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« on: January 23, 2014, 03:05:52 PM »
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  • God is Good.

    Through the mediation of our Clare, the esteemed Patricius of Ignis Ardens has graciously emailed me the Earthmovers thread from IA.

    I am now in a position to repost it online, and, along with its author, have determined that CI is the very best place to plug back into the blogosphere.

    Dear Matthew and Mater, I respectfully request your permission to keep this thread in the Resistance section of this forum because every post that I put in this thread stands for the proposition that the true Catholic Resistance has nothing to do with the SSPX and everything to do with Doctrine - the full and entire Deposit of the Faith. If this section limits itself to discussion of the SSPX and the various combatants in its fratricidal cινιℓ ωαr, then it commits an abortion of Truth.  

    I have another request - a very special one, which I understand you might be unable to grant. Is it possible to scrub this thread on a continuous basis of anti-Catholic, anti-geocentric posts, so that this thread can be reserved as a place where souls might encounter the positive teaching, sans graffiti?

    Nothing would stop anyone from slinging mud at what is posted here by starting new threads. I do not wish to stifle discussion. I merely wish to keep this thread as clean and unified as possible.

    Why is this important? Because in the entire history of the Church, Sacred Tradition and Sacred Doctrine have suffered from no greater blow than that which came from the copernican-darwinian revolutions. The Church is still reeling, and will continue to spiral downward until we fight back with Faith, Fortitude, Charity, and Truth.

    We are at a decisive moment in Church history. We are on the cusp of great events which will usher in the Age of Mary - which Age will have for its distinctive mark the total annihilation of all heresies, including and especially these two diaboli.    

    The true Catholic Counter-revolution will not succeed until the remnant of Tradition puts its entire weight behind the rehabilitation of the Sacred Magisterium and puts an end, once and for all, to the lie about the Galileo affair.

    I pray you both - please allow me to keep this thread in the Resistance section, and please allow me to request that you scrub certain posts as we go along.

    Thank you so much, and God bless you.

    P.S. We would welcome any posts in support of the movie The Principle.

    Offline cantatedomino

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    « Reply #1 on: January 23, 2014, 03:08:17 PM »
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  • Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us

    St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us

    St. Basil the Great, pray for us

    All ye Fathers and Doctors, pray for us

    St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, defend us, protect us, lend us thine assistance and aid.

    All ye Nine Choirs of Angels, defend us, protect us, lend us thine assistance and aid.

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    « Reply #2 on: January 23, 2014, 03:12:03 PM »
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  • All items in blue are my personal notes and comments.

    THE EARTHMOVERS: There was a time on this earth when all mankind held our globe of life to be the unique, immovable, material and spiritual centre of the universe, with the sun, moon and stars deferring directly or indirectly to it in different ways every day, every month and every year. This is what they saw, experienced and dwelt on; what we still see and experience, what is sense-reality to all.

    In the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, certain men embarked on a mission that would change how all people - of both Church and State - perceived the universe and man’s place in it. Their intent was to implement the Hermetic principle of ‘as above, so below,’ that is, a heliocentric heaven that would precipitate enlightenment on earth. Thus the temple built by the Holy Ghost in the name of the Spiritual Son of David, introduced in the opening line of the New Testament, would be replaced by a rival temple being built in the name of David’s natural son Solomon.

    Definition of Hermetic: a) of or relating to the mystical and alchemical writings or teachings arising in the first three centuries a.d. and attributed to Hermes Trismegistus; b)relating to or characterized by occultism or abstruseness. (

    What emerged was a revolution in belief, so subtle in its methods, so devious and widespread in its application, so universal in its success, so thorough in its continuity, that it can only be classed as the most brilliant intellectual, doctrinal, and metaphysical deception in the whole of history.

    Described by C. S. Lewis as the ‘Discarded Image,’ we can today, without scientific contradictions, re-introduce the Sacred Doctrine of Geocentrism, traditionally fixed on that unique footstool facilitating the Lord's resting on His Melchisedech Dais. Our intention is to reclaim that Supernatural Sacred and Sovereign Seat of Certainty wrenched from Him by the Earthmovers, both outside and inside the Catholic Church.

    See Psalm 109: The Lord said to my Lord: Sit Thou at my right hand: Until I make Thy enemies Thy footstool. The Lord will send forth the sceptre of Thy power out of Sion: rule Thou in the midst of Thy enemies. With Thee is the principality in the day of Thy strength: in the brightness of the Saints: from the womb before the day star I begot Thee. The Lord hath sworn, and He will not repent: Thou art a priest for ever according to the order of Melchisedech.

    See Isaias 66: Thus saith the Lord: Heaven is My throne, and the earth My footstool: what is this house that you will build to Me? and what is this place of my rest?

