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Author Topic: Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah  (Read 9023 times)

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Offline John Grace

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Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
« on: July 02, 2012, 08:04:15 AM »
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  • I'm sure you have seen the dinner photographs of Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah.
    Peter Wensierski ist ein exzellenter Journalist. Qualität zählt. Dazu ist er unabhängig, was ich von den anderen deutschen Kirchenreportern - vielleicht mit Ausnahme von Matthias Drobinski - so nicht behaupten würde. Ein unabhängiger, kluger Kopf, dabei korrekt in seinen Methoden - sicher in vielem anderer Meinung als ich. Besser als ein törichter Claqueur. Freund/ Feind-Denken bringt nichts, am wenigsten bei Medienleuten.
    Peter Wensierski is an excellent journalist. Quality counts. To do this, he is independent, what I maybe so would say of the other German church reporters - with the exception of Matthias Drobinski-. An independent, clever head correctly in his methods - certainly much disagree as I. Better than a foolish claque. Friend / enemy thinking brings nothing, at least with media people.

    Maximilian Krah Jungs, beim besten Willen, ohne Wensierski und seine Fairness wäre die Piusbruderschaft im Februar/ März 2009 als Bande von Antisemiten statt als konservative katholische Bewegung, die leider ein paar Idioten in ihren Reihen hat, gesehen worden - und damit erledigt gewesen. Nahezu jede Gruppe, deren Anliegen jenseits des katholischen Mainstreams ist, schwört auf den Mann; etwa das (konservative) Netzwerk katholischer Priester. Sicher auch linke Grüppchen. Ihr urteilt hier beide etwas flott, und obendrein auch noch falsch und ungerecht. Ich schätze Peter Wensierski als Mensch und Journalisten, sein Glaube zeigt sich etwa an seiner Verehrung des Turiner Grabtuchs. Er hat als SPIEGEL- und ARD-Reporter in den 1980er Jahren in der "DDR" offen gegen die Kommunisten geschrieben, ist bis heute ein Stasi-Aufklärer und Freund der alten Bürgerrechtler. Ein Mann mit Prinzipien und Charakter. Ich teile seine Ansichten in vielem nicht, aber wir schätzen uns genau deshalb, weil wir Überzeugungen haben. Wir brauchen nicht Freunde, die uns nach dem Munde reden, sondern starke Personen, die uns auch einmal das sagen, was uns schmerzt - selbst, wenn es nicht immer stimmt.

    Guys, with the best will, without Wensierski and its fairness would be the Pius brotherhood in February / March 2009 as a gang of αnтι-ѕємιтєs, rather than as a conservative Catholic movement which has unfortunately a few idiots in their ranks, been - seen and thus been done. Almost any group whose Anliegen beyond the Catholic mainstream, swears by the man; as the (conservative) network of Catholic priest. Certainly the group left. Your judges here both somewhat quickly, and on top of that also still wrong and unjust. I guess Peter Wensierski as people and journalists, his faith shows some of his admiration of the Turin shroud. He has written as SPIEGEL-and ARD-reporter in the 1980s in the "GDR" openly against the Communists, is a friend of the old civil rights activist and Stasi reconnaissance until today. A man with principles and character. I do not share his views in many respects, but we appreciate us precisely because we have beliefs. We need not friends who talk to the mouth, but strong who even say us what ails us - even if it is not always true.

    Und nochmal: Ohne SPIEGEL/ Wensierski hätte 2009 Williamson die FSSPX mit in den Abgrund gerissen. Damals war did FSSPX eben transparent, und die Medien haben das transportiert. Du hättest es damals alles vor die Hunde gehen lassen. Man sollte manchmal die Demut aufbringen, die Wirklichkeit auch dann anzuerkennen, wenn sie dem eigenen Denken widerspricht.

    And again: without mirror / Wensierski Williamson would have swept 2009 the SSPX in the abyss. At that time did SSPX was very transparent, and the media have transported the. You could leave it at that time everything to the dogs. You should sometimes muster the humility to recognize the reality even if it is contrary to the own thinking

    Offline John Grace

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 08:09:16 AM »
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  • Dumb Ox posted this on IA previously.It was then posted here on Cath Info by me.

