Here's an interesting article discussing a book which claims that Daniel got his 69 weeks prophecy correct almost to the day. source, however, has mentioned that Daniel didn't say 69 weeks but 7 weeks and 62 weeks. So there's a 7x7- or 49-year period that's significant. Well, in the Gospel of St. John, the Jews mention that Herod's temple had been under construction for 46 years near the beginning of Jesus' public ministry--which is known to have lasted about 3 years. 46+3 gets you the 49 years that Daniel splits off. We don't know the exact day that Herod began constructing the temple, so we're not in a position to see if Daniel got it right to the day again.
So ... if the NOM is the abomination of desolation, keep a heads up for around August 22, 2011.
I've also read some other prophecy (in particular someone known as the Farmer of Krems), which when pieced together suggests a small nuke attack on New York City in the early summer (sometime in June?) perhaps of 2011, which will have been viewed as retaliation for something that the US had done (an attack on Iran sometime before then?) That Farmer of Krems says that the nuke attack would precede shortly the beginning of a great war (marked by Russia invading Europe and nuking some cities). He said that the NY nuke would not yet be the war, that the war would begin later that summer--right around the August timeframe.
So, if we see the US/Israel bomb Iran sometime in late 2010 or early 2011, be on the lookout for a NY nuke attack sometime next June. Then, if that happens, be ready for what might happen in August of that year. One likely course of events would have the US thrown into economic and social chaos triggered by this nuke attack, effectively neutralizing the US and embolding Russia to go into Europe.