    Much of the enclosed is intended to convey the deliberation and intelligence by which long established occult powers conform ideas and beliefs in both Church and State to that ancient all-pervasive mythical dogma of ma’at-equilibrium, exemplified herein by the Earthmovers in their action of enthroning celestial Newtonian mechanics as their equilibrium crown jewel; being then in reaction forced to elevate 'uncertainty' itself into their primal naturalistic dogma now associated with the name of Heisenberg.

    This then is our story of the Earthmovers’ and their deception; who they were; why they needed to move the earth and fix the sun; and how they did it in both faith and science.

    Dedicated to Fr Filippo Anfossi (1748-1825)
    Master of the Sacred Palace, Rome.

    Offline cantatedomino

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    « Reply #3 on: January 23, 2014, 03:13:14 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: Much of the enclosed is intended to convey the deliberation and intelligence by which long established occult powers conform ideas and beliefs in both Church and State to that ancient all-pervasive mythical dogma of ma’at-equilibrium, exemplified herein by the Earthmovers in their action of enthroning celestial Newtonian mechanics as their equilibrium crown jewel; being then in reaction forced to elevate 'uncertainty' itself into their primal naturalistic dogma now associated with the name of Heisenberg.

    Elsewhere I have written about the problem of artificially imposed paradigmatic doubt, which is an essential quality of the intellectual corruption caused by the ongoing revolution against the Lord and against His Christ. Men began to tell lies about the Sacred Scriptures. Then Popes began to allow these lies to be widely disseminated throughout the Church and the Catholic kingdoms. Ultimately, a fundamental paradigm shift occurred. The world went from the credulous certitude that is the fruit of common sense elevated by supernatural faith, to the enshrined and institutionalized doubt of Descartes and his manifold followers.

    This intellectual corruption is planned.

    Doubt in matters of certitude is the enemy of both Faith and Reason.

    Paradigmatic doubt cripples the intellect and makes it flaccid.

    The primary philosophy of the earthmovers is the philosophy of doubt, which is, of course, an exercise in futility.

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    « Reply #4 on: January 23, 2014, 03:22:01 PM »
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    As early as 1530, in his book De Revolutionibus, the Polish astronomer Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) had proved that the Sun was the centre of the universe . . . A century later, the Pisan astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) using his new refractor telescope, once again showed that the Earth revolved around the Sun. He published his proofs several times . . . - - - The New Rights of Man. (J.E. Lewis: The New Rights of Man, Robinson, 2003, p.233.)

    They call it the Copernican revolution, the ‘scientific’ advancement that changed the world. While by no means the innovator, it is named after the Polish canon Nicolaus Copernicus, who in the sixteenth century broached the old heliocentric principle that the sun, not the earth, occupies the centre of our cosmos. For this to be, the earth had to be moved. Until then, mankind had been loyal to the senses, the witness of the eyes that show us the stars, sun, moon and planets turning about us on earth once a day, with the sun also moving mid-north and mid-south and back again once a year.

    For centuries now, in the wake of the 'proofs' attributed to Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Bradley, Foucault, etc., mankind has abandoned the geocentric view of the universe around us and transferred all to a mind-view of a spinning earth, orbiting the sun like a planet, the idea taught to us at schools, colleges and universities from the age of five onwards. This upheaval, in turn, brought about a change in human reasoning, with both Church and State abandoning the old concept, adopting instead a new way of thinking about the heavens, God, the Bible, the earth, mankind and everything else. All this, and much more, was brought about by the Earthmovers.

    With the victory of the Copernican revolution now absolute in the minds of nearly all today, be they popes, astronomers, philosophers, theologians, historians, etc., we have no choice but to acknowledge that no upheaval in the history of the world affected mankind like the Earthmovers’ revolution. History books abound with expressions of this, one of the greatest shifts in human reasoning ever known, the effects of which have moulded how mankind thinks, believes and indoctrinates.

    The German poet, Johann von Goethe (1749-1832), said of it: Among all the discoveries and convictions, probably not a single fact has had a deeper influence on the human spirit than the teaching of Copernicus ... Humanity has probably never been asked to do more; for consider all that went up in smoke as a result of realising this change: a second paradise, a world of innocence, poetry and piety, the witness of the senses, the conviction of a poetic and religious faith; small wonder that one did not want to give this up, that people in every possible way resisted such a doctrine, which those who accepted it justified and summoned to a so far unknown, yet unthought of freedom of thinking and greatness of vision. (J. von Goethe: Geschichte der Farbenlehre, Chicago, University Press, p.67.)

    More recently, Arthur Koestler describes the transition like so: Their cosmic quest destroyed the medieval vision of an immutable social order in a walled-in Universe, with its fixed hierarchy of moral values, and transformed the European landscape, society, culture, habits and general outlook as thoroughly as if a new species had arisen on this planet. (Arthur Koestler: The Sleepwalkers, Grosset & Dunlop, New York, 1963, p.13.)

