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Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
« on: July 15, 2023, 06:05:18 PM »
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  • #193
    Interview with Aldo Maria Valli
    July 14, 2023
    Your Excellency, some say that among these latest cardinals could be Francis' successor. Do you agree?
    I doubt that the College of Cardinals - once the Sacred College - will want to elect a conservative or even moderately progressive pope; rather, it is clear that the upcoming Conclave will be a provocation. Almost all the Cardinals were created "in the image and likeness" of Bergoglio and they will be the ones to choose his successor-perhaps him alive, given the new fashion for Renunciation. If the electors had even a modicuм of love for the Church, they should make themselves docile to the action of the Holy Spirit; but we know that this congerie of heretics and immoral people - with rare exceptions - has no intention of letting the Lord do that, for if they did it would mark their own condemnation. But the good Lord sometimes reserves unexpected surprises.
    What is the logic followed by Bergoglio in his appointments?
    Bergoglio's logic is most evident: he wants to create the premises for a schism, which in words he denies and deplores, but which he has been preparing for some time. Bergoglio wants to separate, in one way or another, the good part of the faithful and clerics from the official Church; and to achieve this, to get them to turn away from the modernist Sanhedrin, he has placed in the key posts of the Roman Curia those people who guarantee the worst management of the Dicasteries entrusted to them, with the worst possible result and the greatest damage to the ecclesial body.
    The progressive restrictions on the celebration of the ancient Liturgy serve to confine conservatives to hunting grounds, only to channel them to the St. Pius X Fraternity, as soon as the Synod brings to their tragic consequences the doctrinal, moral and disciplinary changes that are in the pipeline and cause an exodus of Catholics to what, after the suppression or normalization of the Ecclesia Dei Institutes, will become the "monopolist" of Tradition. But at that point-when, that is, traditional Catholics have migrated into the Fraternity and its leaders believe they have achieved a victory over the competition of the suppressed Summorum Pontificuм-a new intolerable provocation will force at least a parade of the St. Pius X Fraternity to distance itself from Bergoglian Rome, sanctioning the "excommunication" of traditionalism, no longer represented within the official Church, assuming it ever was. That is why in my opinion it is important to preserve a certain parcelization, so as to make the malicious maneuver of ousting traditional Catholics from the ecclesial body more complex.
    Diaconesses, abolition of ecclesiastical celibacy, blessing of ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ couples, tolerance for polygamy, gender theory, LGBTQ ideology, ecological pantheism à la Teilhard de Chardin: these are the points of confrontation that Begoglio is deliberately opening between the conservative (but not traditional, already distant or out of touch) wing and the ultra-progressive wing. His aim is to create the clash, let it grow, encourage with appointments and promotions the proponents of the most extreme instances, and then witness the predictable reaction of condemnation of the few remaining good bishops, priests and religious, who before Bergoglio's pitfall will have two choices: return to suffer in silence or stand up, denounce the betrayal of Catholic Truth and be forced to leave their posts and exercise their ministry in hiding or at least in apparent canonical irregularity.
    Once the inconvenient pastors are ostracized and the conservative faithful removed, the Bergoglian hierarchy will be able to exercise full control over clergy and people, certain of the obedience of those left behind. And this sect, which of Catholic will have only the name (and perhaps not even that anymore), will totally eclipse the Bride of the Lamb, in the paradox of a treacherous and corrupt Hierarchy abusing Christ's authority to destroy His Church.
    This is what the principals of Bergoglio and his minions would like, but the sensus fidei of God's Holy People could lead many to reject this fraud and take part in an action of firm resistance and determined denunciation. The Lord will allow the Church to appear dead, for the forces of the underworld to believe they have defeated it, because He wants the Mystical Body to follow the way of the Cross and Burial, like His divine Head, if He wants to join Him in the glory of the Resurrection.
    The College of Cardinals, as desired by Francis, is said to represent the universal Church: really?
    If we were to submit an anonymous questionnaire to the eminent members of the College of Cardinals, in which they have to answer "true" or "false" to a series of propositions on which the Magisterium has already infallibly expressed itself, we would discover to our horror that the absolute majority, if not almost all, of the Cardinals are not Catholics, tout court. And in the number of those I believe we would also find some conservatives. The notorious heresy of many Prelates is confirmed by their own statements, before which Bergoglio has been very careful not to open his mouth, as he knows how to do without too many scruples in regard to those few Prelates who have remained faithful. The current College of Cardinals is the quintessence of the Bergoglian Church: its members represent the capillary spread of modernism and conciliar progressivism in the world. Certainly, however, they are not an expression of the universal Church: first, because they are not part of it except only apparently, being precisely heretics; and second, because by God's grace the faithful and clergy are learning-after sixty years of horrors, for ten even more obvious ones-to not take for granted everything that comes out of the mouth of the pope, bishop or parish priest. Thus these, after preaching disobedience to the true Magisterium, find themselves suffering the consequences of a disobedience this time good and rightful, because in obedience to Christ.
