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Author Topic: Bergoglio’s SSPX Defense Attorney Enters Plea  (Read 362 times)

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Re: Bergoglio’s SSPX Defense Attorney Enters Plea
« Reply #1 on: Today at 01:32:30 PM »
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  • What's the problem?  Most Trads think that non-Catholics can be saved.

    If non-Catholics, infidels even, can be saved by believing in a Rewarder god and seeking to do his will, and nearly all religions inculcate belief in a Rewarder/Punisher god and encourage their believers to do his will, then these religions do in fact lead people to God, and to eternal beatitude ... just like Bergoglio said.

    Offline Giovanni Berto

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    Re: Bergoglio’s SSPX Defense Attorney Enters Plea
    « Reply #2 on: Today at 02:11:57 PM »
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  • Quote
    Lest anyone wish to imagine that Fr. Gleize is so erudite that one struggles to fully grasp the nuances and subtleties with which he deftly defends the faith, in the end, he makes no bones about where he actually stands on the matter:

    In asserting that “All religions are paths to God,” Pope Francis does not say that they lead to Him “equally” or with the same value.

    Oh yes. So you have a "not as good" path to God.:facepalm:

    This is pretty much what Nostra Aetate says, isn't it?

    The SSPX is really gone, since this man is their "top theologian".

    Offline pnw1994

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    Re: Bergoglio’s SSPX Defense Attorney Enters Plea
    « Reply #3 on: Today at 09:22:28 PM »
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  • Earlier this week, we had an SSPX priest over to our house for a meal. We have had so many traditional priests over for dinner throughout the years. It’s a great way to get to know who they are a bit better, for them to know us, and to feel them out on certain trickier topics. This priest said, without mincing words, that Francis is a heretic, that the Conciliar Church is not Catholic, that the FSSP and all indult groups are not at all traditional, etc etc. on and on. All good stuff.

    And yet, from the pulpit, in the Angelus, on their official social media channels and websites, it’s the same old milquetoast content recycled over and over. There are good Priests left but it’s as if they’re totally muffled, have no influence, or are otherwise unwilling to speak up louder. A far cry from several decades ago.
    God cannot leave a soul to swim
    That has not first abandoned Him.