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Basilica sacrilege
« on: April 21, 2023, 12:35:26 PM »
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  • First he gave away the most precious relic of the Church to the Anglican heretics, now they are allowed to use the altars in our Basilicas.
    Bolding mine for emphasis.


    Anglican Jonathan Baker Giving "Mass" In St. John Lateran. Photo: Life Site News
    Anglicans Violate Catholic Law and Celebrate “Mass” in the Main Altar of the Pope’s Cathedral
    Another Christian confession that is not in communion with the Pope will also use the Cathedral of Saint John Lateran next May when the Coptic Patriarch Tawadros II celebrates his “mass” there.

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    (ZENIT News / Rome, 04.20.2023).- On Tuesday, April 18, a group of 30 Anglican clergymen (the Christian Confession separated from Rome after the refusal of the Pope to the declaration of nullity [of the marriage] between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon), held an Anglican “Mass” in the main altar of the Cathedral of Rome, the Holy Father’s See, who is Pope, in fact, because he is Bishop of Rome.
    The celebrant “Bishop” was Johnathan Baker, Anglican pastor of Fulham since 2013. A source consulted by ZENIT confirmed that the Anglican clergy and this “Bishop” are in Rome on a spiritual retreat. The group is staying in the Venerable English College, a Catholic Seminary for English-speaking students from the United Kingdom.

    According to a 2020 rule of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity “other Christian communities can be offered the use of a church” if the diocesan Bishop discerns “that it will not cause scandal or confusion to the faithful.” However, the same rule points out that if it entails the Cathedral, a particular discernment is in order.
    For its part, the Ecuмenical Board of Directors allows a place of worship to other communities when they lack such a place. However, Anglicans have their own place of worship in Rome.

    Moreover, the person of Bishop Baker elicits perplexity due to the fact that he was a self-confessed Freemason (he himself revealed it in 2011: “I have been an active member for many years and continue being so”). He is also divorced and remarried and has become a “Bishop.”
    On the Roman afternoon of Thursday, April 20, the Chapter of Saint John Lateran Cathedral issued a press release stating:

    “The Lateran Chapter, in the person of His Excellency Monsignor Guerino Di Tora, the Chapterhouse Vicar, expressed his profound regret for what occurred last Tuesday, April 18, in the interior of the Basilica of Saint John in Rome. In fact, a group of some 50 presbyters, accompanied by their Bishop, all belonging to the Anglican Communion, celebrated in the main altar of Rome’s Cathedral, contravening the canonical rules. Monsignor Di Tora also explained that the lamentable episode was due to a defect in communication.”
    According to I-MEDIA, another Christian Confession, which is not in communion with the Pope, will also use Saint John Lateran Cathedral next May when Coptic Patriarch Tawadros II will celebrate his “Mass” there.
    APRIL 20, 2023 16:02

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

    Offline Miseremini

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    Re: Basilica sacrilege
    « Reply #1 on: April 21, 2023, 12:41:56 PM »
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  • I had always hoped that someday the Anglicans would return all they stole in the mid 1500's but now it seems the pope is just going to hand them more. :'(
    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

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    Re: Basilica sacrilege
    « Reply #2 on: April 21, 2023, 02:47:03 PM »
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  • This is very perplexing. I don't believe it was intentional, just someone somewhere got stupid. Even worse, imo.
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    Offline SolHero

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    Re: Basilica sacrilege
    « Reply #3 on: April 21, 2023, 03:39:40 PM »
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  • This is very perplexing. I don't believe it was intentional, just someone somewhere got stupid. Even worse, imo.

    I cannot tell if it was intentional but you would think such an event or request for such an event would have come up during their meeting with Pope Francis. According to an Anglican website:

    The clergy met with the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity and were personally greeted by Pope Francis after his weekly general audience on 19 April 2023. Were introduced to Pope Francis on 19 April 2023 after a general audience and on the 19th were given permission to celebrate Eucharist at St John Lateran.
    So, no breakdown in communication. Obviously they knew who was there and I'm sure an event like that does not simply happen spontaneously, they were prepared with vestments and all.

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    Re: Basilica sacrilege
    « Reply #4 on: April 21, 2023, 09:55:40 PM »
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  • The reason why I thought this was an oversight and someone didn't do their research is because he is the bishop of the Diocese of London, one of the most high church dioceses in Anglicanism. There's places there that are outright using Catholic liturgical books instead of the Book of Common Prayer. Some will even say a full Tridentine Solemn High Mass each Sunday. In Latin. It's rather weird.

