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Author Topic: Doubtful Validity of Sacraments Outside Tradition  (Read 7211 times)

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Offline Johannes

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Re: Doubtful Validity of Sacraments Outside Tradition
« Reply #120 on: November 22, 2024, 02:03:21 PM »
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  • I have to ask, but why? Why is determining the popes' status even remotely necessary?
    Because the promise of Our Lord to Peter that he would have "unfailing faith" is only for the pope, anyone else can experience shipwreck of faith. The pope may have a very weak faith, but he cannot manifest that he has lost faith by teaching open heresy. That would prove that he was no pope at all. The papacy is one, "Peter has spoken through Leo, etc." Cardinals, buildings, Legal docuмents, proceedings, diocesan Sees, mean NOTHING without the papacy. He is the source from which all the power flows- from God- through Him - to the Church. Catholics must be subject to the pope in all things pertaining to faith and morals - he is protected from teaching error in these areas. The V2 "popes" are antipopes, no popes, fake popes. They sit in the Chair of Peter but are false, they have no more authority than you or I.

    It is only necessary for us to know what his "status" is, so as to determine if he is the true pope or not, so that we can - at the very least -internally reject him - casting forth the heretic from the internal communion we hold with Christ and His Mystical Body. " Of what fellowship hath light with darkness" 2 Corin 6:14.

    Most everyone on this forum does this at the internal level. They know Francis is not Catholic. It is really just semantics. But even if it is just semantics, lying to oneself is dangerous and places one's faith in peril. If you make the denunciation external, it can be even more meritorious and it strengthens faith, and given the circuмstances, it can be necessary too - people need to come to that point in God's time, or maybe some never get there at all.

    I have spent years studying your position already and once held it firmly myself, I got to learn something new from Ladislaus about his position before his ceremonious exit (hope he comes back). But some people are just plain silly, they think this forum is their living room, they cannot abide someone "telling them what to do" online - as if that has any weight. They have "daddy issues", which is understandable. 

    Godspeed on you journey - I think this one has run its course. You can wrap it up.


    Offline Stubborn

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    Re: Doubtful Validity of Sacraments Outside Tradition
    « Reply #121 on: November 22, 2024, 02:19:23 PM »
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  • ^^ Doesn't apply to proselytizing heretics:
    It does when the penitent is in danger of death and per Canon Law, at all other times minus the 2 exceptions.
    "But Peter and the apostles answering, said: We ought to obey God, rather than men." - Acts 5:29

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