Churchill was surrounded by zionists.
For example: He did everything in his power to provoke WWI and the WWII German air raids.
Judicial-Inc Archive
not officially affiliated with Judicial-Incєωry-ordered-eisenhower.html?m=1Tuesday, September 14, 2010
International Jєωry ordered Eisenhower, and Churchill, to firebomb Dresden, where at least 125,000 died
The Destruction Of Dresden
[/size][/font][/size]Dresden, After Churchill And Roosevelt Ordered The Fire Bombing
[/size][/font][/size]February 13, 1945
[/size][/font][/size]At Least 125,000 Dead In An Act Of Jєωιѕн Revenge
[/size][/font][/size] Victims Were Cremated 500 At A Time On The Altmark square[size={defaultattr}][font={defaultattr}][size={defaultattr}]
[/size][/font][/size]Most were just ash or turned to mush
Entire Families Cremated
[/size][/font][/size]There Were Bodies In The Streets, Apartments, And Bomb Shelters
[/size][/font][/size]No One Escaped
[/size][/font][/size]Jєωιѕн Savagery
[/size][/font][/size]Germany's Premier Cultural Center Destroyed
[/size][/font][/size]The Warsaw Ghetto Was The Reason For The Raid
[/size][/font][/size]Jєωιѕн Instigators Dragged Out Of The Ghetto And Forced To Work In War Factories
Dresden h0Ɩ0cαųst
Slaughter Of 125,000 German Civilians
Greatest Single Act Of Barbarism In History
The only true h0Ɩ0cαųst, death by fire, is the unforgivable and militarily completely unnecessary raid on Dresden. The blood was, at least partly, on Britain's hands.
The Dresden h0Ɩ0cαųst was committed not by the awful nαzιs, nor even by brutal Reds, but by the so-called democratic, freedom-loving allies, Britain and the USA.
One Of The Greatest Cultural Centers Of Europe
Sixty-four years ago, on the evening of February 13, 1945, an orgy of genocide and barbarism began against a defenceless German city, famed as one of the greatest cultural centres of Europe.
14 Hours Of Terror
Within less than 14 hours, not only was this city reduced to flaming ruins but an estimated quarter of its inhabitants, estimates range from 125,000 up to 300,000, had perished in what was one of the worst massacres of all time.
Dresden Was Considered An Open City
Toward the end of World War II, as Allied planes rained death and destruction over Germany, the old Saxon city of Dresden lay like an island of tranquility amid an ocean of desolation. Famous mainly for its art and Baroque architecture and possessing no military value, Dresden had been spared the terror that descended from the skies over the rest of the country.
The ancient city of artists and craftsmen didn't have any anti-aircraft defences. A gentleman's agreement seemed to prevail, designating Dresden an 'open city'
Germans Fleeing Stalin's Bolsheviks Flooded Dresden
For months the flood of refugees fleeing the Red Army, just 60 miles away, had swollen the city's population to well over a million. With them came accounts of Soviet horrors and atrocities, but Dresden topped it all.
Children Were At A Circus Just Hours Before
However, the people felt relatively safe; and although the mood was grim, the circus played to a full house that night as thousands came to forget for a moment the horrors of war. Bands of little girls paraded about in carnival dress in an effort to bolster waning spirits. Half-sad smiles greeted the laughing girls, but spirits were lifted.
The 'Swedish Jєω'
No one realized that in less than 24 hours many of those same innocent children would die screaming in Churchill's firestorm.
Everyone knew the Russian Bolsheviks were savages, but they felt that Britain and America were civilized. If they had considered that Eisenhower, Churchill, and Roosevelt hadJєωιѕн blood, they would see the terrible revenge coming.
Roosevelt Wanted Dresden Obliterated
So, when those first alarms signalled the start of 14 hours of hell, Dresden's people streamed dutifully into their shelters. But they did so without much enthusiasm, believing the alarms to be false, since their city had never been threatened from the air.
Many would never come out alive, for the revenge of Solomon was at hand.
Political Motives
What where Churchill's motives? They appear to have been political rather than military. Historians unanimously agree that Dresden had no military value whatsoever. What industry it did have produced only cigarettes and china. But the Yalta Conference was coming up, in which the Soviets and their Western allies would sit down like ghouls to carve up the shattered corpse of Europe.
The Firestorm
Dresden's citizens barely had time to reach their shelters. The first bomb fell at 10:09 pm. The attack lasted 24 minutes, leaving the inner city a raging sea of fire. Precision saturation bombing had created the desired firestorm. A firestorm is caused when hundreds of smaller fires join in one vast conflagration.
Tornado-Like Winds
Huge masses of air are sucked in to feed the inferno, causing an artificial tornado. Those persons unlucky enough to be caught in the rush of wind are hurled down entire streets into the flames. Those who seek refuge underground often suffocate, as oxygen is pulled from the air to feed the blaze, or they perish in a blast of white heat - heat intense enough to melt human flesh.
Cut Down In The Streets
One eyewitness who survived told of seeing "young women carrying babies running up and down the streets, their dresses and hair on fire, screaming until they fell down, or the collapsing buildings fell on top of them."
