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Author Topic: Michael Voris dissected  (Read 5780 times)

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Offline Yeti

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Re: Michael Voris dissected
« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2020, 03:35:50 PM »
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  • So, you're saying you object to the Epistles written by St. Paul and believe he has no business teaching morality since in his past life he was a great sinner and persecutor of Christians who participated in the killing of St. Stephen?
    This was written in response to my post in which I said:

    The Catholic thing to do for someone who has led a life of gross immorality and then repented is not to set himself up as an religious authority or some sort of public teacher of faith and morals. The true humility that goes along with repentance precludes such a thing, and if he were really repentance, he would accept the fact that he is not in a position to run a YouTube channel about theology or religious subjects, and never will be again.
    Yes, I understand that St. Augustine does not follow this general rule. An exception does not remove the rule. Michael Voris is not another St. Augustine.

    If you can't even read the whole post of just a couple of sentences, why are you writing on this website? I just answered your objection in advance before you even wrote it, by mentioning St. Augustine.
    Just to repeat, someone who leads a life of public, gross immorality should not make himself a public teacher of religion as Michael Voris is doing. Not even after some period of penance. Not for the rest of his life. Even if Michael Voris had done public penance, and I'm not aware that he did. This general rule obviously does not include St. Paul, St. Augustine, or other exceptional cases. Those are exceptional cases. Michael Voris is not an exceptional case. Is all of this a little clearer now?
    I'm getting a little curious what your angle is in this. Your account is new, and it appears you only created this account in order to spread this story on the SSPX. Why? Do you have an ax to grind with them? Did you have some bad experience with the SSPX, and this is your way of getting revenge?

    Offline Sam Smith

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    Re: Michael Voris dissected
    « Reply #46 on: April 27, 2020, 05:20:23 PM »
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  • Just to repeat, someone who leads a life of public, gross immorality should not make himself a public teacher of religion as Michael Voris is doing. Not even after some period of penance. Not for the rest of his life. Even if Michael Voris had done public penance, and I'm not aware that he did. This general rule obviously does not include St. Paul, St. Augustine, or other exceptional cases. Those are exceptional cases. Michael Voris is not an exceptional case. Is all of this a little clearer now?
    I'm getting a little curious what your angle is in this. Your account is new, and it appears you only created this account in order to spread this story on the SSPX. Why? Do you have an ax to grind with them? Did you have some bad experience with the SSPX, and this is your way of getting revenge?
    Fact: God uses great sinners to raise them up to become great saints. It's not unusual. There are a great many examples of this in the Faith: St. Dismas, St. Paul, St. Augustine, and others.

    Why exclude Michael Voris? Is he not capable of being used by God? He seems tough from what I saw in the latest video, and he's not backing down from this fight while a ton of people are calling him "fruit loop" or whatever.

    Don't make it personal about me. You are happy to talk about the SSPX's desire to return to the arms of the Novus Ordo, but not its coverup of predators. Does that mean you have a special affection for pedos and homos? Probably not. So, it's not about an ax to grind, it's about the truth and ending the lies.
     Fr. Wegner should be sent packing immediately. His personal failures are EPIC.

    Offline Meg

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    Re: Michael Voris dissected
    « Reply #47 on: April 28, 2020, 08:55:32 AM »
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  • .
    This was written in response to my post in which I said:

    If you can't even read the whole post of just a couple of sentences, why are you writing on this website? I just answered your objection in advance before you even wrote it, by mentioning St. Augustine.
    Just to repeat, someone who leads a life of public, gross immorality should not make himself a public teacher of religion as Michael Voris is doing. Not even after some period of penance. Not for the rest of his life. Even if Michael Voris had done public penance, and I'm not aware that he did. This general rule obviously does not include St. Paul, St. Augustine, or other exceptional cases. Those are exceptional cases. Michael Voris is not an exceptional case. Is all of this a little clearer now?
    I'm getting a little curious what your angle is in this. Your account is new, and it appears you only created this account in order to spread this story on the SSPX. Why? Do you have an ax to grind with them? Did you have some bad experience with the SSPX, and this is your way of getting revenge?

    You've provided a good explanation of the situation with Voris, but the new forum member, who is an advocate for Voris, has not paid any attention to it. And he didn't answer your questions.
    "It is licit to resist a Sovereign Pontiff who is trying to destroy the Church. I say it is licit to resist him in not following his orders and in preventing the execution of his will. It is not licit to Judge him, to punish him, or to depose him, for these are acts proper to a superior."

    ~St. Robert Bellarmine
    De Romano Pontifice, Lib.II, c.29

    Offline 2Vermont

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    Re: Michael Voris dissected
    « Reply #48 on: April 28, 2020, 04:51:10 PM »
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  • I'm still wondering whether "the new forum member" is new .... or an old forum member under a new name.  Because I would think he/she would have been just as upset and involved in the old threads here a few years back.
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline dymphnaw

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    Re: Michael Voris dissected
    « Reply #49 on: April 28, 2020, 07:39:21 PM »
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  • I don't like Christine Niles  but  she is Vietnamese  and not fat.

