Does Fr. Rafael get along with + Tomas Aquinas? Benedictines normally make a vow of "Stability" or something like it.
Fr. Cyprian, Silver City, has been prior since 1991...Dunno if he still is. Same goes with + Tomas...1988? IN NORMAL TIMES, Benedictines get their jurisdiction directly from Rome, so they are not subject to bishops...per se.
From Our Lady of Guadalupe , Silver City, NM web page:
..."The faithful echo of this determined action would be heard again in our own day in the words of Archbishop Lefebvre, 'Without Monasteries, without religious consecrated to prayer, the Church will never be revived from the present crisis. ' "...
Imo, 2 new convents is essentially good news. We are not living in normal times. " C'est la guerre! " +Williamson liked to say...Fr.J. Pheiffer preached long on this topic, and realize that the victory is already had. Read also about the apparition of Pontmain France ...1871? The German general was BLOCKED by the Madonna at 9 p.m.. He ordered his troops to retreat...a miracle...? No one can defeat Our Lady of Hope! Please excuse the digression .