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Sean Johnson vs Ladislaus
« on: September 12, 2023, 05:44:42 PM »
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  • And just so that people don't accuse Matthew of playing favorites, I was banned for about a year.  I was only unbanned because I e-mailed Matthew about some matter and he said he couldn't recall why I was banned, and I honestly couldn't remember either, and then he unbanned me.  But I respect the ban, and if Matthew wanted to ban me again, there would be no hard feelings. 

    I get it.  I can get frustrated, but my frustration is always of the logical and not emotional variety.  I barely have feelings, to be honest.  I'm more like a Vulcan, to a fault, and my wife has likened me to a Vulcan.  There are many benefits to that, but also some drawbacks.  In any case, I get extremely intellectually irritated by bad logic, faulty reasoning, fallacies, intellectual dishonesty due to agendas, confirmation bias, etc.  That's why I get set off by posters like dxcat, where there's zero objectivity and painting everything as white and black, due to some jingoistic programming to which he's succuмbed, or Sean Johnson who likes to use ad hominems and various tactics that bear no resemblance whatsoever to actual logic.  If people aren't presenting their argument where there's at least an implicit syllogism, I have no use for it.  I think it was in one of the newer Star Trek series where there was the woman playing Uhura who was humming in a tense situation.  So Spock notices this and tells her, "I find that the most effective way to relieve tension is by the application of rigorous logic."  And my wife immediately burst out laughing, points at me, and shouts, "That's youuuu!".  In any case, my posting persona bears little resemblance to my actual personality, since when I write/type, the only thing that matters to me is the content of what I'm posting, the substance.  In real life, I'm a very quiet and soft-spoken guy, slow to anger, hold no grudges, and my speaking style is rather different than my writing style.

    And it's not really a difference of opinion regarding subject matter that elicits my stronger reactions.  I've exchanged very civil posts with BoD proponents such as Arvinger and ByzCat3000 and never had cross words for either one of them.  I've exchanged civil posts with Globe earthers.  But the ones I have no use for are those who simply ridicule the subject, use it as an ad hominem without having proven a thing or without even displaying that they have done even the most rudimentary amount of study into the subject, or the various Johnsonian tactics.  So I've called some of these out explicitly ... which I needn't go into here.  I know that Matthew agrees with Sean on some of the matters I get into heated arguments with the latter over, but I've never really exchanged cross words with Matthew, though I have expressed disagreements.  That's because Matthew doesn't employ the same types of anti-logical tactics that some of these other posters employ.

    And I think also that part of why some of what I write comes across as hostile is due to the speed at which I type.  I've had people at work (when I wasn't remote) remark about my blazing fast typing.  I am actually very busy, though I've been criticized for making an average of 7 posts per day, but my posts literally take an average of probably 3-4 minutes to type.  For every one of these longer ones, like this one, I also make quite a few short one- or two- liners.  And this criticism is also an ad hominem, coming from individuals who perhaps make 3-4 post a day here (compared to my 7), but then also make 4-5 posts on other forums.  I've never been to these other forums.  CI is the only forum I've been active on, other than a short stint on the Catholic Answers forum, from which I was banned within 2 days, and not for the reasons some individuals here want me banned.  If I recall, one time it was for anti-Semitism and another time for being a sedevacantist.  Each of these 2 stints on that forum lasted no longer than 2-3 days.  I think I was motivated to serve as an apologist, as it were, for Traditional Catholicism, but they had no use from that there.

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #1 on: September 12, 2023, 05:52:48 PM »
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  • And just so that people don't accuse Matthew of playing favorites, I was banned for about a year.  I was only unbanned because I e-mailed Matthew about some matter and he said he couldn't recall why I was banned, and I honestly couldn't remember either, and then he unbanned me.  But I respect the ban, and if Matthew wanted to ban me again, there would be no hard feelings. 

    I get it.  I can get frustrated, but my frustration is always of the logical and not emotional variety.  I barely have feelings, to be honest.  I'm more like a Vulcan, to a fault, and my wife has likened me to a Vulcan.  There are many benefits to that, but also some drawbacks.  In any case, I get extremely intellectually irritated by bad logic, faulty reasoning, fallacies, intellectual dishonesty due to agendas, confirmation bias, etc.  That's why I get set off by posters like dxcat, where there's zero objectivity and painting everything as white and black, due to some jingoistic programming to which he's succuмbed, or Sean Johnson who likes to use ad hominems and various tactics that bear no resemblance whatsoever to actual logic.  If people aren't presenting their argument where there's at least an implicit syllogism, I have no use for it.  I think it was in one of the newer Star Trek series where there was the woman playing Uhura who was humming in a tense situation.  So Spock notices this and tells her, "I find that the most effective way to relieve tension is by the application of rigorous logic."  And my wife immediately burst out laughing, points at me, and shouts, "That's youuuu!".  In any case, my posting persona bears little resemblance to my actual personality, since when I write/type, the only thing that matters to me is the content of what I'm posting, the substance.  In real life, I'm a very quiet and soft-spoken guy, slow to anger, hold no grudges, and my speaking style is rather different than my writing style.