The Pause
There was a three-hour pause between the first and second raids. The lull had been calculated to lure civilians from their shelters into the open again. To escape the flames, tens of thousands of civilians had crowded into the Grosser Garten, a magnificent park nearly one and a half miles square. The second raid came at 1:22 a.m., with no warning. Twice as many bombers returned, with a massive load of incendiary bombs. The second wave was designed to spread the raging firestorm into the Grosser Garten.
150 MPH Winds
It was a complete 'success'. Within a few minutes, a sheet of flame ripped across the grass, uprooting trees and littering the branches of others with everything from bicycles to human limbs. At the start of the second air assault, many were still huddled in tunnels and cellars, waiting for the fires of the first attack to die down.
At 1:30 am an ominous rumble reached the ears of the commander of a Labour Service convoy sent into the city on a rescue mission.
He described it this way: "The detonation shook the cellar walls. The sound of the explosions mingled with a new, stranger sound which seemed to come closer and closer, the sound of a thundering waterfall; it was the sound of the mighty tornado howling in the inner city
Melting Human Flesh
Others, hiding below ground, died. But they died painlessly. They simply glowed bright orange and blue in the darkness. As the heat intensified, they either disintegrated into cinders or melted into a thick liquid often three or four feet deep in spots.
On February 14th, the Americans flew the last raid swept over the city. Their bombers pounded the rubble that had been Dresden for a steady 38 minutes with cold-blooded ruthlessness.
The Next Morning
US Mustangs appeared low over the city, strafing anything that moved, including a column of rescue vehicles rushing to the city to evacuate survivors. One strafing assault/massacre was aimed at the banks of the Elbe River, where refugees had huddled during the horrible night.
Dresden had become a hospital town, and nurses brought the wounded to Elbe river. The low-flying Mustangs machine-gunned those helpless patients, as well as thousands of old men, women and children who had escaped the city inferno.
125,000 Dead
When the last plane left the sky, Dresden was a scorched ruin, its blackened streets filled with corpses. A flock of vultures escaped from the zoo and fattened on the carnage. Rats swarmed over the piles of the dead.
A Swiss citizen described his visit to Dresden two weeks after the raid: "I could see torn-off arms and legs, mutilated torsos and heads which had been wrenched from their bodies and rolled away."
Henry Morgenthau
Allied apologists compared Dresden to Coventry, where a mere 380 died.
Coventry was a centre of the motor and munitions industries and definitely a legitimate military target. Dresden, on the other hand, produced nothing in those categories.
As a comparison with the London Blitz - which we all acknowledge was bad and did demonstrate the bravery of the people of London - it should still be considered in the light of the destruction visited upon Dresden. In just one night, 16,000 acres of land were destroyed in the Dresden massacre, whereas London escaped with damage to only 600 acres during the entire war.
Hollywood Won't Touch This Subject
If ever there was a war crime, then certainly the Dresden h0Ɩ0cαųst ranks as one of the most sordid of all time.
Yet there are no movies made today condemning this fiendish slaughter; nor did any Allied airman - or Sir Winston - sit in the dock at Nuremberg.
Who Ordered It ?
The official story is that Churchill ordered the Dresden slaughter to appease Stalin. The cold-blooded sadism of the massacre, however, is brushed aside by Churchill's biographers, a madman who order a slaughter of many thousands of innocent civilians.
The Warsaw Ghetto Was The Reason
Jєωs started WWII, but sat it out in their comfy ghettos. When Hitler needed manpower for his armament machine, he dragged the Polish Jєωs out of their ghettos.
The War Didn't Effect Their Ghettos
It should be noted that years before the publication ofHitler's War, Irving had already raised the possibility that Jєωιѕн pressure had been one of the main factors behind the Allied decision to bomb and devastate German cities. In 1961, during his research "into the causation of the bombing of Dresden," Irving wrote provocative letters concerning alleged Jєωιѕн involvement in this operation to the curator of the Wiener Library.
Wealthy Jєωs Sat Out The War In Their Country Estates
They visited Paris, Switzerland, Italy or wherever the war wasn't.
The Supposed 'Ghetto'
The area comprised 35% of Warsaw, was no slum and actually featured rather high-priced shops.
The War Didn't Include Them
The Jєωιѕн population refused to serve in the Polish army and when Germans occupied Warsaw they participated in Fifth Column and Black Marketeering activities.
World Jєωιѕн Congress
Based on dubious German testimony, Irving requested confirmation of the claim that the World Jєωιѕн Congress had demanded the liquidation of Dresden in reprisal for the crushing of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and the destruction of the ghetto
Actual Testimony
February 13/14 1945: Dresden was a hospital city for wounded soldiers. Together with the 600.000 refugees from Breslau, Dresden was filled with nearly 1.2 million people. More than 700.000 phosphorus bombs were dropped on 1.2 million people. One bomb for every 2 people. The temperature in the centre of the city reached 1600 centigrade.
But those who perished in the centre of the city can't be traced, their ashes were gone with the winds of fire. Approximately 125.000 children, women, the elderly, wounded soldiers and the animals of the zoo were eradicated in only one night[/size][/font][/size]