    To which we can add language, wherein ‘this planet’ has long replaced the ‘earth’ for most now, as the above quote illustrates. The Copernican revolution then, was undoubtedly more profound and ‘earth-moving’ than any of the great shifts of belief recorded throughout history. It moved men’s thinking far more than the Greek philosophers did, far more than the astrologers of China, India, Arabia and so on. It had a greater effect than any of the spiritual, population, cultural, and ethnic shifts recorded by historians or discovered by archaeologists and anthropologists. It surpassed the effects of religious and ideological wars of humanity in both East and West. It far outdid the influence of Europe’s colonial occupations and retreats, even the Communist uprising and domination throughout many countries in the twentieth century and the materialism that followed it into the twenty-first. The reason, of course, is because unlike any other revolution in history recorded and studied by man, the whole world, nearly every last man, woman and child, became Copernican.

    The Copernican revolution, while promulgated as an advance in the discoveries of astronomy, cosmology and knowledge itself, was, of course, first and foremost a revolution against the long secure comprehension of God, the earth, the universe and mankind - a bond of reasoning between the four that also manifested itself fully in the Catholic Church, in its Sacred Scriptures, in tradition and society, in scholastic theology, philosophy and metaphysics. Soon we will read exactly how this doctrine was understood and how it used to form the thinking of mankind up to the eighteenth century.

    The reason for this teleological distinction is because when studying the universe, man’s natural reasoning can discern in the order and harmony of the movements of the celestial bodies a divine intelligence and especially as observed, that is, earth-centred, geocentric and geostatic. An analogy of this could be made in that if, shipwrecked on an island, we came upon a beautiful farm at its centre, with its own water source and cattle, sheep and fowl feeding in its fields, plus rows of grain, vegetables and fruit trees, with its seasons of growth and harvests, we would deduce the existence of an intelligent designer around and seek him or her out. Consider then how men comprehended things when they viewed the universe as geocentric, with the earth and its countless life and man at its centre. Once this realism was shattered, as we can imagine, the very essence of metaphysics was flung into chaos. [The field of philosophy concerning first principles, which includes the study of being (ontology), the study of the origin and structure of the universe (cosmology), and concerns itself with the science of knowledge (epistemology)].

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    « Reply #5 on: January 23, 2014, 03:26:16 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: The cult of the sun as master of ‘planet-earth’ originated in the main from the occult convictions of the post Noachian-flood Egyptians (2,941BC). It arises within the religion of Phallicism, the bond that unites all forms of idolatry into one great system. It stems directly from sun worship, heliolatry or light worship, e.g., Mithraism. It is evident that the learned of the heliolaters viewed the sun as the life source to all terrestrial creatures, the cause of all life and therefore divine.

    Accordingly, this paganism literally strove to regulate all places (a heliocentric order,) politics and religion in the image of their sun-deity. This priest-led cult included alchemy and magic, that is, a gnosis, an esoteric knowledge, a mode of indoctrination designed to overcome man’s fallen state and restore knowledge of all things enjoyed by Adam before the fall so that we can become like gods.

    A little later, under the auspices of astronomy and astrology, the heliocentric belief surfaced again. In the 6th century BC, the Egyptian-trained Pythagoras reintroduced the sun-centred world and followers such as Philolaus, the teacher of Plato, and Plato himself, according to Aristotle, accepted a solar system. After him, in the 4th century BC, it was Heracleides who promoted the idea that the earth moves around a central fire. A century later, Aristarchus of Samos (240BC) also advocated a heliocentric world. He was accused of impiety so gained few converts.

    Throughout all the centuries after Christ, the reality of the senses remained and geocentrism prevailed. Nevertheless, the pagan cult of a sun-centred world with its ‘illuminated priests’ never died; the seeds of the belief system, this gnosis, having been inserted into the occult writings of men, now best known as the Hermetic, Gnostic and cabbalistic texts. Thus, in the second century AD, there came into existence a ‘Holy Grail,’ protected over the centuries by many organisations and secret societies, for they knew there would come a time and generations more favourable to their cause. And so it was that with the re-emergence of the Hermetic books in the fifteenth century in Florence, the heliocentric doctrine began to attract and fascinate new recruits. This magic then spread like wildfire, becoming an integral part of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

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    « Reply #6 on: January 23, 2014, 03:28:57 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: We could say the development of the doctrine of geocentrism had its origins with the well-known Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322BC). It was he who built a mode of thinking he called metaphysics wherein the earth’s apparent immobile centrality in the universe was chosen as the core around which many other branches of knowledge should defer. Thus astronomy, cosmology, mathematics, physics, geography, botany, zoology, psychology, music, the arts etc., found their deferential point.