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    Offline Miseremini

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    Re: Basilica sacrilege
    « Reply #5 on: April 24, 2023, 07:56:39 PM »
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  • Too little too late

    "Deep regret’: Roman bishop apologizes for
    VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — The Vicar of the Papal Basilica of St. John Lateran has issued an apology after a group of Anglican clergy were somehow permitted to conduct a religious service inside the ancient basilica.
    The apology was issued Thursday by Bishop Guerino di Tora, an auxiliary bishop of Rome for the northern area and the Vicar of the Chapter of St. John Lateran.

    “The Lateran Chapter, in the person of His Excellency Monsignor Guerino di Tora, capitular vicar, expresses deep regret for what happened last Tuesday, April 18, inside the basilica of St. John in Rome,” the brief press release began.
    The statement was in response to an April 18 liturgy in St. John Lateran held by a group of around 30 Anglican clergymen. As LifeSiteNews has reported, the group of Anglicans posted numerous pictures online, evidencing their usage of the altar of the cathedra for a “Mass.”
    READ: Freemason Anglican bishop celebrates ‘Mass’ in papal basilica with Protestant clergy
    In fact, a group of about 50 priests, accompanied by their bishop, all belonging to the Anglican communion, celebrated in the ‘cathedral of Rome,’ in contravention of canonical norms. Monsignor Di Tora also explained that the unfortunate episode was caused by a lack of communication.
    The Anglican clergy were led by Bishop Jonathan Baker, who has led the suffragan Anglican see of Fulham since 2013. The amassed clergy are currently in Rome for a tri-annual retreat and are based at the Villa Palazzola, which is owned by the Venerable English College (VEC) in Rome — the Catholic seminary for England that dates to 1579.
    The Anglican clergymen outwardly appear more traditional than many of their fellow Anglicans, and the suffragan diocese of Fulham states on paper that it opposes the Anglican ordination of women.
    However, as Matt Gaspers, managing editor of Catholic Family News, has noted, this stance has not prevented the Fulham Anglicans from welcoming “Bishop” Sarah Mullally – the royally-appointed bishop of London – at their recent Chrism “Mass.”

    Not only is Baker an Anglican, he is divorced and “re-married.” Baker also spent twenty years as a high-ranking member of the Freemasons.

    When he was announced as an Anglican bishop in 2011, he defended his membership of the secretive group as “an organization that is wholly supportive of the Church.” Just days later, he claimed he had left the group – after having spent decades as a Mason, and having entered via the notorious ceremony which warns that those who break the “the oaths of allegiance will have their throat slit and their tongue torn out before being buried in the sand.”

    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

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    Re: Basilica sacrilege
    « Reply #6 on: April 24, 2023, 11:01:43 PM »
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  • Ironically, his predecessors would be able to say Mass there just fine.

    Because they became Roman Catholics
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    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Re: Basilica sacrilege
    « Reply #7 on: April 25, 2023, 01:13:09 PM »
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  • There are plenty of divorced and remarried Catholic masons in novus Ordo.  There are even a few divorced and remarried within traditional Catholicism.

    Divorced Catholics And remarried should be shunned because they are in state of adultery. 

    There a few good Catholics who had to divorced then get annulments because of cheating spouses and remain single putting their children first.

     1 Corinthians 5 

    Douay-Rheims Bible

    Immorality Rebuked
    (Leviticus 20:10-21Proverbs 5:1-23)

    1It is absolutely heard that there is fornication among you and such fornication as the like is not among the heathens: that one should have his father's wife. 2And you are puffed up and have not rather mourned: that he might be taken away from among you that hath done this thing.
    3I indeed, absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged, as though I were present, him that hath so done, 4In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, you being gathered together and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus: 5To deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    6Your glorying is not good. Know you not that a little leaven corrupteth the whole lump? 7Purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new paste, as you are unleavened. For Christ our pasch is sacrificed. 8Therefore, let us feast, not with the old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness: but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
    Expel the Immoral Brother
    9I wrote to you in an epistle, not to keep company with fornicators. 10I mean not with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or the extortioners or the servers of idols: otherwise you must needs go out of this world. 11But now I have written to you, not to keep company, if any man that is named a brother be a fornicator or covetous or a server of idols or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner: with such a one, not so much as to eat. 12For what have I to do to judge them that are without? Do not you judge them that are within? 13For them that are without, God will judge. Put away the evil one from among yourselves.

    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Miseremini

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    Re: Basilica sacrilege
    « Reply #8 on: April 25, 2023, 02:34:03 PM »
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  • Divorced Catholics And remarried should be shunned because they are in state of adultery.
    How do you know this? I was always taught that as long as you're alive your sins can be forgiven.

    So if a remarried couple has come to their senses and repented and follow the priest's/bishop's/church's instruction to live a brother and sister they should be shunned?
    The people of the old testament didn't have the sacrament of confession as we do yet Isaiah still says:
    Isaiah 1:18

    And then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool.

    Am I missing something?
    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]