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Author Topic: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates  (Read 1128 times)

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Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
« on: July 25, 2020, 06:18:06 PM »
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  • I'm surprised that there's no broad topic on "diets" in CathInfo [*].  So I'm starting one.  I'm not an advocate of any diet in particular, so this topic is for members who are advocates--or critics--to inform or discuss with their fellow members [×] [♦].

    • ‘Croix de Fer’ (possibly eventually ‘Full Sugar Brah’): All sugar, all the time.  Okay, to be fair, his diet is more-or-less as described in the external video "Cure Type 2 Diabetes With Sugar & White Rice - Dr. McDougall", which he embedded in the topic he originated bearing the same name (January 22, 2018, 22:25:59 [CST]).  <>, which interested enough members to extend far into a 5th C.I. page.  Including praise by Ladislaus for the Atkins Diet, based on experiences of "several people I know".  Then sharp criticism by ‘Croix de Fer’ as the "Fatkins Diet" ("Dr. Fatkins died obese and from a heart attack & hypertension").  That being only the 1st page, and on it went.

    • "Keto" Diet: Perhaps authoritatively discussed by Northwestern Medicine®, which seems tightly connected to the B1G university in metro Chicago: "Pros and Cons of the Ketogenic Diet".  <>.

    Atkins Diet: Reputedly a longer established "ketogenic" diet than what's popularly labelled as such, e.g.: <>.

    Modified Atkins Diet (MAD)?

    Mediterranean Diet?

    Paleo Diet?  For discussion: <>, which interested enough members to extend to the end of a 2nd C.I. page.  Presented, e.g.: <>.

    Veganism?  Discussion: <>, which interested enough members to extend far into a 6th C.I. page; also in the unrevealingly titled "monks" from 8 years ago: <>.

    Weight Watchers Diet?  Is this a distinct diet, or really merely a commercial enterprise for which continuing cost is a major issue? (e.g., ‘Viva Cristo Rey’, "The Paleo Diet", July 20, 2013, 09:09:34)

    • "Whole30" Diet?  E.g.: <>.

    De facto Judaizer, Kosher, or Halal Diet?  Discussion: <>, which interested enough members to extend, with strong opinions, to early in a 3rd C.I. page.  Advocates also appeared in the Veganism topic (q.v.).

    • ‘poche’: The ‘poche’ diet?  Maybe more like the Spheroid-Silhouette Diet?  The topic he originated in which he inquired about "The Paleo Diet" (q.v.) was almost exactly 7 years ago.  Is there any rhyme or reason to the combinations of real food and ersatz food that he more recently claims to have eaten, in his replies for "whats your dinner?"  Could all that be a long-running hoax?

    Note *: Unlike some CathInfo members who are credited with thousands of posts who cluelessly duplicate topics that have been newly originated within what's often the past several days by a fellow member, I used the searching privileges granted by C.I. to Evil Google to verify the presence or absence of C.I. topics about diets.

    Note ×: Of course, I have no authority to force C.I. members to post here instead of originating their own topics.  But individual topics on ingredients beneficial to nutrition seem to age off the "Health and Nutrition" index page rather quickly, e.g., a topics whose last reply was on July 17, thus barely 1 week old, has already aged out to the 2nd page of the index.  And maybe, just maybe, having such a broad topic stay visible (pinning, anyone?) can reduce the off-topic sidetracking that's common in topics that were plainly originated to discuss unrelated subjects.  I encourage members to insert links here in this topic to topics in C.I. that they've newly originated  in C.I. are devoted to a particular diet.

    Note ♦: I casually chose <> as a more-or-less authoritative source, altho' readers might disagree with its apparent conformance to establishment cardionutrition.  In summary, EDH "looked o.k.", but I didn't check any more deeply.  So I welcome recommendations of alternative sources, esp. those in the form of written words.

    Offline poche

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #1 on: July 25, 2020, 10:45:09 PM »
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  • • ‘poche’: The ‘poche’ diet?  Maybe more like the Spheroid-Silhouette Diet?  The topic he originated in which he inquired about "The Paleo Diet" (q.v.) was almost exactly 7 years ago.  Is there any rhyme or reason to the combinations of real food and ersatz food that he more recently claims to have eaten, in his replies for "whats your dinner?"  Could all that be a long-running hoax?

    I beleive that I accurately describe what I had for dinner on a given day.
    :cowboy: :cowboy: :cowboy:

    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #2 on: July 25, 2020, 11:37:04 PM »
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  • Quote
    Including praise by Ladislaus for the Atkins Diet, based on experiences of "several people I know".  Then sharp criticism by ‘Croix de Fer’ as the "Fatkins Diet" ("Dr. Fatkins died obese and from a heart attack & hypertension").  That being only the 1st page, and on it went.
    Haha.   :laugh1:  ‘Twas an epic debate indeed!