    In the religious or sacred world, both Scripture and Tradition adhered literally to a geocentric world. Throughout the Bible are many references to a moving sun and fixed earth, but not one to a fixed sun and moving earth in any way. Of all biblical references linking heaven and a fixed earth, none is more significant than the reference to the Lord’s footstool:

    Thus saith the Lord: Heaven is My throne and the earth My footstool: what is this house that you will build M? And what is this place of My rest? My hand made all these things, and all these things were made, saith the Lord. (Isaiah 66:1-2.)

    But I say to you not to swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God; nor by the earth, for it is His footstool. (Matthew 5:34.)

    [The term footstool, far from being considered as incidental to the Holy Throne, is best considered as a key component of the DAIS of the Melchisedech Holy Throne, fashioned for One who is seated (in contradistinction to movement). 'In the Prophets and Apostles' visions of God, the Father is always found seated on His throne. This is important. God is always at rest. There is nothing that disturbs Him. Even in the Book of Revelation, where violent events taking place on earth are foretold, you'll find God seated on His throne.’ - - - Love’]

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    « Reply #7 on: January 23, 2014, 03:30:44 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: As time went by, this geocentric doctrine was developed further to satisfy the insatiable curiosity of man and the infinite theology of God, a synthesis of thought found in the reasoning refined and articulated in a Christian way over the centuries by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, especially Dionysius the Areopagite (1st century AD); St Clement of Alexandria (150-215AD) - who established that the altar in the Jєωιѕн tabernacle was ‘a symbol of the earth placed in the middle of the universe;’ Peter Lombard (12th century); and then St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). ‘With great power and clearness,’ wrote Andrew White, ‘Saint Thomas Aquinas, the sainted theologian, the glory of the mediaeval Church, the ‘Angelic Doctor,’ brought the whole vast system, material and spiritual, into its relation to God and man,’ a composite of theology, philosophy and metaphysics that resulted in ‘a sacred system of cosmology, one of the great treasures of the universal Church.’ (Andrew D. White: A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, New York, Appleton, 1870 and updated 1896, p.116.)

    St Thomas brought about a universal change in emphasis. Up to his time philosophy had been the centre of knowledge since the Greek thinkers, but with the application of Christian Revelation and infused wisdom, theology found its place in the intellectual world, with all the other disciplines, including metaphysics, ethics, logic, politics, economics etc., subservient to it. Thomism then, became the vehicle for a system of learning and education. Hence with the scholastics, the primacy of a teleological explanation for the existence of man, his nature, place, purpose and destiny was established more fully. Finally, but not least, there was the geocentrism of St Cardinal Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) in his 1614 book De Ascensione Mentis in Deum - The Mind’s Ascent to God by the Ladder of Created Things.

    Having reconciled Aristotle’s geocentric metaphysics with Christianity, it was then time to cleanse other alien ideas of the Greek scholar’s in the light of Christian Revelation and teaching of the Catholic Church, arising from the dogma that everything presupposes the Creation by God. This occurred in 1277AD, when Bishop Étienne Tempier of Paris banned 219 propositions of Aristotle’s from the University at Sorbonne, the leading school of learning at the time. For example, the Greek, thinking ‘it is impossible to make something out of nothing,’ reasoned that the universe must always have existed. The Old Testament however, reveals that the world had a beginning in time when God created it out of nothing. Here then, in 1277, the theology of the Church began to assert itself over the rational ideas of man.

    Other metaphysical beliefs shared by all the major pagan cultures including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Hindus, Chinese, as well as the Greeks, were then eliminated from the Sorbonne, myths like Animism (that all matter moves itself); Pantheism (that the world and God are the same thing); Astrology (that the movements of the stars influence happenings and people on the earth), and Cyclic History (that all events in history repeat themselves exactly in time).

    Nearly three centuries later, on December 13, 1545, the Church convened the Council of Trent. This was done to counter the Protestant rebellion that could be dated from 1517.

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    « Reply #8 on: January 23, 2014, 03:33:13 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: Of importance to the historic 1616-1633 censure of earthmoving and sun-fixing by the Church as formal heresy, are the methods prescribed for the interpretation of Sacred Scripture decreed on April 8, 1546:

    Furthermore, in order to curb imprudent clever persons, the synod decrees that no one who relies on his own judgement in matters of faith and morals, which pertain to the building up of Christian doctrine, and that no one who distorts the Sacred Scripture according to his own opinions, shall dare to interpret the said Sacred Scripture contrary to that sense which is held by Holy Mother Church, whose duty it is to judge regarding the true sense and interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, or even contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers, even though interpretations of this kind were never intended to be brought to light. Let those who shall oppose this be reported by their ordinaries and be punished with the penalties prescribed by law. -- (Denz - 786)

    Around the same time as the Protestant rebellion, Pythagoras’s heliocentrism began to resurface. For example, Cardinal Nicholaus of Cusa (1301-1464) in his philosophical writings proposed ‘the earth is a star like other stars, is not the centre of the universe, is not at rest, nor are its poles fixed. The celestial bodies are not strictly spherical, nor are their orbits circular. The difference between theory and appearance is explained by relative motion.’ (Catholic Encyclopaedia 1913).

