a solid and durable metal (Sc. Cong. Aug. 8, 1859).  The indulgences are conferred on the Corpus, so that it can be transferred from one cross to another whatever.

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

    Offline BOTHY

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    Re: Saint of the day
    « Reply #125 on: September 15, 2024, 06:00:14 AM »
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  • Offline Miseremini

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    Re: Saint of the day
    « Reply #126 on: September 15, 2024, 09:22:05 AM »
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  •   Thoughts on Our Lady of Sorrows
    To many Catholics, the title of Our Lady of Sorrows is, amongst many other titles of the Blessed Virgin Mother, one of preference. This title of Our Blessed Mother spans the whole course of Our Divine Lord’s sojourn on this earth and in it we can see the hand of God disposing of circuмstances according to His Divine Will, leading, forming, and tempering the soul of the Blessed Mother as He prepared it for the exalted place she was to merit in eternity.  
    Yes, Our Blessed Mother never suffered the least shadow of sin to pass over Her most pure Heart, for she actively willed never to offend the God she so truly loved above all things. In this unblemished correspondence with divine grace the sanctity of Her soul progressed day by day at the greatest possible rate permitted by God for an human soul on this earth, but God wished to multiply in Her Heart Her merits by permitting the circuмstances that would allow Her to practice in reality the love of God, thus she would, one day, be truly Co-redemptrix with Her Divine Son and truly Mother of the Church. Virgin Mother of the Infant Jesus, Head of the Mystical Body of Christ, without pain of childbirth at Bethlehem and then Mother in the deepest of pain at the birth of Her children in the mystical body of Christ at the foot of the Cross. God had told Eve that “Because you have done this, I will multiply thy sorrows, and thy conceptions: in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children..” (Gen, 3:16), Mary was going to suffer that punishment. No Mother would ever be as fruitful, but no Mother would suffer as much either.
    In the Catholic Faith we count the most relevant sorrows of Our Blessed Mother as being 7 in number. The progression is remarkable in so far as it shows a gradual preparation of the Heart of His Blessed Mother for the acceptance of, and thus the corresponding with, the separation that was to come.  
    1. Prophecy of St. Simeon
    Firstly, through the prophecy of St. Simeon Mary was pre-warned about the sorrows that would test her most pure heart, and she through Her beautiful prayer life prepared Her soul, thus allowing the Holy Ghost to strengthen Her virtues and Her resolve to love God alone. St. Simeon was a priest of the Old Testament and thus the keeper of the Law and the Doctrine of the prophets. Mary took his words to heart because they were revealed through the usual channel that God used to communicate with His people. The sage words of St. Francis De Sales come to mind: “we must attach ourselves to the God of Consolations, not the consolations of God!”. Mary was to attach Herself to God alone and not His appearance in human form.
    2. Flight into Egypt
    In the flight into Egypt one can comprehend the sorrow of a mother’s heart at the real prospect of someone seeking to take the life of the child that she had so lovingly borne. Not only was this Child her beloved only begotten Son, but He is also the Son of God the Father. How could such a tyranny and such evil hatred of God exist that could threaten to kill the Son of God? Fear and disquietude of soul attacked Her pure heart, she could still embrace and protect Her beloved Treasure, drawing from His presence the grace of acceptance of and compliance with the Holy Will of God.
    3. Loss of the Child Jesus
    In the loss of the Child Jesus at the age of 12 years we touch the greatest of human sorrows, the pain of the loss of God. This is the greatest of sufferings possible to a human soul, yet it is the least understood by people living on this earth. This pain of loss of God is the very essence of the sufferings of the damned in hell, it is the greatest torment of the souls in purgatory, and even on this earth the loss of a loved one can even blot out physical and all other pains. Who can fathom this sword of sorrow that cruelly pierced the pure Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mother? With what pain but intense eagerness did she earnestly seek out Her Beloved? To whom could she turn but to God the Father in prayer for help, strength and courage? What an example she gives us of seeking God and His Grace when we have lost them through sin!
    4. Meeting of Our Lady and Our Lord on the way to Calvary
    It is in Our Lady’s comportment during the Passion of Our Divine Lord that we see the ripe fruits of the sanctity of Her beautiful soul. Here we see the blossoming of the plenitude of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost that had flooded Her Heart since Her Immaculate Conception. Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Counsel in contemplation had honed Her untarnished Intellect since they had never been countered or disregarded, thus no other would ever understand Her Son’s mission of love better than She. Fortitude, Piety and Fear of the Lord had perfected Her Will to the exact mold of that of Her Divine Son. She would partake in His Passion so actively so as to assist Her Son to accomplish in all perfection the Divine Will of His Father “fulfilling in Her Body those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ”. (Col 1:24). Eve ‘assisted’ Adam in the fall, Mary would ‘assist’ Christ in the reparation. Who could fathom the sorrow in Her Heart as she met Her Son as He carried His cross, but still more, who could fathom the encouragement and support she afforded Him in the supreme task of renewing all things in Himself for the love of His Father and of souls that had not been giving God His proper due? She knew the Heart of Her Son and she knew the Father through constant lifelong prayer and she knew this was the Will of the Father.
    5. Crucifixion and Death of Our Blessed Lord
    Mary was made Mother of all members of the mystical body of Christ when from on the cross He gave Her the mandate to take St. John as Her son. St. John was at that moment a priest having received the sacerdotal character at the last supper and therefore he stood as an ambassador of the whole mystical body of Christ and therefore stood in for all the members of the mystical body of Christ. What a poor exchange; an host of sinners in the place of Her Divine Son, miserable, culpable sinners in exchange for the victim!  She knew this was the Will of the Father and of Her Son and therefore she pronounced her ‘fiat’ once again. Bidden by the Angel and with quickened Heart she had first pronounced that word and thus she became Mother of Christ, now bidden by Her Divine Son in the sorrow of His death, with corresponding pangs of childbirth of Her new children, she pronounced it once again for the whole Christ. Christ had filled Her soul with His Charity, she was now to exercise that Charity for Her Son.
    Our Blessed Mother stood at the foot of the cross, far beyond tears and suffering the ultimate pain of loss of Her Divine Son, but undaunted, she stood and offered His life to His Father unto the remission of our sins. To whom could Our Blessed Mother turn in the sorrows of living the reality of the cruel death Her Son was suffering but to God who she knew was the very same Son dying on the cross?
    6. Taking down of Our Lord’s Body from the Cross
    Who cannot weep copiously at the sight of this Queen of the Universe as she held the broken, torn and bloody body of Her Son as it was taken down from the cross. Those hands she had so tenderly kissed when they were small were now dug through with the wounds of the nails that sacrificed Her Son on the wood of the Divine Justice, His most beautiful countenance, the beauty of which was the ravishment the holy angels, was now most uncomely with blood, sweat and spittle, His whole body was torn with the lashes of men’s sins and His feet were no longer able to follow the wayward sinner, that Heart so warm with the Charity of the Divine life was now cold and lifeless...
    7. Burial of Jesus
    The Law of the Sabbath required the burial to be expediently done, yet how loathe were Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus to take Our Lord’s body away from His most sorrowful Mother. Mary knew what it was to obey God’s Law and so she gave Him up so they could bury Him. Mary’s Heart now broken with the plenitude of the seven sorrows left Her Son’s body. The only support she had was the flame of the love for Him Who she knew by unwavering Faith He would rise on the third day.