    We are witnessing the systematic erasure of a whole part of the Church-identifiable geographically, but also ideologically-still remaining Catholic: some American bishops, with their dioceses; many African bishops, faithful especially on moral issues; and an ever-growing number of parish priests, priests, religious men and women who are realizing that they are the next victims of the purges of Santa Marta - the case of the Monasteries of Pienza and Marradi have not gone unnoticed - and are preparing for alternative forms of ministry, uniting, confronting, organizing. This is the purpose of the Exsurge Domine association ( that was formed under my patronage and is dedicated to helping and organizing the resistance of clerics and religious persecuted by the Argentine junta.
    Why does Francis continue to ignore locations like Milan, Turin, Venice, Genoa, Naples?
    He does so because he wants to take away the moral prestige of certain Episcopal Sees, traditionally cardinals, for the benefit of a management of appointments to the Porpora marked by a blatant ideological nepotism. All of Bergoglio's friends, and friends of friends, have their careers paved, even at the cost of stubbornly denying their scandals, their doctrinal errors, their obvious unworthiness or incompetence. They like "shepherds who reek of the smell of sheep," even if they are mercenaries and if the sheep have no desire to be led by them. Which reveals a lack of human virtues even more disheartening than the total absence of theological virtues. I have to say that not naming the Archbishop of Milan a Cardinal ends up not being a disgrace after all; but it is regrettable that the Patriarch of Venice, precisely because of his very moderate conservatism, is not recognized with the Purple that was all his predecessors'. The message for aspirants to the Vatican cursus honorum is to pander to power with courteous servility, under penalty of commissioning, Apostolic Visitation, transfer or even dismissal without new appointments (see Burke and Gaenswein, among others).
    Tucho Fernández will be a cardinal. Until recently it seemed like a joke.
    It remains a joke, because what has been happening for ten years now pertains to farce rather than tragedy. All that the Santa Marta sect gives birth to is a fraud: the supposed "democratization" of the Synod on Synodality, in which the questions that are submitted to local communities are formulated in such a way as to obtain the desired answers, always according to a precise subversive design that starts from Bergoglio himself. The involvement of women in the governance of the Church is a lie: this is contrary to the will of Our Lord, and no power, however tyrannical and authoritarian it may be, can change the matter of the Sacrament of Orders. The scandalous winks of Prelates and clerics to the vices and lifestyles of the so-called "LGBTQ community" are a deception: they are using the weaknesses of lay people led astray by woke ideology to legitimize their personal sins, which sooner or later emerge in their embarrassing prosaicness. Fernández himself, who has been courting Bergoglio for years with public attestations of esteem, of confidence in his reforming capacity, of certainty of the inexorability of his "prophetic" (in the conciliar neo-language, a synonym for "heretical") action as the Church's supreme Pastor, is also a constructed character.
    Fernández stands to Bergoglio as Zelenskyj stands to Biden: they are puppets in the hands of puppets. The strings are always pulled by that same subversive elite that links the White House to the Vatican, Podesta's emails to Ratzinger's abdication, the deep state to the deep church, Nancy Peℓσѕι to "Father" James Martin sj.
    Surely Fernández was put in charge of the former Holy Office to do nothing of what the Prefect of this very important, now downgraded Dicastery should be doing. He will do exactly the opposite: he will encourage the heresies and moral deviations of the theologians in vogue today, of the bishops eager to move to the Santa Marta hotel, of the proponents of gender; and instead he will act with ruthless firmness for the priest who criticizes a heretical statement by Bergoglio or one of his protégés, for the bishop who denounces the deviations of the Synod, for the seminary professor who still teaches the magisterial acts prior to Vatican II. We shall see how far this Fernández's zeal will go in order to please his sponsor, and how far those who should be targeted by the Pachamama Taliban will endure these attacks without replying or even simply ignoring them.
    Are the cardinals wanted by Francis really all yes-men or is there anyone capable of autonomy of judgment?
    In order to be Cardinals today, it is necessary to have what our elders used to call "hair on the stomach": for sixty years the purges have continued relentlessly, and even some of the Most Eminent created by Benedict XVI have proven to fall completely short of the expectations of the conservative faithful, and not infrequently opportunists or cowards. Of the brave - shall we say - Dubia's there are not many survivors left, who witnessed things at the last Conclave that they do not publicly denounce, however. So, yes: they are all yesmen; which, for those who should defend the Holy Church usque ad effusionem sanguinis, is inconsistent to say the least.
    The present crisis is the punishment with which the Lord punishes the Church and the world for the unfaithfulness of His ministers and the rulers of nations. We look upon this scourge as the stern gesture of a Father too long offended but who still wants to save us. Conversion is the only possible way: let us return to God, before Mercy yields to Justice.
    July 14, 2023
    S. Bonaventuræ Episcopi Confessoris et Ecclesiæ Doctoris.