    A century later, in 1543, the long held heliocentrism of the Polish Catholic canon Nicolaus Copernicus was finally made public. Influenced somewhat by the rediscovered Hermetic books that advocated heliolatry, Copernicus had responded by giving the fixed sun-moving earth scheme a geometric and mathematical structure as presented in his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium. The heliocentrism inherent in Copernicus’s work however, over three hundred pages of drawings, geometry, calculations, longitudes, latitudes and endless data, was not considered a threat to the Catholic Church’s reading of Scripture because in its opening preface - To the Reader Concerning the Hypothesis of this Work - it states:

    And if [this book] constructs and thinks up causes - and it has certainly thought up many – nevertheless it does not think them up in order to persuade anyone of their truth, but only in order that they may provide a correct basis for calculation. … Maybe the philosopher demands probability instead; but neither of them will grasp anything certain or hand it on, unless it has been divinely revealed to him.

    It is clear from this preface – no matter who wrote it - that while its heliocentrism is called a ‘hypothesis,’ it was presented as a tool for calculation, and not as a truth or a potential truth awaiting science to prove it true. That said, the book did facilitate the idea that the immobile earth of the senses, the Lord’s footstool as the Bible calls it, just might not be the stable rest for God’s Holy Throne after all, nor the abode of hell and its demons, but could be instead, a planet in motion through space in homage, we could say, to the pagan god of wisdom, Sol-Om-On; a grouping of the Latin, Indian and Egyptian names for the sun.

    A century later emerged Galileo Galilei. Few have achieved equal fame to this writer, philosopher, physicist and astronomer of Pisa, not those who Christianised nations, conquered peoples or discovered new lands. And for what is Galileo now remembered and celebrated? Why isn’t he the one, they tell us, who, using his telescope, showed the planets do move around the sun in the circles advocated by Copernicus and that this showed the earth must also orbit the sun while rotating daily? They add that Galileo’s Copernicanism did not meet with the approval of the Roman Catholic Church at the time because it threatened to expose the revered geocentrism of the Church as ill founded and false, a doctrine held as truly confirmed in the Scriptures by all the Fathers of the Church.

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    « Reply #9 on: January 23, 2014, 03:38:23 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: We could say the clash between Galileo and the Church began in 1613 when the Lincean Academy published his book Letters on Sunspots. In an appendix, for the first time, Galileo stated Copernicus’s heliocentrism was a reality. This contradicted the prevailing geocentrism held by natural philosophers and of course the Scriptures read literally. Unable to fault Galileo’s discoveries and interpretations using the scientific method, the Aristotelians tried to dismiss his heliocentrism on biblical grounds, generating discussion, argument, and anger between both sides. In time the problem came to the attention of Cardinal Bellarmine, Master of Controversial Questions and Consulter of the Holy Office. Bellarmine agreed in his 1615 Letter to Foscarini that if Galileo had proof for a fixed sun or moving earth, then of course the Scriptures would have to be interpreted accordingly. But, he said correctly, Galileo had no such proof, nor had anyone else, and indeed he doubted anyone would ever find proof, so no change in the Fathers interpretation, understanding or belief was warranted or permitted. Rejecting Bellarmine’s cautions, Galileo defended his heliocentric system in his 1613 Letter to Christina later expanded to his Letter to Christina in 1615. Obviously Galileo was afraid that the Bible would rob him of the scientific glory he felt was due to him as the one who discovered enough to claim a heliocentric order for the cosmos was true.

    In late 1615, Galileo asked Cosimo permission to come to Rome to defend himself and his beliefs. The Grand Duke approved this and even provided lodgings for Galileo. Once in Rome, Galileo used his astronomical findings to demolish the Aristotelians’ Ptolemaic system; but not the geocentric cosmology of Tycho de Brahe (1546-1601). The theologians however, were unimpressed. Then, in 1616, Galileo produced his ‘theory of the tides,’ his ‘definitive proof for heliocentrism. That, he thought, should shake the theologians out of their dogmatic stance. He even managed to get Cardinal Orsini to approach Pope Paul V with his tidal ‘proof,’ hoping the Pope would concede to it. But the Pope had heard enough of Galileo’s crusade. He consulted with Cardinal Bellarmine, and with both agreeing that Galileo’s opinions were heretical, followed proper procedure and instructed the Holy Office to consider and confirm the status of heliocentrism in regard to Sacred Scripture and teaching of the Fathers.

