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Author Topic: OPEN LETTER to E. MIchael Jones in defense of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò  (Read 1621 times)

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Posted below is a link to an OPEN LETTER to Dr. E. Michael Jones in reply to his public assertions regarding the "excommunication" Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for the crime of schism and his challenge to the "Guild Prophets" to repent from having supported his actions to their followers. The purpose of the OPEN LETTER is to examine Dr. Jones' superficial understanding of the crime of schism, its imputability, and its relationship to the virtues of faith and charity for the end of correcting his errors as well as those of the "Guild Prophets". Dr. Jones does not know what constitutes the proximate rule of faith.

A copy of the OPEN LETTER has been sent to Dr. Jones inviting him to enter into a public written exchange of the contents of the LETTER. I am sure that Dr. Jones would prefer a live video debate format limited to one to two hours but such a format would be impossible to explore the problem in the depth it deserves because it takes a lot less time to make an error than it takes to correct it.

A copy of the LETTER was also sent to the "Guild Prophets".

E. Michael Jones

Archbishop Vigano has been excommunicated for the "crime of schism." Quo vadis, Taylor Marshall? Quo vadis, John-Henry Westen? Quo vadis, Michael Matt? Quo vadis, Robert Moynihan? Are you going to put your money where your mouth is and follow Vigano into schism? Or are you going to apologize for supporting him and leading your followers into the sin which got him excommunicated? Non datur tertius. Join me tonight at five at for my podcast discussing this.
3:08 PM · Jul 5, 2024

EMJ Live 78: Archbishop Vigano Excommunicated - Culture Wars Podcast | Lyssna här |

Bullet Points:
1.    Extra judicial process is an administrative action that cannot be used without the permission of the accused in any hearing where the juridic standing in the Church of the accused will be changed.
2.    Excommunication changes the juridic standing in the Church.
3.    All heretics are schismatics.
4.    Since Vatican I, all schismatics are heretics.
5.    There is only one act that manifests schism and that is manifest heresy.
6.    Absent manifest heresy a canonical trial is necessary to establish a schismatic intent.
7.    The essence of schism is denial of the universal jurisdiction of the pope.
8.    Absent the existence of manifest heresy no Catholic can be accused of schism without the proof of denial universal jurisdiction of the pope.
9.    Faith is related to heresy as Charity is related to schism.
10. Faith precedes charity. Without faith there is no charity therefore all heretics are schismatics.
11. Dogma is the proximate rule of faith for all the faithful.
12. E. Michael Jones is a Neo-modernist and makes the pope his proximate rule of faith and not dogma. This error leads to conservative Catholicism and Sedevacantism.
13. Archbishop Vigano's denial that Pope Francis is a legitimate pope is essentially different from the claims of sedevacantists and will become moot at the death of Pope Francis.
14. Pope Francis is a manifest heretic and therefore a schismatic.
15. Those that make Pope Francis their proximate rule of faith will follow him in schism and ultimate damnation.

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  • So strange about E Michael Jones. He seems so brilliant on the history of the Church, and the JQ, but he is strangely blinded by the NO and support for the abomination in the Vatican. 
    I heard that he is a bit autistic ( seriously) and this might explain why he has such blinders on when speaking about Vll and modernist Rome. Crazy

    Offline Stubborn

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  • Hi Drew! Good to see you here again! I've only skimmed the letter but, what I saw looks great!
    "But Peter and the apostles answering, said: We ought to obey God, rather than men." - Acts 5:29

    The Highest Principle in the Church: "We are first of all under obedience to God, and only then under obedience to man" - Fr. Hesse

    Offline Ladislaus

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  • 11. Dogma is the proximate rule of faith for all the faithful.

    :facepalm: Not this crap again?  It's completely false, and yet you persist in it.

    Offline Ladislaus

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  • 4.    Since Vatican I, all schismatics are heretics.

    While this is true in practice (in every case I know about), it is theoretically still possible to be a schismatic without being a heretic.  You can be in chronic disobedience to the Pope to an extent sufficient to constitute schism even while admitting his right in theory to command your obedience.  So, for example, the SSPX very clearly border on it, where they claim "in theory" that the Pope has the authority to command our obedience, but then assert that they have the right to chronically disobey his teaching, and the universal discipline he establishes if they judge that they "know better".

    Offline anonymouscatholicus

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  • So strange about E Michael Jones. He seems so brilliant on the history of the Church, and the JQ, but he is strangely blinded by the NO and support for the abomination in the Vatican.
    I heard that he is a bit autistic ( seriously) and this might explain why he has such blinders on when speaking about Vll and modernist Rome. Crazy
    I always wondered how his fb account could be up for so long without a bit of censure whereas low profile people get censored for fractions of what he has said on JQ. I hope I am wrong, but do personally thing he is the "gatekeeper." 

    He can go full 100% on JQ but when it comes to salvation of souls he keeps people in check confused and attached to the antichurch and false pope. 

    Offline Valentine

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  • I always wondered how his fb account could be up for so long without a bit of censure whereas low profile people get censored for fractions of what he has said on JQ. I hope I am wrong, but do personally thing he is the "gatekeeper."

