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Author Topic: Is Ayn Rand's philosophy fit for Catholics?  (Read 1849 times)

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Offline Incredulous

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Is Ayn Rand's philosophy fit for Catholics?
« on: September 07, 2024, 07:37:47 PM »
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  • Kicking off the question. 
    (I couldn't find any similar topics in CI's archives).

    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi

    Offline rum

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    Re: Is Ayn Rand's philosophy fit for Catholics?
    « Reply #1 on: September 08, 2024, 07:14:23 AM »
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  • This is an example of someone who is Judaized/noahide (Sirico) criticizing a jw, but leaving out of the criticism the fact that the person he's criticizing is a jw. Safe tactic, and dishonest and un-Catholic.

    Rev. Roberto Sirico is a Roman Catholic priest and the co-founder and president of the Acton Institute, an organization for the study of religion and liberty that seeks to integrate "ʝʊdɛօ-Christian truths with free market principles."


    Father Sirico spoke to the despair many of us all feel. “How could one not feel such despair,” Sirico noted, “when in less than one generation we have gone from Bill Buckley and Firing Line to Sean Hannity!


    Who knows what else I'd find if I searched for more stuff. Buckley is always praised by talmdists for kicking "anti-semits" out of the conservative movement. One such conservative was the Catholic Joe Sobran. Buckley buckled to the pressure of the jws and sacked Sobran.

    "ʝʊdɛօ-Christian". Only frauds use that term. If Catholics aren't enemies of talmdists then there's no reason for the Church to exist.

    Ayn Rand is your typical jwess. Genetically the product of centuries of inbreeding, with looks to match. How desperate a man would have to be to want to bed her.

    Notice the chutzpah on display in her characterization of Arabs as "barely civilized" and quickly calling them racists. Quintessentially jwish behavior. A sociopathic people. Whited sepulchers indeed. It would be nice if white gentiles could get away with calling blacks barely civilized, but it would be dangerous for us to say that. Our overlords don't give us permission to be tribal. One of the great tricks of the jws is that they fool people into thinking they aren't genetically tribal. In reality the greatest strength the jws have at their disposal is genetic tribalism. That's why it's so important to deny to gentiles any genetic tribalism, for it interferes with their desire to make slaves of gentiles.

    They've succeeded in making most gentiles their slaves, including most Catholics. But there are some holdouts who see right through them. It's said the anti-Christ will have a jwish mother and that most will be seduced by him. I have no doubt that most Catholics will be seduced.

    As for Rand's philosophy I can't be bothered. Women, any women, don't have much going on in the brain department. In fact you can know an environment isn't serious the second you notice a significant number of women speaking their mind and holding sway over the men.

    Some would have people believe that I'm a deceiver because I've used various handles on different Catholic forums. They only know this because I've always offered such information, unprompted. Various troll accounts on FE. Ben on SuscipeDomine. Patches on ABLF 1.0 and TeDeum. GuitarPlucker, Busillis, HatchC, and Rum on Cathinfo.

    Offline SimpleMan

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    Re: Is Ayn Rand's philosophy fit for Catholics?
    « Reply #2 on: September 08, 2024, 08:25:29 AM »
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  • Between that bizarre look in her eyes, and that hideously excruciating detail she goes into in narrating Atlas Shrugged, I get the impression that she was somewhere on the autism spectrum.  

    I got about one-third of the way through AS and finally gave up, I said no more, I can't take this anymore.  Great story, but she runs detail entirely into the ground.  She could have told the same story in half the number of pages.

    Offline Incredulous

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    Re: Is Ayn Rand's philosophy fit for Catholics?
    « Reply #3 on: September 08, 2024, 03:53:17 PM »
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  • This is an example of someone who is Judaized/noahide (Sirico) criticizing a jw, but leaving out of the criticism the fact that the person he's criticizing is a jw. Safe tactic, and dishonest and un-Catholic.

