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Author Topic: Exact Chronology of the End Times?  (Read 3964 times)

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Offline Ladislaus

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Exact Chronology of the End Times?
« on: May 05, 2010, 07:45:15 PM »
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  • Inspired by that recent Fatima thread and a link to the Third Secret blog which had an interpretation of Daniel's numerology which I found rather unconvincing, I ran the numbers myself.

    Quote from: "Daniel 12:11-12"
    11 And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days, 12 Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh unto a thousand three hundred thirty-five days.

    1290 divided by 30 days = 43 months.  30 days = 1 lunar cycle, whereas a year = 1 solar cycle.  So take months as representing years.  1969+43 years = 2012.  Except that people have used 360-day years to peg Daniel's predictions about Our Lord to the exact day.  Using 360-day years, 43 years = 15480 days.  Paul VI issued his Missale Romanum on April 3, 1969.  So add 15480 days and you get August 21, 2011, with the period afterward starting on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (beginning of the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart?).

    So, will there be a 1.5-year chastisment period beginning on August 22, 2011?  Now, if you use the 360-day years again, 1.5 years would be 540 days, lasting until February 11, 2013.

    8/22/2011 - 2/11/2013
    8/(2x11)/2011 - 2/11/2013

    Quote from: "Matthew 24:15, 34
    15 When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand. 34 Amen I say to you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

    I was born a year before the abomination was put in place and will only be 43 in August 2011.

    By about twelve years shall the millennium have passed when the resplendent mantle of legitimate power shall emerge from the shadows where it was being kept by the schism. And beyond harm from the one who is blocking the door of salvation, for his deceitful schism shall have come to an end.  And the mass of the faithful shall attach itself to the worthy Shepherd, who shall extricate each one from error and restore to the Church its beauty. He shall renew it." (Prophecy of Blessed Tomasuccio de Foligno, *Profezie, 14th Century)

    Offline Alexandria

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #1 on: May 05, 2010, 07:51:38 PM »
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  • Just what I needed to perk me up!

    Thanks ever so, Ladislaus. :wink:

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #2 on: May 05, 2010, 08:33:41 PM »
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  • Well, it does assume that the NOM = the abomination of desolation.  Does anyone know the day in 1969 on which it was first celebrated?  That could be an alternate start date for when it had been "set up".  If I recall, it was the First Sunday of Advent 1969--which would push things back by about 7 months.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #3 on: May 05, 2010, 08:42:51 PM »
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  • I forgot to explain that 1335 / 30 = exactly 44.5.  So something bad happens starting 1290 (43), and you'll be happy if you make it through until 1335 (44.5).  So there might be the chastisement for 1.5 years, or 540 days (using 360-day years).

    Offline gladius_veritatis

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #4 on: May 05, 2010, 09:32:43 PM »
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  • Thank you for sharing that with us, Ladislaus.
    "Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is all man."

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #5 on: May 06, 2010, 05:17:53 AM »
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  • Quote from: gladius_veritatis
    Thank you for sharing that with us, Ladislaus.

    You're very welcome, gladius.  Even if my analysis happens to be wrong, it's interesting nonetheless and could give us some hope that this nightmare may soon be over.  God leaves prophecy to (among other reasons) help console and strengthen those who might be living through the times foretold.  I saw some (Protestant) studies that used 360-day years to apply the 69 weeks (of years) in Daniel to come up with the precise time (to the very DAY) between the decree to rebuild the temple and Our Lord's resurrection.

    I was thinking that Daniel used days here because he wanted the extra precision of being able to write about half a year.

    I've LONG thought that the NOM must be the abomination of desolation.  That phrase fits it so well.  And someone once wrote in to the Dimonds that the phrase about an altar being place against altar referred to a second altar being placed in the temple right in front of the other one--as happened during the Antiochus abomination.  And so many NO churches have exactly that setup, with the Luther-table being place in front of the traditional altar (which was left because it was too expensive/difficult to remove).