    Fact 1.
    The following words were written by Peter Wensierski:
    "The letter makes clear that conflicting positions on Vatican II is 'not decisive' for the future of the Catholic Church. In short, the Society of St. Pius X is no longer demanding that the Vatican II reforms be repealed".

    Fact 2.
    Peter Wensierski is a friend and close collaborator of Fr. Pfluger and The Crow.

    Fact 3.
    Bishop Fellay has welcomed and encouraged the close collaboration between Wensierski, Fr. Pfluger and "He who shall remain nameless".

    Fact 4.
    The level of collaboration and trust between the powers-that-be at Menzingen and Peter Wensierski extends to the level of providing to him the content of private communication between Bishop Williamson and Menzingen for Wensierski to make use of in his journalism.

    Fact 5.
    It was to Wensierski that the powers-that-be at Menzingen described Bishop Williamson in terms of being "a first class provocateur" who "has always had strange ideas", someone who "exaggerates", someone who "is not a scholar", someone who is "a ticking time bomb", someone likened to "uranium", someone who "doesn't study the docuмents", someone with "Parkinson's Disease", and so on.

    Fact 6.
    In contrast Fr. Pfluger describes Wensierski as someone who is "honest and upright" and who is "most helpful for the Society".

    I am reluctantly forced to conclude that Wensierski has indeed been informed of the content of Bishop Fellay's response to NewChurch and that Wensierski is merely acting in his capacity of being "most helpful for the Society".

    Offline JPaul

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #2 on: July 02, 2012, 08:42:39 AM »
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  • Quote from: John Grace
    Dumb Ox posted this on IA previously.It was then posted here on Cath Info by me.

    Fact 1.
    The following words were written by Peter Wensierski:
    "The letter makes clear that conflicting positions on Vatican II is 'not decisive' for the future of the Catholic Church. In short, the Society of St. Pius X is no longer demanding that the Vatican II reforms be repealed".

    Fact 2.
    Peter Wensierski is a friend and close collaborator of Fr. Pfluger and The Crow.

    Fact 3.
    Bishop Fellay has welcomed and encouraged the close collaboration between Wensierski, Fr. Pfluger and "He who shall remain nameless".

    Fact 4.
    The level of collaboration and trust between the powers-that-be at Menzingen and Peter Wensierski extends to the level of providing to him the content of private communication between Bishop Williamson and Menzingen for Wensierski to make use of in his journalism.

    Fact 5.
    It was to Wensierski that the powers-that-be at Menzingen described Bishop Williamson in terms of being "a first class provocateur" who "has always had strange ideas", someone who "exaggerates", someone who "is not a scholar", someone who is "a ticking time bomb", someone likened to "uranium", someone who "doesn't study the docuмents", someone with "Parkinson's Disease", and so on.

    Fact 6.
    In contrast Fr. Pfluger describes Wensierski as someone who is "honest and upright" and who is "most helpful for the Society".

    I am reluctantly forced to conclude that Wensierski has indeed been informed of the content of Bishop Fellay's response to NewChurch and that Wensierski is merely acting in his capacity of being "most helpful for the Society".

    John, that would be "most helpful" to the Bishop Fellay Society.  The Society of  Shoah protection and propagation. They have made friends with mammon and the world. The unfathful but wise steward.

    How helpful was he in 2009 to the British end of the Society, when it was under attack?

    Offline John Grace

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #3 on: July 02, 2012, 08:53:20 AM »
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  • Krah mentions how he sees the Society as a conservative Catholic movement and laments the "few idiots in the ranks" of the SSPX. He confirms a major obstacle has been Bishop Williamson.Krah states and I use the English translation "And again: without mirror / Wensierski Williamson would have swept 2009 the SSPX in the abyss."

    It confirms that Bishop Fellay knew what he was doing.

    Offline John Grace

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #4 on: July 02, 2012, 08:59:49 AM »
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  • "Discussing politics and Church issues w/ one of Germany's senior journalists: Peter Wensierski — at Restaurant Entrecote."