    And it's not really a difference of opinion regarding subject matter that elicits my stronger reactions.  I've exchanged very civil posts with BoD proponents such as Arvinger and ByzCat3000 and never had cross words for either one of them.  I've exchanged civil posts with Globe earthers.  But the ones I have no use for are those who simply ridicule the subject, use it as an ad hominem without having proven a thing or without even displaying that they have done even the most rudimentary amount of study into the subject, or the various Johnsonian tactics.  So I've called some of these out explicitly ... which I needn't go into here.  I know that Matthew agrees with Sean on some of the matters I get into heated arguments with the latter over, but I've never really exchanged cross words with Matthew, though I have expressed disagreements.  That's because Matthew doesn't employ the same types of anti-logical tactics that some of these other posters employ.

    And I think also that part of why some of what I write comes across as hostile is due to the speed at which I type.  I've had people at work (when I wasn't remote) remark about my blazing fast typing.  I am actually very busy, though I've been criticized for making an average of 7 posts per day, but my posts literally take an average of probably 3-4 minutes to type.  For every one of these longer ones, like this one, I also make quite a few short one- or two- liners.  And this criticism is also an ad hominem, coming from individuals who perhaps make 3-4 post a day here (compared to my 7), but then also make 4-5 posts on other forums.  I've never been to these other forums.  CI is the only forum I've been active on, other than a short stint on the Catholic Answers forum, from which I was banned within 2 days, and not for the reasons some individuals here want me banned.  If I recall, one time it was for anti-Semitism and another time for being a sedevacantist.  Each of these 2 stints on that forum lasted no longer than 2-3 days.  I think I was motivated to serve as an apologist, as it were, for Traditional Catholicism, but they had no use from that there.

    Hey windbag: You do realize that you hold several of the most absurd, heretical, and flat out stupid propositions in traddyland, right?

    One thing CI can count on is you showing up to drop a turd in the punch bowl any time your narratives feel threatened.

    Watching you attempt to take the moral high ground is like watching Stalin pet his dog.

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #2 on: September 12, 2023, 06:08:52 PM »
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  • :laugh1::laugh1::laugh1: And away we go…..

    For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #3 on: September 12, 2023, 11:32:46 PM »
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  • Thank you!

    To answer your question: "No, because computers neither have souls, nor do they need a Day of Rest to free themselves from work to devote themselves more fully to the worship of God and the nurturing of the spiritual life."
    Actually… (((How many steps did he take to get to the computer?  Was the computer already turned on? Did he have to turn it on himself?…or did a shabbos goy turn the computer on for him?)))


    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #4 on: September 12, 2023, 11:40:09 PM »
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  • Actually… (((How many steps did he take to get to the computer?  Was the computer already turned on? Did he have to turn it on himself?…or did a shabbos goy turn the computer on for him?)))


    We goy should hire Sunday Jєωs to do our work for us on Sundays.

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: Sean Johnson vs Ladislaus
    « Reply #5 on: September 12, 2023, 11:45:18 PM »
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  • Hey windbag: You do realize that you hold several of the most absurd, heretical, and flat out stupid propositions in traddyland, right?

    One thing CI can count on is you showing up to drop a turd in the punch bowl any time your narratives feel threatened.

    Watching you attempt to take the moral high ground is like watching Stalin pet his dog.

    This exemplifies precisely what I'm talking about, but I'm going to make a resolution to ignore stuff like this and stick to the substance.  Sean, rarely do you argue based on substance, logic, and reason ... with a few notable exceptions.  But I'm going to let this pass and will stick more to the substance.  I don't feel the least bit "threatened" since I know and can articulate exactly what I think about any particular subject and exactly why I believe in it.  I have allowed myself to get irritated by this logical anti-pattern that you constantly put on display.  And there was no attempt to take any "moral" high ground, though I clearly occupy the intellectual high ground compared to posts like this above.  I was simply explaining that I have allowed myself to be irritated precisely by the types of posts you (and a few other posters) tend to make above here, so this response is a perfect illustration of precisely what I was referring to.

    Online Ladislaus

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    Sean Johnson vs Ladislaus
    « Reply #6 on: September 12, 2023, 11:51:23 PM »
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  • :laugh1::laugh1::laugh1: And away we go…..