    Interestingly, Daniel was speaking about two different abomination of desolation events, parallel with one another.  Our Lord spoke of the abomination as coming in the future, and I recall that there are some indications in Daniel that there would be two of these events, one foreshadowing the other.  Interestingly, the Dimonds published someone else's analysis which showed erie parallels between four false high priests during the Maccabee times and John XXIII-John Paul II.  Not sure where Benedict XVI fits in there.

    I know that most of you don't like the Dimonds, but this analysis was fascinating.  I'll try to dig it up and post it.  It wasn't actually their idea.  Evidently someone purporting to be a Biblical scholar wrote this thesis in to them.

    And the Dimonds also had an interesting series of videos out making a pretty good case that the EU=the Beast and that the NO church=the whore of Babylon (riding the Beast).  As with all things Dimond, some parts were less convincing than others, but it was pretty good overall.  As I've said, I do NOT categorically endorse the Dimonds, but I give them credit for some of the good and intersting stuff they do put together.

    Initially I bucked against their interpretation of Fatima, but finally conceded that it makes a certain amount of sense.  Unlike them, however, I do think that there's a second (full) consecration coming and a TRUE era of real peace.  That coincides with prophecies regarding the Great Monarch, the Holy Pope, and a period of Christendom being re-established throughout the world BEFORE the advent of Antichrist.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #6 on: May 06, 2010, 05:34:17 AM »
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  • Interestingly, Daniel says that 1290 days (=43 years) pass after the abomination of desolation, but he doesn't say until WHAT.  So perhaps the abomination of desolation lasts that long and we can hope that it will be removed from us on August 22, 2011 (Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary).

    Or else something else begins on August 22, 2011 that will last until February 11, 2013, a chastisement.

    Based on correlating it with Catholic prophecy, here's one possible scenario.

    Beginning August 22, the Chastisement beings, leading eventually to the deaths of Benedict XVI and most of his cardinals.  If you follow Father Gruner that the secret revealed by the Vatican was only part of it, Benedict XVI may himself literally live out the vision.  Perhaps as he's going up the hill he can recall the false interpretation of that secret which he put out (along with Sodano and Bertone).  There will be a terrible war, and plagues, and famine--and incredible chaos and death during this time.  Eventually a Great Monarch emerges, a Holy Pope is elected (designated by Sts. Peter and Paul), that Pope and the bishops consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (many prophecies foretell Russia as the instrument of this Chastisement, and as overrunning Europe, destroying the Vatican, etc.)  As a result of this consecration, the Three Days of Darkness comes to wipe out the major enemies of the Church (perhaps around Christmas time 2012?), and the tide turns so dramatically and miraculously as a direct and obvious result of the consecration, that many come to believe in the True Faith as a result, and by February 2013 a new Christendom becomes established around the world.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #7 on: May 06, 2010, 05:37:27 AM »
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  • Quote from: Alexandria
    Just what I needed to perk me up!

    Thanks ever so, Ladislaus. :wink:

    Oh, you're welcome also, Alexandria.  I intially took this as a quasi-sarcastic comment  :furtive: -- which it probably was  :laugh1:.

    Offline Cristian

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #8 on: May 06, 2010, 10:59:22 AM »
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  • Quote from: Ladislaus
    Well, it does assume that the NOM = the abomination of desolation.  

    I allways thought too NOM was most possibly the abomination of desolation!

    Interesting posts Ladislaus!


    Offline Alexandria

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #9 on: May 06, 2010, 11:42:42 AM »
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  • Yes, the novus ordo began on the first Sunday of Advent, 1969 (a day that WILL live in infamy).  So that would bring 43 years to 2012 instead of 2011?  

    Then this would explain why many people feel like they are losing their marbles (with the exception of a few, like Raoul :wink: ) - like the tension of what is to come is in the "spiritual atmosphere", and why crosses abound in personal lives.