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #3 on: July 27, 2020, 08:43:57 AM »
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  • May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #5 on: July 27, 2020, 09:00:56 AM »
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  • There should be moderation.  Also avoid frankenfood like fake food.  If you feel like a hamburger est a hamburger that was raised and harvested locally.  Plant a garden.  I highly recommend this. Making a meal doesn’t need to be complicated and fancy.  Eat at home more.  Don’t plan social events around food do much.  Portion control a small glass is 4-8 ounces not 16.  Our plates should be size of present day salad plates.  Desserts shouldn’t be daily same with sugary processed cereal.  

    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Jaynek

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #6 on: July 27, 2020, 12:30:44 PM »
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  • Robert Atkins did not die due to his diet.

    Atkins died on April 17, 2003, at the age of 72.[4] Nine days prior to his death, Atkins fell and hit his head on an icy New York sidewalk. At New York's Weill Cornell Medical Center, where he was admitted on April 8, he underwent surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain but went into a coma and died from complications. He spent nine days in intensive care before dying on April 17, 2003

    He did have a heart condition, cardiomyopathy, which had been caused by a virus.  This is what he looked like shortly before his death, clearly not obese.  

    Technically, he was obese at the time of his death, due to severe fluid retention during his coma when he was on a glucose drip.  Obviously, living on pure sugar is not part of the Atkins diet.

    The diet that I personally follow is the carnivore diet.  I eat only animal products, mostly meat.  I see this more as a healing diet than a weight loss diet, although I did lose significant weight.  I lost around 50 pounds, reversed pre-diabetes and Fatty Liver disease, and improved my energy and general health.  I was very sick before I went on this diet and it caused a dramatic improvement.  I would recommend it to others with health problems, but I simply for weight loss, it is rather extreme.

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #7 on: October 15, 2024, 05:01:21 AM »
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  • May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #8 on: October 15, 2024, 05:12:51 AM »
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  • He died this year at the age of 77. 

    (Try skipping rice.  Much rice today has arsenic. 
    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #9 on: October 15, 2024, 05:14:26 AM »
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  • Portion sizes are out of control.  
    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline EWPJ

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #10 on: October 15, 2024, 09:28:24 PM »
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  • He died this year at the age of 77. 

    (Try skipping rice.  Much rice today has arsenic.

    Yes, the way they process teh rice is not good for anyone.  When I used to eat (white) rice I would be "jiggly" the next day and not feel well.  Brown rice is a little better but not by much.  Wild rice is ok and the more natural state rice is supposed to be.  It's the processing that makes these foods bad not the foods themselves.  I'm sure you know this though.

    Offline AMDGJMJ

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #11 on: Yesterday at 05:17:37 AM »
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  • He died this year at the age of 77. 

    (Try skipping rice.  Much rice today has arsenic.
    The most common rice in the USA has folic acid added to it and hence is called "enriched rice".  One of my brother-in-laws is very allergic to folic acid and so if we serve rice when he and my sister visit it has to be brown rice or European rice (jasmine or basmati).

    I have found that the closer one can get food to its natural state the better.  We do occasionally have pre-packaged food for when we are sick or after a baby is born but in general we try to make our own bread (or buy sourdough bread), grow 1/5 of our own produce and get other fresh foods that we don't have weekly at our local grocery.

    We try to follow a European diet.  We have eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast, an apple for a snack, a small sandwich for lunch.  (We buy non-nitrate naturally smoked ham for sandwiches and use sourdoug bread.) For an afternoon snack (since we have little boys and I am expecting) we have a few oranges and/or cheese).  Most dinners are composed of a meat and vegetable.  

    I can't emphasize enough the important of fresh vs. processed foods especially for snacks.  One of our little boys had trouble with potty-training and constipation until we cut out the processed snacks and started incorporating fresh fruit instead.  
    "Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine!"

    Offline jersey60

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #12 on: Yesterday at 07:10:25 AM »
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  • If it comes in a can or a jar …don’t eat it as it’s been processed. The food pyramid is a scam. The most nutrient dense food on planet earth is red meat and despite the lies from the medical community, red meat meat should be consumed often,  very often and has never been proven to cause heart disease. Cholesterol is a huge $$$ con game.

    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #13 on: Yesterday at 08:20:12 AM »
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  • Keto (higher fat %) or Adkins (higher protein %) or Paleo (this is just Adkins rebranded)...these are the only diets which are "natural" and which people have been eating for centuries.  Meat, eggs, milk, cheese, fruits, veggies, some breads.  You eat animal products and stuff grown from the earth.  As God intended.

    If you start eating anything processed, or improved, or concentrated -- then this is man-invented.  And you'll have health problems.

    Offline josefamenendez

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    Re: Diets, esp. having CathInfo Advocates
    « Reply #14 on: Yesterday at 08:31:22 AM »
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  • I think all rice has some organic arsenic in a natural form that your body actually uses. ( Arsenic is not all bad!)
    Where there is ground contamination of inorganic arsenic it is usually close to some kind of manufacturing facility using lead.
    If you soak the rice you can get most of it out but I don't bother anymore.