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #1 on: July 15, 2023, 06:07:00 PM »
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  • +Vigano:

    "If we were to submit an anonymous questionnaire to the eminent members of the College of Cardinals, in which they have to answer "true" or "false" to a series of propositions on which the Magisterium has already infallibly expressed itself, we would discover to our horror that the absolute majority, if not almost all, of the Cardinals are not Catholics...Certainly, however, they are not an expression of the universal Church: first, because they are not part of it except only apparently, being precisely heretics..."

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #2 on: July 15, 2023, 06:38:05 PM »
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  • +Vigano:

    "If we were to submit an anonymous questionnaire to the eminent members of the College of Cardinals, in which they have to answer "true" or "false" to a series of propositions on which the Magisterium has already infallibly expressed itself, we would discover to our horror that the absolute majority, if not almost all, of the Cardinals are not Catholics...Certainly, however, they are not an expression of the universal Church: first, because they are not part of it except only apparently, being precisely heretics..."


    And herein lies my problem with the so-called "Universal Acceptance" argument for Jorge's legitimacy.  Universal Acceptance by whom?  By a bunch of non-Catholics?

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #3 on: July 15, 2023, 07:43:56 PM »
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  • And herein lies my problem with the so-called "Universal Acceptance" argument for Jorge's legitimacy.  Universal Acceptance by whom?  By a bunch of non-Catholics?

    ...but who nevertheless still hold the office and jurisdiction (Billuart and the more common opinion of theologians).
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #4 on: July 15, 2023, 07:47:16 PM »
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  • ...but who nevertheless still hold the office and jurisdiction (Billuart and the more common opinion of theologians).


    Offline Plenus Venter

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #5 on: July 15, 2023, 08:28:32 PM »
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  • Archbishop Vigano:
    "The message for aspirants to the Vatican cursus honorum is to pander to power with courteous servility, under penalty of commissioning, Apostolic Visitation, transfer or even dismissal without new appointments"

    He could be describing the neo-SSPX there. At any rate, on that count Bishop Fellay is certainly in with a chance.

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #6 on: July 15, 2023, 08:41:56 PM »
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  • The progressive restrictions on the celebration of the ancient Liturgy serve to confine conservatives to hunting grounds, only to channel them to the St. Pius X Fraternity... and cause an exodus of Catholics to what, after the suppression or normalization of the Ecclesia Dei Institutes, will become the "monopolist" of Tradition. But at that point-when, that is, traditional Catholics have migrated into the Fraternity and its leaders believe they have achieved a victory over the competition of the suppressed Summorum Pontificuм-a new intolerable provocation will force at least a parade of the St. Pius X Fraternity to distance itself from Bergoglian Rome, sanctioning the "excommunication" of traditionalism, no longer represented within the official Church, assuming it ever was. That is why in my opinion it is important to preserve a certain parcelization, so as to make the malicious maneuver of ousting traditional Catholics from the ecclesial body more complex.
    A la Bishop Williamson? Or is he talking here about maintaining 'traditional' groups within the Conciliar framework? He seems to espouse the same idea, though, of maintaining multiple 'independent' groups of traditional Catholics, rather than having them all under the one authority which could more easily lead them back into the Conciliar pantheon.

