Sermon of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on the Death of Benedict XVI
Dies iræ, dies illa, dies tribulationis et angustiæ,
dies calamitatis et miseriæ, dies tenebrarum et caliginis,
dies nebulæ et turbinis, dies tubæ et clangoris
super civitates munitas et super angulos excelsos.
Zeph 1:15-16
Bitter is the day of the Lord! Even a valiant man cries it out. A day of wrath that day, a day of distress and affliction, a day of ruin and extermination, a day of darkness and gloom, and a day of cloud and caligin, a day of the sounding of horns and the shouting of war on the fortified cities and on the lofty towers. Thus the Prophet Zephaniah.
Absolve Domine. Forgive, O Lord. Let us sing these words in the section of the Mass for the departed, whether popes or simple clerics, rich or poor, wise or simple. Et gratia tua illis succurente, mereantur evadere judicium ultionis, et lucis æternæ beatitudine perfrui. May they overcome the final judgment with the help of your grace, and enjoy the bliss of eternal light.
We address this same prayer to the divine Majesty as we celebrate the Holy Mass of suffrage for the soul of Joseph Ratzinger, Roman Pontiff until Feb. 28, 2013. And as mercy toward the departed asks, we entrust it to the mercy of God, who knows everything and peers into the secret of hearts. Of what he did and said during his long life, and particularly after he ascended the Throne of Peter, we wish to recall that providential gesture of truth and justice by which he recognized full legitimacy to the Apostolic Liturgy, promulgating the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificuм. The good that the liberalization of the ancient rite has done to the Church will weigh in the balance of souls that we see in many depictions of the Archangel St. Michael. Thanks to it a multitude of faithful and priests - among whom we can include ourselves - have been able to know the priceless treasure of doctrine and spirituality that wicked choices had made inaccessible for fifty years; thanks to it a flooding river of Graces, which no one will be able to stop, has poured - and is still pouring today - over the Church and the world.
In contemplating the rubble that survives the conciliar devastation, I dare not think what the situation of the Church might be without the Mass of St. Pius V. Yet, in the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificuм itself, one cannot help but notice the precarious framework adopted by the exalted theologian Ratzinger: The thesis of Catholic orthodoxy (and the traditional Mass), the antithesis of modernist heresy (and the Montinian Mass), and the synthesis of Vatican II (and the co-presence of two forms of the same rite). The delicta juventutis [sins of his youth] were unfortunately never formally disavowed, although the horrors of the past decade have almost overshadowed them.
We can only pray fervently that in the near future that integral restitutio of the ancient rite may be accomplished that would put an end to decades of abuses, manipulations, adulterations and persecutions made more ferocious in the Bergoglian era.
Si iniquitates observaveris Domine, Domine, quis sustinebit? Who can withstand God's judgment, if we only consider our faults? No one. Yet the Mercy of God, who is our Father and who loves us even to the point of giving his own Only Begotten Son for our salvation, deigns to look at the good done with greater attention than he places on our faults. It is as if, in knowing us to be weak and sinful, He seeks all ways to snatch us from eternal damnation, giving us a thousand opportunities to redeem ourselves. This applies to the least of the faithful and to the one who sits on the highest Throne. The consideration of our sin should not lead us to consider ourselves destined to give in, and exempt from punishment, but spur us to put all our trust in the One who gives us strength (Phil. 4:13). And this is true even for those whom Providence has chosen to govern the Church.
Animated by this trust, Pope Benedict XVI sought in some way to repair that terrible vulnus that one of his Predecessors had caused to the ecclesial body; a wound that was going to heal, but which the maneuvers of the Enemy and his acolytes seek to keep open, thwarting Summorum Pontificuм even before the undeniable spiritual goods it brings to souls; indeed, precisely because of these infinite Graces, for they represent the most bitter defeat of the secularized and worldly spirit of the conciliar ideology.
And if the reformed rite has erased from the Requiem Mass the Dies iræ and imposed the Alleluias, we in the ancient Mass find the reasons for hope and composed suffrage for the soul of a man whom the Lord willed as His Vicar. In this rite we hear the voice of the Bride imploring mercy, pardon, indulgence, absolution, remission; the voice of the Bride who in acknowledging the sins of her children presents them before the Eternal Father, whom the divine Son redeems by His own Sacrifice. May therefore the soul of Pope Benedict find the place of refreshment, light and peace that we invoke for him in the Memento of the Canon.
In the blessed glory of Heaven, or in the purifying flames of Purgatory, Pope Benedict XVI will be able to pray for us and for the whole Church, knowing at last facie ad faciem that divine Truth which earthly exile only obscurely reveals. His prayers join with ours and with those of the holy souls and of the heavenly Court, to implore the divine Majesty for an end to the present tribulations, and in particular for the defeat and expulsion of the sect of heretics and corrupt that afflicts and eclipses the Holy Church of God.
January 5, MMXXIII
Vigil of the Epiphany of the Lord