augusteens is anything but a "sorry excuse for a Catholic". He's a pious, zealous soul who isn't given over to human respect. I obviously don't agree with him on everything, but to go that far is pure emotionalism.
I agree with DL. I don't know much about augusteens but I don't think his misguided and unfortunate comments conclusively show he is a bad Catholic.
I assume he posted this in spite of himself being compelled by what he assumed was his duty.
I hope augusteens that you won't be cold to others so that God will not be cold to you.
Follow the advice of St. Augustine: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”
And I also pray you aren't driven to bitterness for being harshly reprimanded by others but reflect upon yourself and be grateful that "for once they have told the truth about me", as St. Francis said always when he was abused and derided.