Everything went very well. We had a record turnout of 16 adults and 19 children!
Our previous turnout record was 12 adults and 10 children.
Despite the objectively good "I can't really complain" turnout, there were also a lot of notable absences, including from some who RSVP'd with a "yes" or a solid "maybe". These no-shows also included many who had been to one or more Masses here in the past.
Father had to leave soon after Mass for a new location in his Mass circuit (Laredo, TX). Please pray that everything goes well setting up a Mass center down there. It is the third stop in Father's nascent Texas circuit.
He didn't have much time after Mass because so many people availed him of the sacrament of Confession before Mass (which is a good thing -- I'm sure many souls benefited tonight from his devout paternal advice!)
Mass ended up being at 6:00 rather than 5:00, but no one was in a hurry or seemed to mind.