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Offline SeanJohnson

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SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
« on: September 28, 2019, 07:25:13 AM »
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  • Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint Pie X 
    District d’Afrique 

    Le Supérieur de district 
    Abbé Henry Wuilloud 
    Email : 

    Aux fidèles 
    De l’Île de la Réunion 
    Et de l’Île Maurice 

    A Bredell, ce 18 décembre 2018 

    Bien chers fidèles et amis de la FSSPX, 

    Nous avons eu une demande d’éclaircissement au sujet du passage dans nos chapelles de prêtres qui ne sont pas de la Fraternité. Cela serait à la base de certains troubles et engendrerait des discussions, des jugements et peut-être même des critiques. 

    C’est bien volontiers que nous répondons, nous aimons bien que l’église soit au milieu du village ! Dans toute analyse, il faut voir les principes et puis aussi un état de fait. 

    Il ne me semble pas nécessaire ici de démontrer que la Fraternité par ses prêtres s’est toujours attachée à transmettre la foi catholique, à enseigner la morale traditionnelle, et à célébrer la liturgie antique. Vous en êtes tous les témoins et je n’ai jamais entendu le contraire. Donc nous pouvons dire que les principes sont gardés. 

    Maintenant un court état de fait : le modernisme est bien ancré dans toutes les paroisses des deux îles, le clergé aime les expériences de toutes sortes, la doctrine et la morale sont en baisse partout. C’est un aspect important, auquel il faut ajouter celui-ci : la Fraternité n’est guère présente que quelques jours chaque deux mois. Ce n’est pas beaucoup, j’en suis le premier conscient ; mais aussi à l’impossible nul n’est tenu. Je crois réellement que nous faisons notre possible. 

    A partir de cela, le constat est simple : de nombreux besoins spirituels de fidèles sont couverts… mais cela ne veut pas dire que c’est suffisant pour tout le monde. 

    En vérité, il y a ceux pour qui la messe et la confession chaque deux mois suffisent amplement. Ils ont une vie bien ordonnée, des bonnes habitudes de prière, des passions réglées, une bonne bibliothèque, etc. C’est vrai, ils peuvent vivre en bonne amitié avec le bon Dieu. Mais il y a aussi les moins forts, ceux qui ont besoin de la confession régulière et plus fréquente, ceux qui ont besoin d’être stimulé par le prêtre pour ne pas abandonner, ceux qui font leur possible pour transmettre à leurs enfants les rudiments de la foi mais qui sentent bien leurs limites, etc. Ceux-ci ont besoin de plus et nous comme prêtres nous connaissons et voyons ces besoins ! 

    L’idéal évident serait d’envoyer trois prêtres et de fonder un prieuré aussi rapidement que possible ! Mais voilà, cela ne sort pas de la manche d’un magicien. Nous y travaillons, nous avons certaines idées et projets. Mais évidemment, cela ne suffit pas à combler les besoins concrets qui sont d’aujourd’hui. 

    Alors on regarde autour de nous et nous essayons de voir si nous ne pouvons pas recevoir une certaine aide d’appoint. Pour cela, évidemment aussi, nous recherchons des prêtres catholiques. S’il n’y en a pas, sinon tellement imbibés de modernisme qu’il n’est pas question d’y faire recours, alors ce sera l’appel à la patience à des temps meilleurs (qui ne va pas sans une réelle souffrance pour les fidèles).

    Mais il serait peut-être bon de préciser par ce que j’entends dans le terme de prêtre catholique : un prêtre qui enseigne la foi et la morale catholique, qui célèbre les sacrements selon la liturgie de 1962 et qui ne soit pas contre nous ! Cela ne veut pas dire que les autres prêtres ne sont pas catholiques, mais simplement qu’ils ne sont pas utilisables pour nos fidèles et qu’ils sont soit dangereux pour la foi, soit laxistes pour la morale, soit encore qu’ils détestent la FSSPX. Ils sont tout simplement trop éloignés de nous. En disant cela, je ne crois pas avoir dérogé aux principes cités au début. 