    Offline gladius_veritatis

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    Re: Michael Voris dissected
    « Reply #50 on: December 13, 2021, 11:15:11 AM »
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  • I wasn't around much when this discussion took place, but did anyone ever point out that Sam Smith is the name of a sodomite singer from England?  Maybe everyone involved in this and related exchanges knew this, someone pointed it out, most think it doesn't matter, etc.  Maybe not.  

    Anyway, cheers :)
    "Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is all man."

    Offline Charity

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    Re: Michael Voris dissected
    « Reply #51 on: December 13, 2021, 11:34:57 AM »
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  • Voris is a blatant judaizer.

    He's associated with Jєωs who promote the Noahide laws.

    And in his Church Militant video below at 4:00, he endorses Opus Dei


    Wednesday, December 21, 2016

    Michael Voris’ Church Militant promotes the seven noahide laws

    Michael Voris’ Church Militant which bills itself as ‘authentic catholicism’, has been pushing a crowdfunding website,, run by the Jєωιѕн Institute for Global Awareness (JIFGA).  What’s wrong with that?  Well, the ‘morality’ being promoted is the anti-Christian Noahide Laws!  The founder of JIFGA, Arthur Goldberg tells Christine Niles,

    Below are two screenshots from the Church Militant post, New Crowdfunding Site Supports Moral Causes.


    You shouldn’t be.

    When one starts from the premise that the solution to the problems of the Novus Ordo church is Opus (ju)Dei then it is only logical that one would end up supporting an organization such as JIFGA touting the Noahide Laws as Biblical!

    What did Francis’ late rabbinical buddy Angel Kreiman have to say of Opus (ju)Dei?

    Kreiman further said that Christians and Jєωs need to “work together in favor of the principal humanitarian causes: social order, unemployment and poverty, drugs, hunger, and the fight against a consumerism empty of spirituality.”  Sounds just like what Church Militant and Francis are selling doesn’t it?

    Jorge Mario Bergoglio & Rabbi Angel Kreiman

    Sadly this isn’t the first time Mike and his Church Militant crew have promoted the Noahide Laws on their website.  For more information see, Church Militant’s New Organization Seeks to Promote Moral Law, which also contains the seven noahide laws as shown in the below screenshot.

    We can hear you asking what’s so bad about the Noahide Laws?

    First off they are not Biblical as Arthur Goldberg and Church Militant would have you believe.  They are anti-Biblical, anti-Christian, and anti-Christ rules created by the rabbis.  Want to know what one who follows the Noahide Laws believes about Our Savior, Jesus the Christ?  Then click here and read about how he was a false prophet who led the Jєωιѕн people astray, was sɛҳuąƖly immoral, practiced witchcraft, violated God’s laws, etc...

    Two rabbis laying down the noahide laws for gentiles.

    The Noahide Laws forbids idolatry.  That’s a good thing isn’t it?  Well, actually it isn’t good if you are a follower of Jesus the Christ.  We will return to that in a moment.  According to the book, The Path of the Righteous Gentile by the rabbis Chaim Clorfene and Yakov Rogalsky, in PART TWO: Serving an idol; making an idol, one reads:

    Further in PART THREE: Convincing others to serve an idol; false prophets of the same book it says:

    Did you catch that?

    Worshiping an idol gets one the death penalty! 

    The book The Path of the Righteous Gentile is filled with admonitions against idol worshiping such as these.  We can hear you say, “Christ isn’t an idol and belief in him as the Savior of mankind isn’t idol worship!”  Did you notice the footnotes above?  What did they source?  The Mishneh Torah which is subtitled, Sefer Yad ha-Hazaka.  Translated this means, Repetition of the Torah: Book of the Strong Hand.  This is a code of Jєωιѕн religious law or halakha authored by the RaMBaM, Maimonides.  What does he have to say about Christians?  Yori Yanover writing for The Jєωιѕн Press says of the RaMBaM:
    Has Michael Voris ever marshaled the overwhelming evidence on who really planned, executed and covered up 9-11 and then made it public to his fawning audience?  If not why not?!

    Offline Incredulous

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    Re: Michael Voris dissected
    « Reply #52 on: December 13, 2021, 04:02:30 PM »
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  • I had forgotten about this post with it’s damning video evidence of Voris’s judaic agenda.

    Obviously, Opus judei realized they went too far with this “talking head” and had to cover their trad market credibility losses.

    Like the “miraculous Marrano”,
    Roy Schoeman, they created the Anglican-jew trad convert, Taylor Marshall to cover their media gap.

    Opus Dei won’t have Voris, Marshall or Vigano say anything truthful about тαℓмυdic judaism ✡️ 

    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi