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Eleison Comments - Honouring Apostates (no. 868)
« on: March 03, 2024, 11:28:01 AM »
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    March 2, 2024
    Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson Issue DCCCLXVIII (868)

    The Newsociety does not compromise?
    To venerate apostates is not wise!

    If these “Comments” sometimes shock good souls by how they can present either the Newchurch (since 1965) or the Newsociety of St Pius X (since 2012) in a good light, let them know that it is for pastoral reasons, because many Catholics are hanging on to their Catholic Faith through either the Newchurch or the Newsociety by their fingernails, and without the Newchurch or the Newsociety they could easily let go. In many such cases surely the proverb applies, “Better half a loaf than no bread.” On the other hand for doctrinal reasons this way of keeping the Faith has its serious dangers because both Newchurch and Newsociety have made compromises in doctrine which are dangerous for keeping the Catholic Faith. Here is that valuable lesson, from the following article written by a Benedictine monk of the Monastery of Santa Cruz, near Rio de Janeiro. “Arsenius” (his pen-name) has our warm thanks.

    Ever since the heresy of humanism (man before God) was made officially “Catholic” by the Council Fathers of Vatican II (1962–1965), the Popes and their advisers have done nothing but continue on their way leading straight to the abyss, falling typically faster and faster as their fall proceeds. Such a picture in no way inspires within us any hope for the least glimmer of a wish on the part of any of these officials to look after Catholic Tradition (meaning quite simply the true Church) in any way whatsoever. However, there are those who not only entertained some such hope but even felt a strange certainty that things were getting better for Tradition in Rome. By “Tradition” here they can only have meant the Newsociety with its desire to enter into a blameworthy “unity in diversity” with Rome. Hence the split, puzzling for many, between the Newsociety of St Pius X and the so-called “Resistance.”

    The turning-point for the Society of St Pius X was the year 2012, when the Resolution of the previous General Chapter of 2006, that there would be no practical agreement with Rome as long as the Catholic Truth had not yet triumphed, was replaced by the Newsociety’s official desire for a practical agreement, even if the Pope and his advisers had not yet come back to the Catholic Truth. Bishop Williamson was excluded from the General Chapter that made this change, and then from the Newsociety altogether.

    The years that followed showed more and more clear signs of Rome and the Newsociety growing closer together. One by one, Rome gave official approval to the marriages, priestly ordinations and confessions dispensed by the Newsociety. Was this the famous phrase being put into practice, namely “Rome gives everything and asks for nothing in return”? In which case the phrase was a reality and not just an illusion? One might well reply that it was just a way of acting to ensure that from now on the Newsociety would be acting more and more only with modernist Rome’s approval, basing its activity no longer on the general and grave emergency within the Church, because with Tradition now being “officialised,” the emergency was supposedly over. Meanwhile Rome would be waiting for the day when it could “pull the rug” from under the Newsociety’s feet, driving it into the blind alley into which it had driven itself.

    But may the recent announcement that the Newsociety is going to consecrate one or more bishops without Rome’s permission not be a sign that the old Society prior to 2012 is coming back? Alas, that seems virtually impossible. A return to the fighting spirit of Archbishop Lefebvre against the enemies of the Church in Rome seems to us a heritage of his in large part now lost within the Newsociety. The future looks dark to us, although God is still at work in numerous souls, thanks to the apostolate of members of the Newsociety. But that does not stop us from recognising that the Newsociety should be correcting a number of its post-Lefebvre guiding principles. In any case, the more scandals stain the pontificate of Francis, and the more the illusions of a reconciliation with Rome should be fading out. May Our Lady make us understand and love deeply the Church of all time, not to be identified with its caricature fabricated at Vatican II, and put into practice in the pontificates following.

    Kyrie eleison
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    Re: Eleison Comments - Honouring Apostates (no. 868)
    « Reply #1 on: March 03, 2024, 06:27:33 PM »
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  • Yes, Bishop Williamson and Resistance bishops and priests keep banging the drum about the source of all of the insanity coming out of Rome, in online homilies, interviews, Eleison Notes, letters from Benedictine Monasteries...

    ...but SSPX (bishops in particular) seem as quiet as N.O. bishops about how to understand what Rome is doing.

    I assume there are many SSPX priests who are able to fit some appropriate words into their homilies to educate about modernism, the erroneous Vatican II docuмents, the very traceable lines of error from Francis, Benedict XVI, JPII, Paul VI back to their sources in VII humanism and modernism, and the specific writings and acts of each of them that need to be called out...

    ... but I believe they do this at risk of censure or even being culled by an SSPX leadership cadre that says "the shot" is moral, and the earth is 13B years old (a la Fr. Paul Robinson, director of Angeles Press).