    Venons-en maintenant aux faits concrets. A la Réunion, nous avons fait appel (l’abbé Demornex avec mon accord) à un prêtre qui célèbre aussi la nouvelle liturgie, mais qui accepte de célébrer de la même manière que nous les sacrements dans notre chapelle, qui est traditionnel dans sa doctrine et qui ma foi, n’est pas opposé à nous ! 

    Serions-nous alors en train de prendre le chemin du libéralisme et du modernisme en faisant cela !? Mon Dieu, certains traditionnalistes peuvent aussi avoir perdu un certain sens de l’Eglise. Le catéchisme nous enseigne qu’en danger de mort, et alors que je ne puis trouver d’autres prêtres, je pourrais recevoir les sacrements… même d’un prêtre schismatique ou hérétique (un prêtre orthodoxe par exemple). Justement parce que l’Eglise a un immense souci du salut des âmes et dans certains cas, elle ouvre certaines portes. 

    Alors nous… nous n’allons pas aussi loin. Nous vous disons simplement comprendre que certains fidèles ont un réel besoin du prêtre et des sacrements. A partir de là, dès que nous trouvons un prêtre catholique (cf. ci-dessus), alors nous nous portons garants pour ce prêtre qui vient bien charitablement nous apporter son aide. C’est un service, utilisez-le selon vos nécessités, soyez très libres de le faire. Et pour ceux qui n’en veulent pas, très bien, passez votre route mais surtout ne venez pas troubler les esprits. 

    A Maurice aussi, un prêtre catholique, mais horreur, il est de l’Institut du Christ-Roi. C’est donc du tradi-œcuмénisme !? Pas si vite. Il n’y a pas vraiment de grands rapports d’amitiés ou d’accointances entre les autorités de l’ICR et les nôtres. Mais cependant dans le chanoine Moreau, nous avons trouvé un prêtre formé à Ecône et qui est resté fidèle aux enseignements de ce séminaire et qui de plus possède un amour filial envers Mgr Lefebvre. Excusez-moi, je ne puis traiter d’ennemi une telle personne. C’est pour cette raison que j’ai donné la permission aux fidèles de Maurice d’aller selon leur désir à la Messe chez lui. C’est une permission liée à sa personne et non pas envers sa congrégation. Un changement de personne pourrait entraîner de varier notre décision. 

    Maintenant que je vous ai expliqué tout cela, je dois aussi vous avouer ma déception devant les défiances et les critiques de certains. On se méfie à priori de telles décisions ! Je comprends que ce n’est pas toujours évident, mais quand-même, croyez-vous que nous faisons tout cela sans prendre avis et conseils, que nous ne mesurons pas les conséquences de tels choix ? Nous n’avons aucun désir de mettre de l’eau dans le vin du bon combat de la foi, nous continuerons de clamer haut et fort les principes pérennes de la sainte Eglise catholique. 

    J’espère avoir rassuré la plupart d’entre vous, mais j’imagine qu’il y a toujours des irréductibles… Qu’ils apportent leur crainte à qui de droit, à mes Supérieurs par exemple, mais qu’ils laissent les autres en paix. Cette paix qui approche à grands pas, puisque la belle fête de Noël est dans quelques jours. Je vous souhaite à tous d’y puiser et la joie et la paix… celles qui sont transmises par ce splendide grégorien des Messes de Noël. Ecoutez-les, laissez-les vous imprégner, ces mélodies sont réellement vivantes. Passez de belles fêtes et que la grâce du Fils du Très-Haut vous soit abondante. Bien avec vous tous et au plaisir de revenir sur vos belles îles. 

    Abbé Henry Wuilloud, Supérieur de district 
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #1 on: September 28, 2019, 07:28:10 AM »
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  • Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X
    African District

    The District Superior
    Father Henry Wuilloud

    To the faithful
    From Reunion Island
    And Mauritius

    In Bredell, on December 18, 2018

    Dear faithful and friends of the FSSPX,

    We had a request for clarification regarding the passage of priests who are not of the Fraternity into our chapels. This would be at the root of some unrest and would generate discussions, judgments and perhaps even criticism.