    Nah, the last post of mine entailed some introspection about when I get irritated by posts, and the last post by Sean was a perfect illustration of what I was attempting to explain.  I'm done letting nonsense like that get under my skin.  Sometimes it helps to dig into one's own thought processes to realize why I tend to get irritated by these.  I'm not bothered by the insults, etc., but by the lack of anything resembling rational thought in things like the most recent post by Sean.  I'm just going to start ignoring stuff like that rather than dignifying it with a response.

    Nevertheless, the charge of heresy is pretty serious, so I'd be interested in knowing what heresies Sean accuses me of holding, besides the "Feeneyism" that he considers a heresy.  He's never demonstrated that it is, but just keeps saying it, just like he keeps gratuitously saying that the Sister Lucy impostor theory is absurd and ridiculous, dismissing all contrary evidence with the wave of his hand, yet unable to make any rational points in support of his case.

    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: Sean Johnson vs Ladislaus
    « Reply #7 on: September 13, 2023, 10:13:39 AM »
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  • Quote
    Sean, rarely do you argue based on substance, logic, and reason ... with a few notable exceptions.

    Offline Incredulous

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #8 on: September 13, 2023, 11:52:53 AM »
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  • Hey windbag: You do realize that you hold several of the most absurd, heretical, and flat out stupid propositions in traddyland, right?

    One thing CI can count on is you showing up to drop a turd in the punch bowl any time your narratives feel threatened.

    Watching you attempt to take the moral high ground is like watching Stalin pet his dog.

    I think I figured him out…

    In Sean’s childhood, he watched a lot of Bart Simpson episodes and learned to talk “suburban trash-mouth” like the Jєω script writers who made the Bart Simpson character.

    Sean is the trad version of the cartoon punk, low life.

    His superficial smart-aleck remarks are sometimes entertaining, but at the same time, it gives one the urge to smash him, to serve him a lesson in basic debate skills.
    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #9 on: September 13, 2023, 01:32:53 PM »
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  • I think I figured him out…

    In Sean’s childhood, he watched a lot of Bart Simpson episodes and learned to talk “suburban trash-mouth” like the Jєω script writers who made the Bart Simpson character.

    Sometimes I wonder if he's doing it on purpose to elicit a reaction and mess with me.  I'm going to resist the bait going forward.

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #10 on: September 13, 2023, 02:00:32 PM »
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  • I think I figured him out…

    In Sean’s childhood, he watched a lot of Bart Simpson episodes and learned to talk “suburban trash-mouth” like the Jєω script writers who made the Bart Simpson character.

    Sean is the trad version of the cartoon punk, low life.

    His superficial smart-aleck remarks are sometimes entertaining, but at the same time, it gives one the urge to smash him, to serve him a lesson in basic debate skills.


    You were SOOO close to not needing pictures.

    Do all your books feature thick cardboard pages?
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #11 on: September 13, 2023, 05:16:27 PM »
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  • Do all your books feature thick cardboard pages?

    Those are my favorite also.

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #12 on: September 13, 2023, 05:40:44 PM »
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  • Sometimes I wonder if he's doing it on purpose to elicit a reaction and mess with me.  I'm going to resist the bait going forward.
    I think part of the problem is that you and Sean, and in fact most people on this board, hold more similar opinions than almost anyone you’d find out in the world.

    the closer somebody’s general worldview is to ours, the more frustrated we get when they disagree with us on some specific point. For example, I’ve been in social situations over the years where I’ve debated about abortion with raging feminists, or the existence of God with atheists, or on Purgatory with Protestants. None of this really got under my skin.

    last weekend I was at a wedding, where 90 percent of the guests  were FSSP attendees. A few of them grilled me and accused me of being a schismatic, outside the church, etc. I got really hot under the collar about it. I think it is because I do generally consider these people to be devout and truth-seeking, if misguided. 

    When points of disagreement spring up here, not to trivialize them, but maybe it can be refreshing to remember that broadly (maybe very broadly) speaking, we are all on the same side…and hey, we may end of sharing cells in some sort of Covid cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρ one day ;)
    God cannot leave a soul to swim
    That has not first abandoned Him.

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #13 on: September 13, 2023, 06:07:57 PM »
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  • ... FSSP attendees ... grilled me and accused me of being a schismatic, outside the church, etc.

    I'd just tell them that they were outside the Church, belonging to a non-Catholic religion.

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    Re: Re: Donate anything to CathInfo, get ads turned off
    « Reply #14 on: September 13, 2023, 07:39:34 PM »
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  • traddyland

    This is an offensive and derogatory term for the Catholic Church.