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Re: Catholic?
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2024, 10:19:39 AM »
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  • The Hermit Pope Who Set The Precedent For Pope Benedict XVI -

    Beneath a glass coffin, wearing a pontiff's miter and faded vestments of gold and purple, there lies a tiny man with a wax head. This represents an Italian priest who, until this month, was the only pope in history to voluntarily resign. His name is Celestine V.
    Experts say there's an important link between Celestine's voluntary resignation and Benedict's. There is evidence that Celestine provided inspiration, and a foundation in religious law, for Benedict's astonishing departure this month.

    Let us have a look at this so called 'voluntary resignation' that Pope Benedict XVI used as his precedent.

    St Pope Celestine V -

    The former Celestine, now reverted to Pietro Angelerio, was not allowed to become a hermit once again. Various parties had opposed his resignation and the new Pope Boniface VIII had reason to worry that one of them might install him as an antipope. To prevent this, he ordered Pietro to accompany him to Rome. Pietro escaped and hid in the woods before attempting to return to Sulmona to resume monastic life. This proved impossible, and Pietro was captured after an attempt to flee to Dalmatia was thwarted when a tempest forced his ship to return to port. Boniface imprisoned him in the castle of Fumone near Ferentino in Lazio, attended by two monks of his order, where Pietro died after 10 months at about the age of 81. His supporters spread the allegation that Boniface had treated him harshly and ultimately executed Pietro, but there is no clear historical evidence of this.

    "No clear historical evidence of this." LOL

    As we all know, nothing says 'voluntary' 'free' or 'fair' quite like arrest and imprisonment by your usurper out of fear... how does anyone still buy this 'resignation' as 'legit' and not only did Pope Benedict XVI have to know of what happened to St Pope Celestine V, but not even St Pope Celestine V tried to retain the name and garments.

    "Our Lady of Victory, Ark of the New Covenant, Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, Pray for us."

    God Bless
    I will not delude you with prospects of peace and consolations; on the contrary, prepare for great battles. Know that you are now on a great stage where all heaven and earth are watching you. Fight like a knight, so that I can reward you. Do not be unduly fearful, because you are not alone. (Diary, 1760)

    It is in My Passion that you must seek light and strength. (Diary, 654)

    I never reject a contrite heart. (Diary, 1485)