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Author Topic: On Trump and Abortion from MPC  (Read 408 times)

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On Trump and Abortion from MPC
« on: Yesterday at 08:22:00 PM »
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  • From MPCForum aka Mypostingcareer on X:

    “Years ago I figured out that abortion was largely a culture war fraud used to manipulate conservatives into always losing. It was always the last ditch "we need to vote for this shambling, zero charisma GOP establishment asshole so we can end Roe" gambit. Turns out we didn't need to do that, we just needed to elect a real estate magnate who understood politics better than the entire Republican Party (admittedly this somewhat understates his achievement).

    Trump was right to appoint judges who would overturn Roe, which was a bad ruling (like Griswold before it) that essentially made the court a secondary legislative branch that liberals could turn to for anything they couldn't get Congress to push through.

    The reason Roe was so terrible is that it circuмvented local authority and democratic expression. Obviously nothing changes the fact that every woman is a danger to her own children, both before and after their birth. But what is especially dumb about the abortion people is their elevation of this issue far above anything else--including, most crucially, creating a society in which middle class men and women want to and are able to form families and have children when women are young.  For abortion is not a meaningful or salient concern when no one is having children by any means.

    Today we have a society in which having children is delayed until women are practically semi-retired and their elderly wombs can no longer produce the healthiest offspring, and then only after accuмulating large university debts, derailing their lives into sour, wine-swilling dating chronicles, and submitting to all the other joys of being a herd of consumerist cows that collect pastel tumblers instead of learning to care for others.

    The women who are having children are having small families, raised in a desertified secular culture, to fit their delusions of professional achievement and to accommodate their aforementioned consumerist tastes. This is the worst of all possible worlds. The children we do have are raised in isolated suburban pods, badly parented by immature fools, and infected with soul-destroying entertainment materialism (which today's evangelical churches have even perverted their heretical religions with). (Sounds like Bishop Williamson here)

    The West has been on this death march to extinction for decades, and all of its policies and governance support such an outcome. Worrying about abortion in this context is insane. You are killing the children you do have--the only argument you have engaged in is how early to kill them. A child aborted is no worse off than a child raised in a miserable secular culture in which Christ is completely absent. In both cases you should prepare to be fitted with a stone and thrown overboard; for you have killed your child by leading him astray.”(Again sounds like Bishop Williamson).
    Pray for me, always.

    Online Caraffa

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    Re: On Trump and Abortion from MPC
    « Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 08:24:01 PM »
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  • More:

    “Much criticism of President Trump's approach to abortion laws (he prefers not to deliberately lose elections in order to issue pious moral lectures) has come from the usual faction: embittered Never Trump social conservatives, and particularly Ron DeSantis supporters.  This faction is known for its love of culture war, the game of "winning by losing".

    But another faction that is very loud on this point is the "seamless garment Catholic" faction, a faction very prominent in pro-life politics.

    In this context it was a term coined by a woman (media-chasing busybody alert) in order to embroider Catholic belief with a lot of social liberalism and activism--protesting for "farm workers", relocating refugees halfway around the world, and attaining boomer sainthood by literally "marching with Dr. Martin Luther King".

    More specifically:

    A biblical phrase referencing the seamless robe Jesus wore before his crucifixion, the term “seamless garment” is attributed to Catholic activist Eileen Egan, who said, “The protection of life is a seamless garment. You can’t protect some life and not others.” Politically, the seamless garment perspective is associated with Cardinal Joseph Bernardin’s “consistent ethic of life,” which called for not only opposition to abortion, but also support for anti-poverty programs, immigrant rights and care for the elderly.

    You can see where that's going: pro-life means you also have to have infinite migrant labor and social disorder, even if doing so results in the deterioration of society and the abandonment of faith in God.  It is an offensively stupid idea (I already said it came from a woman) that replaces stewardship and husbandry with the injunction that "you have to embrace all these harmful, liberal, anti-Catholic ideas or else you don't love God."  (As much as the fractally disintegrating protestant denominations can be derided, Catholic intellectualism excels at this abomination of faith and reason.)

    I don't have a capsule bio of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin at hand, but I take it as read that he's some jesuitical ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ who infested the clergy in droves before and during Vatican II, but whose ilk is, thankfully, finally dying off, as this sort of liberal is no longer drawn to religion and spends its time acquiring monkeypox and HIV in a secular context instead.

    In the social media sphere, "seamless garment Catholics" are typically women, or men who persist in acting like women.  Thus their model is that of a caretaker, rather than shepherd of a flock (the literal meaning of "pastor", and one of the most prominent metaphors Christ employed).

    In the biblical context, the seamless undergarment is believed to refer to Christ's perfection.  Therefore, the presumption is that seamless garment Catholics are upholding some form of flawless and indivisible morality, which leaves nothing out.  However we can see by their own works that they do not; Lila Rose (

    ) essentially embezzles a six figure salary, posts a lot of social media nagging, and hawks her (probably ghostwritten) book.  She doesn't care about the lives of the unborn, or the born, she cares about the pharisaical nitpicking of the man who has done more for the unborn than anyone alive (including of course her).  This may be the whitest white woman ever to foul the earth.

    For all this you can see whom seamless garment Catholicism would most appeal to, besides distaff imbeciles: people for whom the Christian faith is merely a fashion accessory to their desire to pursue liberal dictates.  They are corrupt hypocrites.”