    Rev. Roberto Sirico is a Roman Catholic priest and the co-founder and president of the Acton Institute, an organization for the study of religion and liberty that seeks to integrate "ʝʊdɛօ-Christian truths with free market principles."


    Father Sirico spoke to the despair many of us all feel. “How could one not feel such despair,” Sirico noted, “when in less than one generation we have gone from Bill Buckley and Firing Line to Sean Hannity!


    Who knows what else I'd find if I searched for more stuff. Buckley is always praised by talmdists for kicking "anti-semits" out of the conservative movement. One such conservative was the Catholic Joe Sobran. Buckley buckled to the pressure of the jws and sacked Sobran.

    "ʝʊdɛօ-Christian". Only frauds use that term. If Catholics aren't enemies of talmdists then there's no reason for the Church to exist.

    Ayn Rand is your typical jwess. Genetically the product of centuries of inbreeding, with looks to match. How desperate a man would have to be to want to bed her.

    Notice the chutzpah on display in her characterization of Arabs as "barely civilized" and quickly calling them racists. Quintessentially jwish behavior. A sociopathic people. Whited sepulchers indeed. It would be nice if white gentiles could get away with calling blacks barely civilized, but it would be dangerous for us to say that. Our overlords don't give us permission to be tribal. One of the great tricks of the jws is that they fool people into thinking they aren't genetically tribal. In reality the greatest strength the jws have at their disposal is genetic tribalism. That's why it's so important to deny to gentiles any genetic tribalism, for it interferes with their desire to make slaves of gentiles.

    They've succeeded in making most gentiles their slaves, including most Catholics. But there are some holdouts who see right through them. It's said the anti-Christ will have a jwish mother and that most will be seduced by him. I have no doubt that most Catholics will be seduced.

    As for Rand's philosophy I can't be bothered. Women, any women, don't have much going on in the brain department. In fact you can know an environment isn't serious the second you notice a significant number of women speaking their mind and holding sway over the men.

    Great analysis Rum!
    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi

    Offline Incredulous

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    Re: Is Ayn Rand's philosophy fit for Catholics?
    « Reply #4 on: September 14, 2024, 02:52:00 PM »
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  • I know of a Freshman St. Mary's (SSPX) student who showed up to the Girl's Dormitory with "Atlas Shrugged" in her luggage.
    It was confiscated by the Dorm Mother for being, "Non-Catholic".
    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Re: Is Ayn Rand's philosophy fit for Catholics?
    « Reply #5 on: September 15, 2024, 08:43:46 AM »
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  • Why should men be taught or instructed by a woman? 

    It is not for Catholics to read.

    Read the Bible. 

    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline rum

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    Re: Is Ayn Rand's philosophy fit for Catholics?
    « Reply #6 on: September 15, 2024, 10:26:14 AM »
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  • In my earlier post I misquoted Rand as called Arabs "barely civilized" Actually here's the accurate quote:

    group of almost totally primitive savages . . . and who are racist.

    The last part makes me laugh. I don't really care so much about noticing that some human groups aren't as advanced as other groups. That's obvious to anyone. What strikes me about this is that it's an example of Jwish privilege. Jws can get way with this, but white gentiles get annihilated if we suggest the same, even in kind tones, about non-white groups. And the cherry on top is that she calls them racists in the same breath. :laugh1:

    Whited sepulchers indeed.
    Some would have people believe that I'm a deceiver because I've used various handles on different Catholic forums. They only know this because I've always offered such information, unprompted. Various troll accounts on FE. Ben on SuscipeDomine. Patches on ABLF 1.0 and TeDeum. GuitarPlucker, Busillis, HatchC, and Rum on Cathinfo.

    Offline josefamenendez

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    Re: Is Ayn Rand's philosophy fit for Catholics?
    « Reply #7 on: September 15, 2024, 10:34:01 AM »
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  • [color=var(--m3c11)]Yes, Ayn Rand, whose real name was Alisa Rosenbaum, was born into a Jєωιѕн family in Saint Petersburg, Russia; making her Jєωιѕн by birth. 