    I would very much like to see a running series of 'fireside chats' by the SSPX bishops in particular up on You Tube, Odysee, Rumble or whomever would host them, calling out these problems and the problems of h0Ɩ0cαųstianity just as Bishop Williamson, Fr. Chazal et al regularly do.  

    The logic and reasoning that Bishop Williamson lays out in his lectures and homilies is very clear and, but for lack of a wider audience, should not be hard to convince many (now desperately) seeking N.O.s to come to Tradition and convert the Protestants and non-Christians.  Indeed we see it in the YouTube comments on Bishop Williamson's lectures that such is actually happening.

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Honouring Apostates (no. 868)
    « Reply #2 on: March 04, 2024, 01:27:31 PM »
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  • Bishop Williamson is trying to save souls. 

    People are leaving churches and losing their souls.  Many reject God when they leave.

    And we have to pray for our enemies even though it’s difficult when I’m angry at the Vatican which are wolves in sheep  clothing. 

    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Steve

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Honouring Apostates (no. 868)
    « Reply #3 on: June 14, 2024, 08:14:44 PM »
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  • Bishop Williamson is trying to save souls. 

    People are leaving churches and losing their souls.  Many reject God when they leave.

    And we have to pray for our enemies even though it’s difficult when I’m angry at the Vatican which are wolves in sheep  clothing.
    Yes, yes, and yes!

      I understand Bishop Williamson on the 'half-a-loaf-but-its-dangerous' and support him as a shepherd doing what he can to save delicate as that posture is and as inviting to criticism from 'blasted earth' Trads.  

    You are right: when faced with the reality that their life in N.O. is a departure from authentic Catholicism it is too much for many and they just quit the Faith altogether.  

    Forgiveness has to extend to our worst enemies, even if to their face sometimes we have to give them steel, tough love.  And the Lord commanded us to pray for our enemies - there isn't a question about this.

    Offline 2Vermont

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Honouring Apostates (no. 868)
    « Reply #4 on: June 15, 2024, 06:09:38 AM »
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  • Bishop Williamson was excluded from the General Chapter that made this change, and then from the Newsociety altogether.

    But may the recent announcement that the Newsociety is going to consecrate one or more bishops without Rome’s permission not be a sign that the old Society prior to 2012 is coming back?
    Questions about these two comments. 

    Is Bishop Williamson still writing his EC's? Does he always refer to himself in the third person? I don't recall seeing this before.

    Also, when did the SSPX announce they would be consecrating bishops without the permission of Rome? Where is this announcement?
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline Twice dyed

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Honouring Apostates (no. 868)
    « Reply #5 on: June 15, 2024, 01:00:57 PM »
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  • Questions about these two comments. 

    Is Bishop Williamson still writing his EC's? Does he always refer to himself in the third person? I don't recall seeing this before.

    Also, when did the SSPX announce they would be consecrating bishops without the permission of Rome? Where is this announcement?
    ...Here is that valuable lesson, from the following article written by a Benedictine monk of the Monastery of Santa Cruz, near Rio de Janeiro. “Arsenius” (his pen-name) has our warm thanks."
    - ----------- -- + + + + + * * * * *
    Ever since the heresy of humanism (man before God) was made officially “Catholic”

    I notice the same issue quite a few times with +W. I wonder what he could you, typographically speaking, to clarify who is writing what. Brackets, quotation marks, - - - - - - , anything!
    Last year a newSociety priest announced that a or some bishops would be consecrated w/o Rome's approval, and that would be very difficult for some faithful to live / experience that...?? NewSociety leaders don't want to be excommunicated, bad for their BRAND. 
    That post was discussed very little on CI , because of : Here we go again!!! ..syndrome.

    La mesure de l'amour, c'est d'aimer sans mesure.
    The measure of love is to love without measure.
                                     St. Augustine (354 - 430 AD)

    Offline 2Vermont

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Honouring Apostates (no. 868)
    « Reply #6 on: June 15, 2024, 01:16:05 PM »
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  • ...Here is that valuable lesson, from the following article written by a Benedictine monk of the Monastery of Santa Cruz, near Rio de Janeiro. “Arsenius” (his pen-name) has our warm thanks."
    - ----------- -- + + + + + * * * * *
    Ever since the heresy of humanism (man before God) was made officially “Catholic”

    I notice the same issue quite a few times with +W. I wonder what he could you, typographically speaking, to clarify who is writing what. Brackets, quotation marks, - - - - - - , anything!
    Last year a newSociety priest announced that a or some bishops would be consecrated w/o Rome's approval, and that would be very difficult for some faithful to live / experience that...?? NewSociety leaders don't want to be excommunicated, bad for their BRAND.
    That post was discussed very little on CI , because of : Here we go again!!! ..syndrome.
    Now that you say that, I do recall something like this, but I also seem to recall a date associate with the event (ie. "by June 30th", I think).  And it never happened.  I chalked it up to yet another rumor.
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline Clare67