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

    Offline Miseremini

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    Re: Saint of the day
    « Reply #127 on: September 17, 2024, 12:01:02 PM »
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  •  St. Francis's Burning Love for the Blessed Sacrament
    Today (September 17) is the Commemoration of the St. Francis of Assisi receiving the Stigmata (holy wounds) of Our Lord Jesus Christ. So it is befitting to relate the devotion that the Seraphic Father had for the Blessed Sacrament.

    Of St. Francis’s devotion to the Body of the Lord
    Francis burned with a love that came from his whole being for the Sacrament of the Lord’s Body, and he was carried away with wonder at the loving condescension and the most condescending love shown there. Not to hear at least one Mass each day if he could be there, he considered no small contempt. He frequently received Holy Communion, and he did so with such devotion that he made others also devout.
    Showing toward that sacrament deserving of all reverence he could, he offered a sacrifice of all his members; and receiving the Lamb that was offered, he immolated his own spirit with the fire that burned always upon the altar of his heart... He wished at one time to send his brothers through the world with precious pyxes, so that wherever they should see the price of our redemption kept in an unbecoming manner, they should place it in the very best place.
    He wanted great reverence shown to the hands of priests, for to these has been given authority from God over the consecrated bread and wine. Often he would say:

    If it should happen that I would meet at the same time some saint from heaven and any poor priest, I would first show honor to the priest and quickly go to kiss his hands. And I would say to the other: 'Wait, St. Lawrencefor the hands of this one touch the Word of Life, and have something about them that is more than human.'"
    Excerpted from St. Francis of Assisi, Brother Thomas of Celano (Franciscan Herald Press, 1963).

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

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    Re: Saint of the day
    « Reply #128 on: Yesterday at 11:35:17 AM »
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  • St. Januarius, Bishop of Beneventum, was beheaded with his companions Acutius, Eutychius, Desiderius, Festus, Proculus, and Socius at Puteoli in the persecution of Diocletian in 305. St. Januarius is the patron of Naples, where year by year the liquefaction of his blood, preserved in a phial, takes place.

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

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    Re: Saint of the day
    « Reply #129 on: Today at 12:01:12 PM »
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  • Eustace was commander-in-chief in the army of the Emperor Trajan. Having refused to thank the gods for a triumph, he was burned to death with his wife and two children, after undergoing many cruel tortures in 120.

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]