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Author Topic: NO COMPROMISE! Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising.  (Read 1590 times)

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Offline M1913

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While I don’t align with all of Michael Matt’s positions, particularly his conciliar traditionalist views, he absolutely hits the nail on the head with his association with this film "Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising."

Full Movie:

Saturday, March 23, 2024
Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising (An Independent Film)
By:  Michael J. Matt | Editor

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Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising (An Independent Film)

This film tells a story from the French Revolution. The Revolution was a godless New Order born from the Enlightenment, which brutalized the established, Christian way of life with its deeply ironic motto: “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”.

It was anything but. These three words bred a hatred and then outright persecution of Catholics, from its very own King and Queen, to the simple peasants in the countryside. The Revolution launched a reign of terror against Christians during which countless priests, nuns, and lay people were slaughtered, and the Revolution’s soldiers, marching through the country in “infernal columns”, scorched the earth where Catholic farmers raised crops, cattle, and families.
But in western France, the Vendee region, the Catholic peasants revolted. They formed their own armies and appointed their own generals. Of these generals, Francoise Charette was the most effective and well-known. He became the Revolution’s obsession, so successful were his tactics.
This film tells his story. It is the story of a man who became a hero not because he was born a saint, but because he was a Catholic. Who found that in fighting for your Catholic Faith, the rest falls into place, and you become capable even of the ultimate victory—martyrdom—because the Revolution failed to corrupt your soul.
Please watch and share this video. Introduce your children to their new favorite hero. Spend an hour reminding your friends and family of the lengths to which men will go to stay Catholic and free.
*This film was released in France in 2023 by Puy du Fou. English subtitles were added by RTV to make the film accessible to the English-speaking world.

Offline josh987654321

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Re: NO COMPROMISE! Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising.
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2024, 10:15:57 PM »
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  • "Vanquish or Die"

    Strange in that the Vendean rebellion didn't vanquish anything and they died.

    The Martyrs of Compiegne ended the reign of terror and the Sacred Heart as a military standard was given to King Louis XIV who spurned it.

    "Our Lady of Victory, Ark of the New Covenant, Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, Pray for us."

    Offline Miseremini

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    Re: NO COMPROMISE! Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising.
    « Reply #2 on: October 20, 2024, 10:33:58 PM »
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  • Link doesn't work.
    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

    Offline Marie Teresa

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    Offline josh987654321

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    Re: NO COMPROMISE! Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising.
    « Reply #4 on: October 21, 2024, 07:49:44 AM »
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  • On a side note, I enjoyed the movie, but there is a far, far bigger story to tell than this.

    I have ancestors that fought at the Battle of Trafalgar under Horatio Nelson. Furthermore, the Spanish originally tried the same thing when attempting to liberate Madrid, but Sir Arthur Wellesley was disgusted by their lack of cooperation and refused to participate and thus they resulted in the same way...

    It was a coalition of Portuguese, Spanish Guerilla's and the British under Viscount Arthur Wellesley who defeated Napoleon in Spain and thus liberated Spain. That was no small thing at the time either, considering England was Protestant and they had a long history of conflict... but it paid off in the end because Sir Arthur Wellesley after his victory at Waterloo (with the aid of the Prussians) would become a legend and later become the Prime Minister of Great Britain and pass into law the Roman Catholic Relief Act of 1829, even protesting King George IV for it.

    Catholic Emancipation

    His term was marked by Roman Catholic Emancipation: the restoration of most civil rights to Roman Catholics in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The change was prompted by the landslide by-election win of Daniel O'Connell, a Roman Catholic Irish proponent of emancipation, who was elected despite not being legally allowed to sit in Parliament. In the House of Lords, facing stiff opposition, Wellington spoke for Catholic Emancipation, and according to some sources, gave one of the best speeches of his career. Wellington was born in Ireland and so had some understanding of the grievances of the Roman Catholic majority there; as Chief Secretary, he had given an undertaking that the remaining Penal Laws would only be enforced as "mildly" as possible. In 1811 Catholic soldiers were given freedom of worship and 18 years later the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829 was passed with a majority of 105. Many Tories voted against the Act, and it passed only with the help of the Whigs. Wellington had threatened to resign as prime minister if King George IV did not give Royal Assent.

    So your 'no compromise' and 'do it alone' or 'all or nothing' approach would have condemned Sir Arthur Wellesley from the outset, who was crucial to the whole thing and would put the final end to Napoleon at Waterloo with the aid of the Prussians.

    Furthermore, the Russians made the biggest difference in the Napoleonic Wars by defeating Napoleon when he invaded Russia and against all odds.

    Napoleon and his Grande Armee of 20 languages (largest army Europe had ever seen at that point) at the Battle of Borodino 1812.

    Field Marshall Kutuzov and Our Lady of Smolensk before the Russian Army at the Battle of Borodino 1812.

    "In the end my Immaculate Heart will Triumph" - Our Lady of Fatima

    The day itself was a Pyrrhic Victory for Napoleon, but he suffered such loses he could not hold Moscow and had to flee, which is when everything turned against him even nature itself.

    The Russians would go on to construct the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour as a result of this, which the Bolsheviks demolished in 1931 to make way for the 'Palace of the Soviets' which was never built because WWII would break out, thus it was turned into a swimming pool until the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was rebuilt again in 1994 after the dissolution of the USSR and it stands again today.

    Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow, Russia.

    "Our Lady of Victory, Ark of the New Covenant, Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, Pray for us."

    You are focusing on the wrong people and the wrong lessons, Francoise Charette was right at the beginning of the film and it ended exactly as he predicted. That whole period was a testament to the folly you espouse in condemning Trump, for divided you fall, all or nothing is divide and conquer. As I said originally, the Sacred Heart as a military standard was given to King Louis XIV who spurned it and it was the Martyrs of Compiegne that ended the reign of terror.

    Offline josh987654321

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    Re: NO COMPROMISE! Vanquish or Die: The True Story of the Vendee Uprising.
    « Reply #5 on: October 21, 2024, 08:59:25 AM »
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  • Just as the early Christians did not condemn and reject Constantine the Great for not being baptized yet, neither did they have to downplay the importance of baptism in order to recognise the importance of Constantine the Great and what he did. Neither did Constantine the Great or the early Christians spurn those graces simply because it didn't come all wrapped up in some perfect pre-conceived package and delivery.