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Honouring Apostates (no. 868)
    « Reply #7 on: June 19, 2024, 07:04:33 AM »
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  • It doesn't seem to be a rumor.  From La Porte Latine, SSPX French District:

    Comme je le disais en commençant, le 30 juin 1988, Monseigneur Lefebvre réalisait « l’opération-survie » de la Tradition catholique en sacrant quatre évêques auxiliaires. Ces évêques, qui étaient assez jeunes à l’époque, le sont évidemment moins trente-six ans plus tard. La situation ecclésiale ne s’étant pas améliorée depuis 1988, il s’avère nécessaire de songer à leur donner des aides, qui deviendront un jour leurs remplaçants.

    Lorsqu’une telle décision sera annoncée par le Supérieur général, il faut s’attendre à un déchaînement médiatique contre les « intégristes », les « rebelles », les « schismatiques », les « désobéissants », j’en passe et des meilleures. A ce moment, nous aurons à affronter les contradictions, les injures, les mépris, les rejets, peut-être même des ruptures avec des personnes proches.

    La vertu de force nous sera très nécessaire en cette occasion cruciale, et nous devrons, les uns et les autres, manifester grâce à elle notre fidélité absolue à la foi catholique intègre, à la véritable Tradition de l’Église, à Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ Roi des personnes, des familles et des sociétés, et aussi à la Fraternité Saint-Pie X, arche de salut suscitée par la Providence au milieu du déluge qui menace d’engloutir l’Église et la civilisation.

    Offline Soubirous

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Honouring Apostates (no. 868)
    « Reply #8 on: June 19, 2024, 07:10:40 AM »
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  • It doesn't seem to be a rumor.  From La Porte Latine, SSPX French District:

    Is this hopeful freelancing (soon to be 404'd) /restating the obvious for those who will not hear, or is it a genuine insider prediction?
    Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you, all things pass away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things. He who has God finds he lacks nothing; God alone suffices. - St. Teresa of Jesus

    Offline Godefroy

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Honouring Apostates (no. 868)
    « Reply #9 on: June 19, 2024, 07:43:21 AM »
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  • It doesn't seem to be a rumor.  From La Porte Latine, SSPX French District:

    Comme je le disais en commençant, le 30 juin 1988, Monseigneur Lefebvre réalisait « l’opération-survie » de la Tradition catholique en sacrant quatre évêques auxiliaires. Ces évêques, qui étaient assez jeunes à l’époque, le sont évidemment moins trente-six ans plus tard. La situation ecclésiale ne s’étant pas améliorée depuis 1988, il s’avère nécessaire de songer à leur donner des aides, qui deviendront un jour leurs remplaçants.

    Lorsqu’une telle décision sera annoncée par le Supérieur général, il faut s’attendre à un déchaînement médiatique contre les « intégristes », les « rebelles », les « schismatiques », les « désobéissants », j’en passe et des meilleures. A ce moment, nous aurons à affronter les contradictions, les injures, les mépris, les rejets, peut-être même des ruptures avec des personnes proches.

    La vertu de force nous sera très nécessaire en cette occasion cruciale, et nous devrons, les uns et les autres, manifester grâce à elle notre fidélité absolue à la foi catholique intègre, à la véritable Tradition de l’Église, à Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ Roi des personnes, des familles et des sociétés, et aussi à la Fraternité Saint-Pie X, arche de salut suscitée par la Providence au milieu du déluge qui menace d’engloutir l’Église et la civilisation.
    This quote from the France District Superior is quite encouraging:

    "Is it not a tangible reality that of these young people from families fully committed to the fight of the Society of Saint Pius X, and that we discover one day Christians, one day worldly people; one day Ecclesia Dei, even charismatic one day traditional mass, one day new Pentecostal pilgrimage; , one day pilgrimage in the opposite direction?"

    However, to fully keep the faith today, we cannot vacillate, compromise, flutter, water down"

    The SSPX have a 3 day pilgrimage from Chartres de Paris, whilst the Ecclesia Dei pilgrimage is from Paris to Chartres. The Ecclesia Dei pilgrimage is much much bigger, maybe 20,000 whilst the SSPX is around 7,000. In our SSPX chapel, a good number attend the Paris -> Chartres pilgrimage and yet the priest says nothing. In the 10 years I have attended SSPX masses, not once has priest spoken from the pulpit about the dangers of Ecclesia Dei masses, with their doubtful sacraments, liberal dress codes and tacit acceptence of the newchurch.