    We are happy to answer, we like that the church is in the middle of the village! In any analysis, we must look at the principles and then also at a state of affairs.

    It does not seem necessary to me here to demonstrate that the Fraternity through its priests has always been committed to transmitting the Catholic faith, teaching traditional morality, and celebrating the ancient liturgy. You are all witnesses to it and I have never heard the opposite. So we can say that the principles are kept.

    Now a short fact: modernism is well established in all the parishes of the two islands, the clergy likes experiences of all kinds, doctrine and morals are declining everywhere. This is an important aspect, to which we must add this one: the Fraternity is only present for a few days every two months. It is not much, I am the first to be aware of it; but also to the impossible no one is bound. I really believe that we are doing what we can.

    From this point on, the observation is simple: many spiritual needs of the faithful are covered... but this does not mean that it is enough for everyone.

    In truth, there are those for whom mass and confession every two months are more than enough. They have a well-ordered life, good prayer habits, regulated passions, a good library, etc. It's true, they can live in good friendship with the good Lord. But there are also the less strong, those who need regular and more frequent confession, those who need to be stimulated by the priest not to give up, those who do their best to transmit to their children the basics of the faith but who feel their limits, etc. They need more and we as priests know each other and see these needs!

    The obvious ideal would be to send three priests and found a priory as soon as possible! But here it is, it doesn't come out of a magician's sleeve. We are working on it, we have some ideas and projects. But of course, this is not enough to meet the concrete needs of today.

    So we look around and try to see if we can't get some extra help. For this reason, of course, we are also looking for Catholic priests. If there are none, if not so much soaked in modernism that there is no question of resorting to it, then it will be a call for patience in better times (which does not go without real suffering for the faithful).

    But perhaps it would be good to specify by what I mean in the term Catholic priest: a priest who teaches Catholic faith and morals, who celebrates the sacraments according to the 1962 liturgy and who is not against us! This does not mean that other priests are not Catholics, but simply that they are not usable for our faithful and that they are either dangerous for the faith, or lax for morals, or that they hate the FSSPX. They are simply too far away from us. In saying that, I do not believe I have departed from the principles mentioned at the beginning.

    Let us now turn to the concrete facts. On Reunion Island, we called (Father Demornex with my agreement) on a priest who also celebrates the new liturgy, but who agrees to celebrate the sacraments in the same way as we do in our chapel, who is traditional in his doctrine and who, my faith, is not opposed to us!

    Would we then be taking the path of liberalism and modernism by doing this? My God, some traditionalists may also have lost a certain sense of the Church. Catechism teaches us that in danger of death, and while I cannot find other priests, I could receive the sacraments... even from a schismatic or heretical priest (an Orthodox priest for example). Precisely because the Church has an immense concern for the salvation of souls and in some cases, it opens certain doors.

    So we... we don't go that far. We are simply telling you that some of the faithful have a real need for the priest and the sacraments. From then on, as soon as we find a Catholic priest (cf. above), we will act as guarantors for this priest who comes to help us in a charitable way. It is a service, use it according to your needs, be very free to do it. And for those who don't want it, fine, go on your way but above all don't come to disturb minds.

    In Mauritius too, a Catholic priest, but horror, he is from the Institute of Christ the King. So it's traditional ecuмenism!? Not so fast. There is not really a great relationship of friendship or acquaintance between the ICR authorities and ours. But in Canon Moreau, however, we found a priest trained in Ecône who remained faithful to the teachings of this seminar and who also has a filial love for Bishop Lefebvre. Excuse me, I cannot call such a person an enemy. It is for this reason that I have given permission to Maurice's faithful to go to Mass at his home according to their desire. It is a permission linked to his person and not to his congregation. A change of person could lead to a change in our decision.

    Now that I have explained all this to you, I must also confess my disappointment at the mistrust and criticism of some people. We are suspicious of such decisions a priori! I understand that it is not always obvious, but do you think that we do all this without taking advice and guidance, that we do not appreciate the consequences of such choices? We have no desire to put water in the wine of the good fight of faith, we will continue to proclaim loud and clear the perennial principles of the Holy Catholic Church.