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    « Reply #10 on: January 23, 2014, 03:41:21 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: On February 24th 1616, the two propositions submitted were qualified in virtue of Pope Paul V’s order:

    (1) “That the sun is in the centre of the world and altogether immovable by local movement,” was unanimously declared to be “foolish, philosophically absurd, and formally heretical, inasmuch as it expressly contradicts the declarations of Holy Scripture in many passages, according to the proper meaning of the language used, and the sense in which they have been expounded and understood by the Fathers and theologians.”

    (2) The second proposition, that is, “That the earth is not the centre of the world, and moves as a whole, and also with a diurnal movement,” was unanimously declared “to deserve the same censure philosophically, and, theologically considered to be at least erroneous in faith.”

    Galileo left Rome, cautioned, silenced and frustrated. In 1621 Cardinal Bellarmine and Pope Paul V died. In the meantime Galileo returned to his experiments on motion (inertia). Three year later, in 1624, Galileo met with Pope Urban VIII (1623-1644) in Rome, an old friend, to see if he could open the question for debate once again, promising the Pope he would simply compare the merits of the geocentric and heliocentric systems in the science of astronomical investigation.

    In 1632 Galileo’s long awaited book Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems was published. Upon reading it, Pope Urban VIII saw it depicted the heliocentric system as more than a mathematical ‘hypothesis,’ indeed more than a theory, but as the true order of the world. He immediately ordered all copies possible to be seized and commanded Galileo to come to Rome to answer the charge of heresy, heterodoxy he said, that ‘puts the Catholic faith in danger.’ The Pope knew of course that if the Church’s authority, exegesis and hermeneutics were ignored or tampered with in this particular case, then no Catholic doctrine was safe thereafter.

    Galileo was then ordered by the Pope to come to Rome to face a charge of heresy. Months later, after delays on health grounds, pleading of innocence and a long journey undertaken, Galileo arrived at the Holy Office in Rome where he denied that he meant his presentation of heliocentrism as a truth in his Dialogue and certainly did not hold that belief himself since the 1616 decree was made known to him.

    Nevertheless, the evidence showed the opposite and the Pope ordered that Galileo be found guilty accordingly. As a result of Pope Urban VIII’s judgement, made through the Holy Office, Galileo was sentenced to house-detention at the behest of the Inquisition and was ordered never to hold, speak or write about the heresy again under threat of being condemned as a relapsed heretic, a very serious offence in those days. His Dialogue was banned altogether. On the 2nd July 1633, the definition and condemnation were made universal, not just confined to Galileo alone as some apologists would argue. Copies of the sentence and abjuration were sent to all vicar nuncios and inquisitors who were told to make them known to professors of philosophy and theology throughout the Catholic world. On 10th August 1634, the Dialogue was put on the Index of forbidden books.

    Needless to say the reaction to all the above events was twofold; some were delighted that the Church made a stand to protect the Bible from personal interpretations, while others, on various grounds, were not happy with the Church’s condemnation of heliocentrism or Galileo’s conviction. These reactions, from clerics and laity, both in private and in public, by way of oral disseminations, letters, newspapers and dozens of books, carried inaccuracies of all sorts, mostly because few had access to the original records and thus relied on varying accounts of the story second or third hand. Such factual errors have prevailed to this very day.

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    « Reply #11 on: January 23, 2014, 03:42:27 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: For the rest of his life Galileo was not held in prison, fasting on bread and water as Voltaire (1694-1778) insinuated in 1770, or having his eyes gouged out to blind him as another wrote, but was allowed live in relative comfort in his own home and elsewhere at times, corresponding with and meeting friends, including his son, daughters and sympathetic admirers, studying physics with others while writing up his findings that culminated in the book Two New Sciences.

    Apart from some references in private letters, the record shows Galileo adhered to his ban on discussing heliocentrism. That said, up until his death at Arcetri on 8 January 1642, many influential people, both clerics and laity, tried without success to get him pardoned or released from house arrest. But, as we have seen, Galileo’s condemnation was absolute, not provisional or reversible. This resolve persisted in that Galileo was buried in an obscure grave in some backroom at the church of Santa Croce in Florence, a proposed monument to his honour having been refused by the Inquisition of the day.

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    « Reply #12 on: January 23, 2014, 03:45:38 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: As regards the universal ban on books etc., treating heliocentrism as a truth or potential truth, while it was a Church edict and could be imposed in those places where the Church ruled, in other states where the Church had no such power, it needed the consent of the secular rulers for its [implementation]. In many such states the ban was refused or ignored. Indeed, even in some Catholic areas the ban was not met with enthusiasm given its subject matter had a connection with ongoing science and astronomy. As regards the fixed-sun, moving-earth belief being defined and declared as heretical, well while it remained as decreed, there slowly began an attack on its authority because of its effect on those involved in science.