    Pray for me, always.

    Online Caraffa

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    Re: On Trump and Abortion from MPC
    « Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 09:32:48 PM »
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  • Quote
    In this context it was a term coined by a woman (media-chasing busybody alert) in order to embroider Catholic belief with a lot of social liberalism and activism--protesting for "farm workers", relocating refugees halfway around the world, and attaining boomer sainthood by literally "marching with Dr. Martin Luther King".

    More specifically:

    A biblical phrase referencing the seamless robe Jesus wore before his crucifixion, the term “seamless garment” is attributed to Catholic activist Eileen Egan, who said, “The protection of life is a seamless garment. You can’t protect some life and not others.” Politically, the seamless garment perspective is associated with Cardinal Joseph Bernardin’s “consistent ethic of life,” which called for not only opposition to abortion, but also support for anti-poverty programs, immigrant rights and care for the elderly.

    You can see where that's going: pro-life means you also have to have infinite migrant labor and social disorder, even if doing so results in the deterioration of society and the abandonment of faith in God.  It is an offensively stupid idea (I already said it came from a woman) that replaces stewardship and husbandry with the injunction that "you have to embrace all these harmful, liberal, anti-Catholic ideas or else you don't love God."  (As much as the fractally disintegrating protestant denominations can be derided, Catholic intellectualism excels at this abomination of faith and reason.)
    Spot on, there is nothing pro-life about supporting mass third world immigration. It is indeed, anti-life.

    All the people who nit pick Trump on whatever culcha war issue are themselves terrible on demographics, immigration, neo-communism, political correctness, etc. and have a knack for complaining about symptoms which they may have helped bring about.

    However we can see by their own works that they do not; Lila Rose (
    ) essentially embezzles a six figure salary, posts a lot of social media nagging, and hawks her (probably ghostwritten) book.  She doesn't care about the lives of the unborn, or the born, she cares about the pharisaical nitpicking of the man who has done more for the unborn than anyone alive (including of course her).  This may be the whitest white woman ever to foul the earth.

    The Evangelicals are no longer sending their best, she has to go back.

    Pray for me, always.

    Offline josh987654321

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    Re: On Trump and Abortion from MPC
    « Reply #3 on: Today at 03:37:34 AM »
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  • To speak like that about Lila Rose is the same thing IMO, she has done a very good job and definitely deserves credit for that.

    Just like Lila Rose should be careful not to sabotage herself because things don't move as fast as she wanted or she doesn't get perfection... likewise people shouldn't do the same to Lila Rose when they fall into a frustrated or sabotaging mindset (like a painter getting the beginnings together of something really good but because it's not perfect and still has many flaws they get discouraged, angry and throw it in the bin calling it a waste of time), she just needs encouragement IMO, she helped get Roe v Wade overturned, that's a big thing, Trump overturned it, that's also a big thing, neither of them should be condemned and they certainly shouldn't turn on each other... gotta try and keep it together (without compromising on what we know to be true either) and keep moving forward, if people all start turning on one another then Hαɾɾιs wins and they reinstate Roe v Wade and all that ground gained is lost...

    If they don't go as far as we would like, we pray for them and continue the work.

    Also restoring the middle class so people can have and raise a family on a single income is very important, so ban the late term stuff asap as there should be a consensus on that, whatever number they come up with is arbitrary anyway, but it'll provide a starting point to keep moving forward from... then start rebuilding the family and then if the society goes along with it and you secure that ground, then you can make the next step in stopping this slaughter because you are weaning the masses off it, both waking them up to what's going on and creating conditions where the majority can reject it and thus eventually end this practice.

    God Bless
    I will not delude you with prospects of peace and consolations; on the contrary, prepare for great battles. Know that you are now on a great stage where all heaven and earth are watching you. Fight like a knight, so that I can reward you. Do not be unduly fearful, because you are not alone. (Diary, 1760)

    It is in My Passion that you must seek light and strength. (Diary, 654)

    I never reject a contrite heart. (Diary, 1485)

    Offline josh987654321

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    Re: On Trump and Abortion from MPC
    « Reply #4 on: Today at 04:10:09 AM »
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  • For example, all abortion we know is very wrong as it's the totally unjust slaughter of the most innocent (not talking about babies that have already naturally passed away which the other side tries to introduce to muddy the waters as that's not an abortion)...

    That being said, if they can get a majority on 6 weeks or whatever, or they settle for the exception for incest and rape... these things are completely arbitrary and aren't logical, nevertheless, in such a system they can only go as far as a majority, so any movement in the right direction is a good thing and you should try to get the best deal you can with a majority, when you start taking significant losses and moving in the wrong direction then you need to stop and reassess, but until then, any number they choose (just needs a majority, hopefully as low as they can with a majority) you are still ahead of the alternative and it is still better than what you had!

    "Our Lady of Victory, Ark of the New Covenant, Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, Pray for us."

    God Bless
    I will not delude you with prospects of peace and consolations; on the contrary, prepare for great battles. Know that you are now on a great stage where all heaven and earth are watching you. Fight like a knight, so that I can reward you. Do not be unduly fearful, because you are not alone. (Diary, 1760)

    It is in My Passion that you must seek light and strength. (Diary, 654)

    I never reject a contrite heart. (Diary, 1485)