    I hope I have reassured most of you, but I imagine that there are always those who are irreducible... Let them bring their fear to the right people, to my Superiors for example, but let them leave the others alone. This peace is fast approaching, since the beautiful Christmas celebration is in a few days. I wish you all to draw from it both joy and peace... those that are transmitted by this splendid Gregorian of the Christmas Masses. Listen to them, let them soak you, these melodies are really alive. Have a beautiful feast and may the grace of the Son of the Most High be abundant to you. Good with all of you and at the pleasure of returning to your beautiful islands.

    Father Henry Wuilloud, District Superior
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #2 on: September 28, 2019, 07:41:18 AM »
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  • Note: Some readers might recall that it was Fr. Henry Wuilloud who prosecuted and led the expulsion trial of Fr. Matthieu Salenave (now-SAJM) from the SSPX.

    Fr. Salenave leaked the internal Menzingen letter to the internet condemning the book of Fr. Francois Pivers ("Our Relations with Rome" which was 95% quotes from Archbishop Lefebvre), which included strident defenses of the Ecclesia Dei communities, and chastised Fr. Pivert for focusing excessively on Christ the King.

    That internal letter brought to light the complete reversal of Archbishop Lefebvre's policy toward the rallied PCED communities, and the SSPX's refusal to collaborate with them.

    The letter in the OP above demonstrates unequivocally the logical consequences of such a policy, and the dilution of Tradition/SSPX which follows from disregarding Archbishop Lefebvre's wise policy.

    Fr. Wuilloud's letter also reveals the consistency in this respect between the policies of the Fellay-Pagliarani regimes, and dispels the deception from a recent Fr. Pagliarani interview in which he seemed to be talking traditional, causing some naive faithful to wonder if perhaps he would reverse course on the ralliement.  

    Yet the Africal letter of Fr. Wuilloud shows exactly the opposite, and the same duplicity which characterized Bishop Fellay's regime (i.e., saying one thing, and doing another) manifests itself quite clearly here again.

    NB: The Medias-Presse link in the OP puts this African treachery in greater context, adding other examples of conciliar infiltration into the SSPX, highlighting the ongoing Bishop Huonder episode (dispensing doubtful sacraments in SSPX chapels without a whimper from the faithful), and the advent of English Bishop Egan to the SSPX school which resulted in the expulsion of the Oblates who refused to pray with the conciliar bishop, etc.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #3 on: September 28, 2019, 08:09:28 AM »
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  • Note also the justification for this tradcuмenism is necessity:

    Some faithful will be placed in extreme spiritual necessity if they cannot receive the sacraments more frequently than the SSPX can serve them (i.e., two month intervals).

    That principle is solid (Archbishop Lefebvre himself acknowledged it), and I have explained it myself in relation to Bishop Williamson (Mahopac).

    Nobody disputes that a man dying on the side of the road could make a confession to a doubtfully ordained, excommunicated laicized priest, because "necessity dispenses with the law" (St. Thomas Aquinas).

    The problem is the misapplication of the principle: The biritual priest is invited into the SSPX chapel where, quite naturally, there will be gathered those in necessity, and those not in necessity.

    And consequently, those without real need will be receiving the doubtful sacraments which it is not licit for them to request (Fr. Scott: We must take a tutiorist position with regard to the validity of the sacraments), as it is for those others among them who will fall into grave sin if they do not receive them:

    These latter are permitted to roll the dice regarding the validity because of their subjective necessity; the former are not permitted.

    Regarding these faithful who are NOT in necessity, they are being conditioned by the invitation of this priest into their chapel, to disregard this precept of moral law (just as all those who frequent Bishop Huonder's SSPX school chapel in Switzerland have disregarded it).

    And of course, the obvious intention to use this argument of necessity (applicable to some, but not to others) is to further integrate the faithful and clergy in preparation for the canonical regularization of the SSPX.