    But ere long it was seen that this triumph of the Church was in reality a prodigious defeat. From all sides came proofs that Copernicus and Galileo were right… (Andrew D. White: A History, p.153.)

    With the Renaissance there came a huge shift in philosophical thought, described as a rational study of all or some of the problems arising from our attempts to explain the universal order of things by their causes or principles, a move away from the traditional metaphysics of St Thomas towards secular thinking alone. These new philosophies started with the French Catholic Rene Descartes (1596-1650), one of those 17th century philosophers known as the Rationalists who followed the thinking of Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626). By relying exclusively on human reasoning, and wherever this led, they endeavoured to free philosophy from ‘the straightjacket of scholastic thought’ as Bacon had put it.

    Next came the Empiricists, founded by John Locke (1632-1704), they [were] influenced by Isaac Newton. Empiricism was then taken to extremes by the Scotsman David Hume (1711-1776), who held nothing exists but sensations. Next were the German philosophers Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and Georg Hegel (1770-1831). Kant said reason could only know those things experienced by the senses. Hegel held matter is only an illusion, the only reality being ‘Absolute Spirit,’ which expresses its nature in an historical process of struggle and conflict that results in a perfect society, a philosophy of evolutionism adopted later by Darwin and Marx.

    And so it was when Sir Isaac Newton’s famous Principia was published in the year 1687. Even before its release, this ‘masterpiece’ was hailed and applauded by the Royal Society of London for its ‘Law of Gravitation,’ the maths and physics that supposedly showed our earth – because of its smaller size (mass) - has to be moving around a fixed sun as a planet in a solar system.

    After that, in 1726, came the discovery of stellar aberration by James Bradley (1693-1762), claimed as the first observable proof that the earth orbits the sun. Supporting these were two more proofs accepted by churchmen at the time, those of two little-known Italian astronomers Giovanni Guglielmini and Giuseppe Calandrelli. These claims quickly brought cries that Galileo had been right in his science and exegetics all along.

    As a result, there were many in the Church who now believed that the anti-Pythagorean decree and bans were a disastrous mistake. In 1741, under Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1758), there began an unprecedented ‘U-turn’ on the 1616 decree banning all books etc., with churchmen now accepting heliocentrism as a truth and compatible with the Scriptures.

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    « Reply #13 on: January 23, 2014, 04:20:56 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: In 1741, in the face of optical proof [stellar aberration] of the fact that the earth revolves round the sun, Benedict XIV had the Holy Office grant an imprimatur to the first edition of the Complete Works of Galileo. - - - Papal Study Commission, 1992.

    In 1798, the freemasonic-led French army again invaded the Papal States and occupied Rome. In 1810, Napoleon (1769-1821) deported Pope Pius VII to France and ordered all docuмents pertaining to the papal government of Rome be transported to Paris. Most of these were carted off in bulk but there were exceptions that Napoleon directed to be detached and guarded in their journey. One of these was the Galileo compilation, put together in Rome after the 1741 capitulation to science. It seems the intent of the freemasons was to publish them in Paris so that the world could read what actually happened in 1616 and 1633. It was 33 years later, in 1843, before the Galileo files were returned to Rome. Nevertheless, even in their absence, the U-turn continued:

    In 1820, Canon Settele lodged an appeal [to treat heliocentrism as a thesis] with Pope Pius VII (1800-1823) . . . in 1822 a favourable decision was given. This papal decision was to receive its practical application in 1835 [under Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846)] with the publication of a new and updated index. - - - Papal Study Commission, 1992.

    Never in the history of the Church was or is there a case like it. The Church, as Trent confirmed, has always held that when the whole Church, and all the Fathers agreed on a matter of faith, and the correct reading of Scripture is such, no matter the subject involved, then it was considered a truth and immutable in virtue of the fact that this understanding has been constantly preserved and held by tradition since the Apostles. Add to this the fact that the Church also holds and teaches that when a pope defines and condemns a belief as formal heresy, as Pope Paul V did in 1616, it too is supposedly guaranteed true. How in God’s name then could the Church confirm a false reading of Scripture, and condemn Galileo as suspect of heresy if its claims of divine protection and guidance are true? Nevertheless, in this instant, the first real test of Catholic faith that many believed could have been confirmed or falsified by science, nearly everyone agreed science falsified Catholic faith in geocentrism.

    Who then could deny that what was needed was an official Church clarification in 1741, 1820 or 1835 by way of abrogation as to how the 1616 papal decree, the doctrine of geocentrism, the Lord God’s footstool, could have been discarded like an unwanted family heirloom? Seventeen centuries of that bond between heaven and earth, God and mankind, abandoned as having been nothing more than an illusion.