    He can go full 100% on JQ but when it comes to salvation of souls he keeps people in check confused and attached to the antichurch and false pope.
    The devil will tell you 99 truths to get you to believe one lie, if that lie will be your undoing. 
    Knowing about the JQ, the h0Ɩ0cαųst, the jab, are all important things. Jones speaks authoritatively about these subjects, which in turn gives him credibility on matters he is totally wrong about, such as Vatican II. 
    In other words, it won't do you much good to know about the money lenders if you remain stuck in the conciliar church. 

    Offline drew

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  • :facepalm: Not this crap again?  It's completely false, and yet you persist in it.

    The definition of heresy is a baptized Catholic who denies dogma. The faithful are those who keep dogma as their rule of faith. The heretic denies dogma. This essential definition, which provides the genus and species difference, is the most intelligible of all definitions, yet, it is unintelligible to you.

    I refer anyone who has any doubt that dogma is the proximate rule of faith for all faithful Catholics to read the CathInfo thread, Is Father Ringrose Dumping the R&R Crowd?:

    My replies begin on page 4:

    The CathInfo thread now has over 235,000 views and although the thread had all of your posts deleted by the moderator, they can still be read in every reply I made to you because I included your posts in their entirety. There are many proofs offered that dogma is the proximate rule of faith drawn from authority citing Magisterial docuмents, Church fathers, and theologians. I have received many personal replies from Catholics who have benefited from this discussion. 

    What you need to remember is: All heretics are schismatics and since Vatican I, all schismatics are heretics. Any qualification you have to offer will be a waste of breath because you do not know the proximate rule of faith.


    Offline Stubborn

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  • While this is true in practice (in every case I know about), it is theoretically still possible to be a schismatic without being a heretic.  You can be in chronic disobedience to the Pope to an extent sufficient to constitute schism even while admitting his right in theory to command your obedience.  So, for example, the SSPX very clearly border on it, where they claim "in theory" that the Pope has the authority to command our obedience, but then assert that they have the right to chronically disobey his teaching, and the universal discipline he establishes if they judge that they "know better".
    Oh brother.
    "But Peter and the apostles answering, said: We ought to obey God, rather than men." - Acts 5:29

    The Highest Principle in the Church: "We are first of all under obedience to God, and only then under obedience to man" - Fr. Hesse

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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  • God is revealing the people you should avoid.  Why waste time with Michael Jones?  What we should be doing is talking to others about the true faith.  
    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline 2Vermont

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  • Quo vadis, Taylor Marshall? Quo vadis, John-Henry Westen? Quo vadis, Michael Matt? Quo vadis, Robert Moynihan? Are you going to put your money where your mouth is and follow Vigano into schism? Or are you going to apologize for supporting him and leading your followers into the sin which got him excommunicated?

    But did these people actually support him? If they did, I thought they only did so until it was clear Vigano didn't believe Bergoglio was the pope.
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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  • Where are we going?
    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline drew

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  • God is revealing the people you should avoid.  Why waste time with Michael Jones?  What we should be doing is talking to others about the true faith. 
    Maybe you should explain why efforts to convert E. Michael Jones is a "waste (of) time"? Has God revealed this to you? Instructing the ignorant is a spiritual work of mercy that all Catholics are obligated when possible. What is evident is that you have not read the OPEN LETTER and I think it is inadvisable to enter a discussion that you have not made a preliminary examination.
    The OPEN LETTER has been sent Dr. Jones and to the those that Dr. Jones identifies as the "Guild Prophets", that is, to Dr. Robert Moynihan, editor of Inside the Vatican, Dr. Taylor Marshall, a professional apologist, John-Henry Westen, editor of Life Site News, and lastly, Michael Matt, editor of the Remnant Newspaper. The four are conservative Catholics with traditional sentiments. They were accused by Dr. Jones of shamelessly defending Archbishop Viganò and leading their followers into schism. He has challenged them to publicly repudiate Archbishop Viganò and call upon their followers to do the same. Jones asks them if they are with Pope Francis in the Church or with Archbishop Viganò outside the Church. He reminds them that there is no salvation outside the Church.
    Dr. Jones and the Guild Prophets share a common error: they hold the pope as their proximate rule of faith. They believe that the pope is the primary and essential cause and sign of unity in the Church. This is a grave error. My hope is that Dr. Jones will enter this exchange with the Guild Prophets for the purpose of bringing those in error back to truth.
    In an ongoing and open defense of the Catholic faith in the Diocese of hαɾɾιsburg, I and members of Ss. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Mission have been accused by the last five bishops of being schismatic. We have repeatedly asked the bishops to make formal canonical charges that permit an open and public defense. Lacking that, that they at least engaged themselves or their appointed representatives to enter a public written debate on the question. This has been going on for nearly 25 years and we have heard nothing in reply other than the repeated calumny of schism. I am happy to say that the majority of our members have been converted from the Novus Ordo by our public letters to hαɾɾιsburg and to Rome.
    Dr. Jones professes to be an expert on the question of schism. I know that he is ignorant on the matter and his ignorance is long standing. The Guild Prophets are challenged by Dr. Jones to remain in the conservative Catholic fold or become sedecavantists. It is an utterly false option.
    Lastly, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò deserves to be defended against his detractors. The Guild Prophets are at the crossroads and they need encouragement to defend the Catholic faith.