    Prediction: More actions like that taking place in Africa will spread worldwide, and the situation (justified by necessity as an exception) will become the new normal.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #4 on: September 28, 2019, 08:36:16 AM »
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  • Prediction: More actions like that taking place in Africa will spread worldwide, and the situation (justified by necessity as an exception) will become the new normal.


    Because the same (misapplied) rationale used in Africa would apply everywhere the SSPX has an irregular mission:

    Some will always need a higher frequency of sacraments lest they fall.

    Actually, as I think about it, since many are daily Mass communicants, one could use the same faulty application of an otherwise solid principle to justify conciliar clergy in EVERY SSPX chapel lacking daily Mass:

    Some would fall into grave sin without conciliar assistance!
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #5 on: September 28, 2019, 08:50:22 AM »
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  • Step, by step, by step: Walking into conciliar pluralism.

    First, we do not question the form of the new sacramental formulae;

    Second, we do not require the conditional ordination/consecration of conciliar refugees (and infiltrators);

    Third, we make use of conciliar churches (always upon some plausible justification, but in truth based upon Fr. Pfluger’s stated need for the clergy and faithful to reach out to the conciliarists);

    Fourth, to integrate with conciliarists in social functions (eg., conferences);

    Fifth, to have our people receive sacraments in conciliar churches, by conciliar priests (eg., the wedding in Canada);

    Sixth, to have our people receive sacraments by conciliar clergy in SSPX chapels (eg., Africa; also, as the 2017 pastoral guidelines regarding sspx marriages envisioned, even if it is the exception until further conditioning can make it palpable).

    It has all been planned for many years:

    Proceeding by stages.  
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Maria Regina

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    Re: SSPX Worldwide Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #6 on: September 28, 2019, 02:21:15 PM »
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  • It looks like 2020 will be the death spiral as the SSPX finally capitulates to the global pedophile elites centered in the Vatican.

    Is this why SSPX has been busy selling off chapels and churches in the USA and busy buying castles in Europe? Note that pedophiles like to have dark castles which attract children.

    Please pray for the children.
    Lord have mercy.

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #7 on: September 29, 2019, 07:03:00 AM »
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  • Amazed this news passed nearly without comment.

    Bishop Williamson was right: The formless darkness of Romano is upon us, in the face of which everyone remains silent.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Mr G

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #8 on: September 29, 2019, 09:09:09 AM »
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  • Amazed this news passed nearly without comment.

    Bishop Williamson was right: The formless darkness of Romano is upon us, in the face of which everyone remains silent.
    Well, for me, I think your commentary was sufficient that nothing else needed to be added. Although Non Possmus has added the following:


    Quotes from Mons. Lefebvre (who, apparently, had little "sense of the Church"):

    St Michel in Brenne, March 18, 1989

    Dear Father Couture,

    To your letter, received yesterday in St Michel, I reply immediately to tell you what I think about those priests who receive a “celebret” from the Roman Commission in charge of dividing and destroying us.

    It is clear that by putting themselves in the hands of the current conciliar authorities, they implicitly admit the Council and the Reforms that come out of it, even if they receive privileges that continue to be exceptional and transitory.
    His word is paralyzed by this acceptance. The Bishops watch over you!

    It is unfortunate that these priests do not become aware of this reality. But we cannot deceive the faithful.
    It is the same for those "traditional Masses" organized by the dioceses. They are celebrated between two conciliar masses. The celebrating priest says both the new and the old mass. How and by whom will communion be distributed? And the sermon how will it be? Etc.

    These Masses are "fool catchers" that lead the faithful to commitment.
    Many have already left.

    What they must change is their liberal and modernist doctrine.
    You have to be patient and pray. The hour of God will come.

    May God grant you holy Easter feast.
    Very cordially yours in Christ and Mary.

    + Marcel Lefebvre

    Why can't we attend the masses of those who adhere to Rome (and the masses granted by the modernist bishops called "masses according to the pardon of 1984"?