    But Rome remained silent and there was no official abrogation forthcoming, no explanation, nothing but an Index emptied of those books that were once condemned for asserting formal heresy. [Abrogate it; that is, abolish it completely. But for a law to be abrogated, new legislation must accompany it, stating this clearly, and in justice should say why this is being done.]

    This is exactly the technique employed at the Second Vatican Council, which had for its effect the nearly absolute suppression of the True Mass and the True Theology of the Mass, concomitant with the nearly universal loss, on the part of Catholics, of supernatural Faith in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, in the Sacred Species.

    The True Mass was never abrogated. This was weakly admitted by Benedict XVI in 2007, with qualification upon qualification. But the effect of the conciliar legerdemain was to abrogate Catholicism, in the temporal order, in the minds and hearts of men, de facto. The same applies to the Church's indispensable teaching on the Cosmology. The inherent and necessary geocentrism of the Roman Catholic Faith has never been juridically abrogated, yet this is almost irrelevant, due to its de facto abrogation, resulting in a pandemic and universal intellectual deception, otherwise known as the operation of error, the belief in lying.

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    « Reply #14 on: January 23, 2014, 04:24:51 PM »
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  • THE EARTHMOVERS: Given the situation in 1835, with no abrogation or even ‘comment’ from the Church, leaving everyone ignorant of the facts, if ever there was just cause to question the claims of divine protection this was one of them. The Church’s enemies were here handed a powerful contradiction to use to destroy the credibility of the Church among thinking people. ‘Crush the infamous thing’ once cried Voltaire, ‘where the “thing” to be crushed was everything that was “irrational,” and primarily the stand of the Catholic Church.’ With Rome silenced by the acceptance of the scientific proofs offered, the enemy could crush with impunity, all the facts and truth seemingly on their side.

    As an example of the type of things said against the Church after their U-turn, we give one passage from an article that appeared in the Journal des Savants written in 1841 by Guglielimo Libri, a man who also wrote a version of the Galileo case that was widely circulated in French, Italian and German:

    Scholastic philosophy was unable to ever recover from the blows Galileo gave to it, and the Church, which unfortunately became the instrument of the Peripatetics’ [Aristotelians] hatred, shared their defeat. In fact, how can one dare claim infallibility after declaring “false, absurd, heretical, and contrary to Scripture” a fundamental truth of natural philosophy, a fact that is incontestable and now admitted by all scholars? The persecution of Galileo was odious and cruel, more odious and cruel than if the victim had been made to perish during torture…. This ill-fated vengeance, which Galileo had to endure for such a long time, had the aim of silencing him; it frightened his successors and retarded the progress of philosophy, it deprived humanity of the new truths which his sublime mind might have discovered. To restrain genius; to frighten thinkers; to hinder the progress of philosophy, that is what Galileo’s persecutors tried to do. It is a stain which they will never wash away. (M. A. Finocchiaro: Retrying Galileo, p.226.)

    Thus began the never ending assertions that the Church hated science, was afraid of science, was falsified by science etc. As a result of such attacks on the Church, Catholics - both lay and clerics - began a propaganda exercise second to none in the history of religion to portray the impression of orthodoxy for that heliocentric U-turn so that the Catholic faith and science could be reconciled. Numerous theologians, scholars, historians, authors, and even a Church commission (1981-92), Copernicans all, tried hard to expurgate the Church from the responsibility and consequences of having defined, and declared belief in a fixed sun/moving earth as formal heresy and for condemning Galileo accordingly.

    For many years now, in answer to those who claim the proofs for the movement of the earth did compromise the teaching authority of the Church and its decisions, there has been a desperate attempt by Catholic apologists to try to present the condemnations in the Galileo case as the mistaken waffling of ignorant theologians, declarations carrying no real authority at all, rulings that could be ignored as non-events and forgotten in time. That then is why the Galileo case was elevated into one of the most discussed and written about episodes in the intellectual and cultural history of the western world. Literally thousands of books were written about the case from 1633 and continue to be written, each offering a different synthesis on the subject as accepted, that is, addressing what is perceived as disastrous mistakes by the Catholic Church. Similarly, every book on the history of the Church, theology, philosophy and the empirical sciences has to address this victory of Galileo over scholastic tradition.

    The philosophical, metaphysical and religious consequences of the demise of geocentrism have never been measured by the Church or anyone else. Once scientific heliocentrism became the new belief system, the geocentric unification of God, man, the earth and universe was lost. This massive elimination of the doctrine of geocentrism and all it meant to Catholicism was thereafter ignored, as though it never existed within the Catholic faith. Nowhere will one find a word of regret uttered by any post-1741 pope, theologian nor Catholic philosopher, as though such physical and metaphysical beliefs can be jettisoned at will without doctrinal consequences.