    We'll find out soon enough - if Our Lord grants us to live that long.

    P.S. And, yes, I was being sarcastic.   :cool:

    Offline sedetrad

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #10 on: May 06, 2010, 12:39:08 PM »
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  • The air of decay and the feeling that something bad is about to happen is palpable amongst everyone I know. Jews, pagans, heretics, moslems, and Catholics all feel that something is going to give "real" soon. The world is literally descending into madness at an increasingly accelerating pace. The time of 40 years in the novus ordo desert is up. The minor chastisement and Our Lady's triumph is soon. We are going to see wondrous and scary things in these next 3 years. The wondrous thing that I think I will see is a tsunami the likes of which the people of the US have never seen as it sweeps us coastal folk away. It will be a wondrous sight. The thing that I beleive is that those that survive the minor chastisement will be the young. The older people that gave it all away will pass away before seeing Jerusalem like the older people in the time of Moses. I do not mean that they will all go to hell, but that the majority of them will not see the glory of the Age of MAry in this life.

    Offline Belloc

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #11 on: May 06, 2010, 12:46:36 PM »
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  • Quote from: Ladislaus
    And the Dimonds also had an interesting series of videos out making a pretty good case that the EU=the Beast and that the NO church=the whore of Babylon (riding the Beast).  As with all things Dimond, some parts were less convincing than others, but it was pretty good overall.  

    again, the Dimonds show their absolute ignorance and their clouding of thought by their obsessions.....

    after advertising on Alex Jones, which allows many anti-Catholics to rant/rave and their opposition to the Church, they are more and more sounding like crack-pot Prots...which realy is what they are....

    The Whore is the one world Govt/religious/social system to be set up, we are at the beginnings of it (NWO).....the Man of Sin is NOT a Govt or system-ie, the EU, but a Jєωιѕн man, a real person....

    again, listening to them rots the to stick to Catholic writers that stick to 2000 yrs Catholic teaching and the testimony of the saints........
    Proud "European American" and prouder, still, Catholic

    Offline Trinity

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #12 on: May 06, 2010, 12:53:56 PM »
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  • It has made me wonder about my experience.  Why did any of it happen?  If I were more generous I would say, Thy will be done.   But I'm a coward and don't want to go through it again.  It absolutely was no picnic.  Then to my wondering eyes should appear all these people saying things which hook up to the prevailing and escalating "madness" and a sense that it is "time".  

    I know that we can spare ourselves a great deal of pain by absolving our brethren and helping them and thereby decreasing the amount of pain and trouble in the world.  Certainly the enemies of Catholics are not split while we are divided and conquered by our own free will.  Some are even now sounding the alarm that we are to be attacked.  Do we allow our more impoverished brothers to be attacked while we stand by?
    Please pray for the repose of her soul.

    Offline Raoul76

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #13 on: May 06, 2010, 01:42:28 PM »
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  • Belloc said:
    The Whore is the one world Govt/religious/social system to be set up, we are at the beginnings of it (NWO)

    I see Belloc has not been reading my posts in the Fatima thread, ha ha.  This is precisely what we have been led to think through the most refined use of propaganda.  

    ( 1 ) Mystery Babylon / The Whore of Babylon is America, which is the cornerstone and symbol of the Universal Republic based on French Revolutionary principles.  

    ( 2 ) The Universal Republic IS the real nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr, the one the Illuminists and Masons dreamt of.

    ( 3 ) Vatican II is based on Americanist principles, and that is why Dignitatis Humanae reads like the Constitution, or like the Declaration of the Rights of Man, saying that all states MUST have religious liberty, a reversal of Church teaching.  America and Vatican II are connected by spiritual DNA and they will almost definitely go down in flames together.  

    Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta Webster, pg. 193 --

    "Has not the system of the ant-heap or the beehive proved, as I have pointed out elsewhere, the model on which modern Anarchists, from Proudhon onwards, have formed their schemes for the reorganization of human life?  Has not the idea of the "World State," the "Universal Republic" become the war cry of the Internationalist Socialists, the Grand Orient Masons, the Theosophists, and the world-revolutionaries of our own day?"

    Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique --
    "We do not have to demonstrate here that the advent of universal Democracy is of no concern to the action of the Church in the world; we have already recalled that the Church has always left to the nations the care of giving themselves the form of government which they think most suited to their needs."

    At best, this comment is naive.  At worst, it is something more than that, and the fact that Pius X was "sainted" by Pius XII is not a good sign.  Should I quote Pius XII giving his seemingly random speech on bees again?

    Be afraid, be very afraid.  Actually, don't because --

    ( 4 ) Belloc, we are at the END of the NWO, or at least this version of it.  Not the beginning.  

    If people here don't believe me, why do you think that in all the prophecies there is the emphasis on a MONARCH as being the one who restores the Church?  Don't you see the symmetry?  The Jews and Masons aimed their treachery against the Catholic monarchies, and it is when the Monarchy is restored that the Church is restored, at least temporarily.  

    America is in no way standing against the NWO; America is Masonic to the core.  Our very flag is an echo of the tricolor of the French Revolution.  The separation of Church and state was the subversive principle that set the ball rolling for the Jews to take over and for the Vatican to eventually succuмb.  Our current Apostasy could never have possibly happened under the watch of Catholic princes, and so they were steadily removed through underhanded tactics and replaced with those amenable to our form of government.  

    The whole world has not been "EU-ized," it has been Americanized.  Think of how all nations have Coca-Cola and McDonald's, how they know our movie stars, how we have exported our system of government everywhere, our feminism everywhere, our immorality everywhere, our support for Jєωιѕн goals everywhere -- all nations fornicate with the Whore of Babylon.  
    Readers: Please IGNORE all my postings here. I was a recent convert and fell into errors, even heresy for which hopefully my ignorance excuses. These include rejecting the "rhythm method," rejecting the idea of "implicit faith," and being brieflfy quasi-Jansenist. I also posted occasions of sins and links to occasions of sin, not understanding the concept much at the time, so do not follow my links.

    Offline Raoul76

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    Exact Chronology of the End Times?
    « Reply #14 on: May 06, 2010, 01:50:50 PM »
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  • More proof:  In Apocalypse 18, which I believe describes the time of the Angelic Pastor and Monarch, the "angel from heaven" ( Angelic Pastor? ) gives a speech about how "Babylon the Great has fallen, has fallen."  He then goes on to say how it is no longer anything but a nest of filthy birds, a cesspool of sin, a den of wild beasts.  I'm paraphrasing.

    Think about this.  If Babylon the Great became a nest of filthy birds, that means at one time it must have actually had some decent birds.  This speech makes no sense if Babylon the Great is the vague conspiracy-theorist concept of the NWO.  No one speaks of the NWO as having citizens.  One only speaks of actual nations as having citizens.

    This speech only makes sense if Mystery Babylon is America.   America has had some decent Catholics.  It wasn't always completely degenerate like now, and it started out with so much illusory promise and hope.  It is a tragic nation, built on a lie, but many people here sincerely thought our system of government was a boon.

    And there are many other reasons why Mystery Babylon is America, such as the very character of being MYSTERIOUS.  It's mysterious because almost no one talks about it what it really is, including the Catholics!  They celebrate it and act like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Its true evil character is or was hidden, you see, but what was once whispered in secret will one day be shouted from the rooftops.
    Readers: Please IGNORE all my postings here. I was a recent convert and fell into errors, even heresy for which hopefully my ignorance excuses. These include rejecting the "rhythm method," rejecting the idea of "implicit faith," and being brieflfy quasi-Jansenist. I also posted occasions of sins and links to occasions of sin, not understanding the concept much at the time, so do not follow my links.