What a smell before cuddling up in bed 
Oh, quite the contrary. It smelled delicious. It reminds me of the smell and taste of oven baked potatoes with onion and garlic over which is dribbled a mixture of olive oil + lemon oil. That is always a part of our Christmas and Pascha feast. What is interesting here, is that when the warm mixture of onion and garlic is applied to the feet, then within three minutes, you can actually taste the veggies in your mouth.
But, if you do not like onion and garlic, or you are allergic to them, then yes, that could be a problem.
If that is the case, then try Foot Balm by Badger Balm. It is available online. Watch for their sales.
There is no onion or garlic in Foot Balm. Instead, it has peppermint oil, olive oil, beeswax, tea tree oil, and other soothing oils.
Not only is this good for the feet, but also it is good for the hands and body.