    The most common objection is the following: Mass according to the ancient rite is good, so why not participate in it with the intention of fulfilling the Sunday obligation?

    (...) The mass is an act of worship, and to participate in it is to profess the faith and religion of that cult. In those attached to Rome, although the appearances are identical (mass, sacraments, etc.), faith and religion changed. Faith has given rise to a feeling and its religion entered into pluralism, a false principle that admits the peaceful coexistence of diverse opinions and different religions.

    Indeed, the Motu Proprio of July 2, 1988 granted them the old Mass to satisfy "their just aspirations", to "respect the spiritual desire of all those who feel tied to the Latin liturgical tradition", and not for reasons of faith that makes us understand that the new mass departs from the Catholic faith and approaches Protestantism: by feeling and not by attachment to the truth along with the rejection of error.

    They have entered into pluralism, because in practice they put the two masses in equality according to the terms of the Motu Proprio: there are among the various liturgical rites "diversity of charisms" and "unity in variety." Consequently, they passed, on the doctrinal level, to the admission of the errors of the Second Vatican Council that refer to religious freedom and ecuмenism that are the source of pluralism. (...)

    ( Monsignor Lefebvre, "Rome and the Ralliés", part VII).

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #9 on: September 30, 2019, 07:20:56 AM »
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  • This article explains the Mauritian bishop’s decision to bring Fr. Moreau of the ICK to the island in 2016:
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #10 on: September 30, 2019, 04:03:42 PM »
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  • Apparently, Menzingen would prefer you not read this thread.

    Therefore I will spank a naughty child, and give it a gratuitous bump.

    You didn't really think I would fall for your clumsy diversion tactic (which I have successfully avoided so many times before), did you?

    Your appearance means the arrows are hitting the mark!

    Glad to see they brought you out of retirement, as it serves as a confirmation.

    Now, about that African SSPX bi-ritual and indult priest scandal...
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline homeschoolmom

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #11 on: September 30, 2019, 06:53:31 PM »
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  • ? ^^^ I missed something.

    I love that a priest who was trained in Econe and left for the ICK and says the NO Mass is considered to be faithful to the teachings of Econe. (We need the hand over mouth giggle emoticon.)

    So the people who may have an emergency need of the sacraments in between the SSPX visits are not being privately counseled to go to the pre-approved ICK priest? This is the ICK priest being brought in to minister regularly to all in the SSPX chapel? 

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: SSPX Africa Begins Death Spiral
    « Reply #12 on: September 30, 2019, 07:28:35 PM »
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  • ? ^^^ I missed something.

    I love that a priest who was trained in Econe and left for the ICK and says the NO Mass is considered to be faithful to the teachings of Econe. (We need the hand over mouth giggle emoticon.)

    So the people who may have an emergency need of the sacraments in between the SSPX visits are not being privately counseled to go to the pre-approved ICK priest? This is the ICK priest being brought in to minister regularly to all in the SSPX chapel?

    Quite the contradiction, ain’t it?

    Those who Lefebvre said were doing the devil’s work are judged by Pagliarani/Wuilloud  as being “faithful to Ecône.”

    In yet another parallel between the crisis in the Church after Vatican II, and the crisis in the SSPX since 2012, we must now ask our selves, “To which Ecône is Wuilloud referring:  

    Catholic Ecône, or conciliar Ecône?”

    But one correction, dear HSM:

    The instruction is not private, but public:

    The “faithful” (I use the term loosely) are to frequent the ICK priest.

    Meanwhile, a conciliar priest says Mass (?) in the SSPX chapel.

    But there’s Really no contradiction, you see: “The context is different (lol).”

    Ps: What you missed was my old buddy (Menzingen shill asset) activated to pull me off this story by quibbling about my book.  He claimed there really was no contradiction in #5 because de Gallareta was giving his own opinion in 2012 against a deal, but expressing his consent to the official SSPX position in 2012, and therefore there is no contradiction.  Lol.  And aside from acknowledging the very argument he set out to refute, he openly acknowledged (unwittingly) the change/contradiction between 2011/2012😳!
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."