These measures are now transpiring worldwide by design.
The conciliar bishops understand the game that is being played, while Menzingen does not (or doesn’t care):
The more Rome gets them to interact with conciliarists, the more conciliar residue adheres to the SSPX clergy, while the collaboration becomes the new normal, with the faithful and clergy accustomed to it.
"But we must be patient. What is important is that there no longer be rejection in their hearts."
First, no more combat against modernism and the modernists.
Next, collaboration.
Finally, incorporation.
It is the conversion of the SSPX to conciliarism by praxis, and the process -which is primarily psychological- is all but complete.
The proof of the Society’s conversion?
That these bishops can waltz into SSPX venues as heroes, unchallenged by clergy or faithful:
Afterwards, it is not the conciliar bishop who rejoices within himself that he has been accepted as Catholic by Catholics, but the SSPX which rejoices to have been accepted as Catholic by the conciliarists.
Modernist Rome has won the war, and converted the SSPX after 25 years of subversive leadership has steered the whole ship away from Archbishop Lefebvre (who is nothing more to the SSPX now than an embarrassing mascot, and a disturbing reminder of what they used to be):
Soon, despite the sanitized docuмentary, and the "man of the Church" rebranding in the interim/transitional phase, the faithful and clergy will feel, in places they don't talk about at parties, that +Lefebvre deserved to be excommunicated.