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #7 on: July 15, 2023, 08:50:33 PM »
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  • Surely Fernández was put in charge of the former Holy Office to do nothing of what the Prefect of this very important, now downgraded Dicastery should be doing. He will do exactly the opposite: he will encourage the heresies and moral deviations of the theologians in vogue today, of the bishops eager to move to the Santa Marta hotel, of the proponents of gender; and instead he will act with ruthless firmness for the priest who criticizes a heretical statement by Bergoglio or one of his protégés, for the bishop who denounces the deviations of the Synod, for the seminary professor who still teaches the magisterial acts prior to Vatican II. 
    An apt description of the farce of the modernist magisterium since Vatican II.

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #8 on: July 15, 2023, 09:04:19 PM »
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  • It remains a joke, because what has been happening for ten years now pertains to farce rather than tragedy. All that the Santa Marta sect gives birth to is a fraud: the supposed "democratization" of the Synod on Synodality, in which the questions that are submitted to local communities are formulated in such a way as to obtain the desired answers, always according to a precise subversive design that starts from Bergoglio himself. The involvement of women in the governance of the Church is a lie: this is contrary to the will of Our Lord, and no power, however tyrannical and authoritarian it may be, can change the matter of the Sacrament of Orders. The scandalous winks of Prelates and clerics to the vices and lifestyles of the so-called "LGBTQ community" are a deception: they are using the weaknesses of lay people led astray by woke ideology to legitimize their personal sins, which sooner or later emerge in their embarrassing prosaicness. Fernández himself, who has been courting Bergoglio for years with public attestations of esteem, of confidence in his reforming capacity, of certainty of the inexorability of his "prophetic" (in the conciliar neo-language, a synonym for "heretical") action as the Church's supreme Pastor, is also a constructed character.
    But "Rome has changed", Bishop Fellay. Indeed it has!
    Archbishop Vigano is an extraordinary gift of God. Those who do not see it are blind.
    And the SSPX shows clearly its new direction and subversion by not publicly standing with him.

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #9 on: July 15, 2023, 09:50:34 PM »
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  • "Thus these, after preaching disobedience to the true Magisterium, find themselves suffering the consequences of a disobedience this time good and rightful, because in obedience to Christ."

    - Pope Pius XII
    Mystici Corporis

    “They, therefore, walk in the path of dangerous error who believe that they can accept Christ as the Head of the Church, while not adhering loyally to His Vicar on earth.”

    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #10 on: July 15, 2023, 10:01:15 PM »
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  • "Thus these, after preaching disobedience to the true Magisterium, find themselves suffering the consequences of a disobedience this time good and rightful, because in obedience to Christ."

    - Pope Pius XII
    Mystici Corporis

    “They, therefore, walk in the path of dangerous error who believe that they can accept Christ as the Head of the Church, while not adhering loyally to His Vicar on earth.”

    Uhh, dummy, those teachings presume the pope is himself faithful to Tradition.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #11 on: July 15, 2023, 10:17:12 PM »
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  • Quote
    Bergoglio's logic is most evident: he wants to create the premises for a schism,
    Lots of prophecies talk about a cινιℓ ωαr inside the Church.  The obvious inference is V2 but many prophecies mention a more “short term”/acute situation where all religious have to agree/sign a docuмent and if not, there is a persecution/purge of some sort.  Interesting and crazy times.  

    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #12 on: July 15, 2023, 10:25:25 PM »
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  • Are there any historical precedents to "Recognize and Resist"?

    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #13 on: July 15, 2023, 10:27:24 PM »
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  • Are there any historical precedents to "Recognize and Resist"?


    Like St. Athanasius?  Or the teachings of Bellarmine, and the usual litany of classical theologians?  Versus this internet nobody?
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline frankielogue

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    Re: Aldo Maria Valli Interviews +Vigano
    « Reply #14 on: July 17, 2023, 05:03:46 PM »
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  • ...but who nevertheless still hold the office and jurisdiction (Billuart and the more common opinion of theologians).

    I think that there is a strong argument to be made, regarding UPA, that since Francis did not properly accept his election (à la Cassiciacuм Thesis), UPA is impossible, since it requires the consent of the elect*.

    Regarding supplied jurisdiction, it seems to me obvious that Christ would supply jurisdiction to say, appoint cardinals, but never for something like the New Mass or Traditionis Custodes. I think it is better to treat Francis as if he were bereft of jurisdiction except for those things strictly necessary for the good of the Church, i.e., appointing electors so that the material aspect of the Church does not die off. This is the end for which Billuart and others conceived of supplied jurisdiction, after all.

    * This is the view of the Salmanticenses and others