    Offline Wessex

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #5 on: July 02, 2012, 10:03:14 AM »
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  • It is incredible that the Society is now in the hands of such cocky outside operators that are able to bedazzle and influence the fate of established institutions. Undoubtedly, Bp. Fellay wants to be part of the forward-looking conciliar church and feels that getting in with the right kind of people will do the trick, regardless of minor inconveniences like doctrine and a history of anti-modernism. Krah knows the impact of calling someone anti-semitic and using other media-induced misconceptions to change the Society.

    Offline Ethelred

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #6 on: July 02, 2012, 10:12:28 AM »
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  • Attention traditional catholics:

    We keep a wary eye on you!


    (1) Where did I get that sneaky and sly photo of him? Header photo of his blog.

    (2) Who's the "We" in the heading? It's Max & the ѕуηαgσgυє of Satan, see the two flags on his blog:

    That's saying it all.


    Offline Diego

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #7 on: July 02, 2012, 11:14:51 AM »
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  • Expectedly Krah's Facebook page has been scabbed. Who has screen captures?

    Offline Elizabeth

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #8 on: July 02, 2012, 11:17:57 AM »
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  • This informative  Crow blog should be sent to all SSPX clergy AND staff members.


    Offline morningstar

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #9 on: July 02, 2012, 11:44:16 AM »
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  • Quote from: Diego
    Expectedly Krah's Facebook page has been scabbed. Who has screen captures?

    I can see his entire facebook, but I don't know how to do the screen capture thingy.

    Offline John Grace

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #10 on: July 02, 2012, 11:48:07 AM »
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  • Quote from: Elizabeth
    This informative  Crow blog should be sent to all SSPX clergy AND staff members.


    I'm not shocked. I recall mentioning on this forum of the scenario of a man in America presenting docuмented facts to a Society priest.  The cleric dismissed it as "internet rumour". Whilst I commend Elizabeth for her noble idea, it is a waste of time sending them the facts.

    Even in his excellent letter, Fr Clifton is only angered by events of the past three months.

    We can conclude the Society of St. Pius X are going to do nothing about Maximilian Krah. They seem more concerned in establishing who 'William of Norwich' is. I remain disgusted with the SSPX.

    Offline Elizabeth

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #11 on: July 02, 2012, 11:49:25 AM »
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  • Quote from: morningstar
    Quote from: Diego
    Expectedly Krah's Facebook page has been scabbed. Who has screen captures?

    I can see his entire facebook, but I don't know how to do the screen capture thingy.

    google up how to take screen shot on [whatever computer] you are using.

    I always forget, but it is easy enough for even me to do-I don't have FB or I'd do it for you.

    Offline John Grace

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #12 on: July 02, 2012, 11:53:28 AM »
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  • Quote from: Elizabeth
    Quote from: morningstar
    Quote from: Diego
    Expectedly Krah's Facebook page has been scabbed. Who has screen captures?

    I can see his entire facebook, but I don't know how to do the screen capture thingy.

    google up how to take screen shot on [whatever computer] you are using.

    I always forget, but it is easy enough for even me to do-I don't have FB or I'd do it for you.

    I could of posted the photographs of him at the Israeli base over a year ago but what was the point? Taking screen shots are a waste of time.

    How many will be placed under "holy obedience" like 'Marie Elizabeth' was?

    Offline Elizabeth

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #13 on: July 02, 2012, 11:54:55 AM »
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  • Quote from: John Grace
    Whilst I commend Elizabeth for her noble idea, it is a waste of time sending them the facts.

    Even in his excellent letter, Fr Clifton is only angered by events of the past three months.

    We can conclude the Society of St. Pius X are going to do nothing about Maximilian Krah. They seem more concerned in establishing who 'William of Norwich' is. I remain disgusted with the SSPX.

    Thanks, John.

    I was thinking that the image is more powerful than any "Dear Father" letters could possibly be.

    They did it for me.  Seriously, Ethelred's link turned the fire up for me.

    Offline Elizabeth

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    Peter Wensierski and Maximilian Krah
    « Reply #14 on: July 02, 2012, 11:58:42 AM »
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  • I took 2 screen shots of the Crow.   :light-saber: