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Offline Matthew

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AI is rock-stupid department
« on: April 05, 2023, 01:41:18 PM »
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  • I was traveling in San Antonio yesterday with the help of Google Maps. One of the streets was "Houston St."

    The Google Maps lady voice kept calling Houston st. "House - ton" rather than the correct pronunciation "Hyoo ston".

    We're talking about "Houston", the 4th largest city in the United States. This is Google, a major company. And Google Maps is not a minor app. And this is a street in downtown San Antonio, the 10th largest city in the United States.

    No one has fixed it yet!
    But the rock-stupid software sees "hous" and pronounces it "house".

    Something a 4-year old Texan would get right -- the word "Houston" -- a computer doesn't even recognize because it has ZERO INTELLIGENCE.

    This is the intelligence we're supposed to fear for our lives, and for our jobs?

    I'm a software developer and no, I'm not the least bit afraid of AI taking away my job. AI has no intelligence and never will. So it can't design or intellege jack ****.
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    Offline Cornelius

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #1 on: April 05, 2023, 01:54:30 PM »
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  • AI is just marketing language to make algorithms look cool so companies, universities, and researchers can get funding. "Science" is becoming more and more about hype, marketing, and money than about actual knowledge. Not sure if it's better or worse than it being driven by ego and prestige, though.
    One day at a time.

    Offline dxcat40

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #2 on: April 05, 2023, 04:31:49 PM »
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  • I posted a link in the other topic with a video that used AI Speech Generation. Depending on the training, it can be quite impressive. You might try testing the best software before making these kinds of conclusions, because Google Maps isn't that.

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #3 on: April 06, 2023, 07:18:42 AM »
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  • It's all written by human beings, fed data into its database by human beings -- and that data was produced by human beings.

    Yes, I've been around computers since they came out. I've seen some very impressive software. All written by human beings created in God's image (having Intellect and Free Will). Computers will never have either.

    Computers are determined by the next machine opcode instruction and/or the data they are processing. And they certainly have no soul, consciousness, or "ghost in the machine".

    AI is a misleading buzzword. It's all still software that needs human beings to write it, train it, maintain it, feed it. It will never be otherwise.
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    Offline dxcat40

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #4 on: April 06, 2023, 07:23:09 AM »
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  • But it is software that might create some joblessness. Even pros have been using different "AI" software to save time and money. As far as I know, different posters have been agreement about the nature of the beast, but not on the implications.

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #5 on: April 06, 2023, 07:23:44 AM »
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  • So Google isn't using any of their famous "AI" to help them do real work, like keep an eye on websites they put advertising on?

    You basically could have a website "All about Latin" with tons of Latin language on it, and yet if someone used the Latin preposition "cuм" (as in "Una cuм"), the page will trigger a violation "Adult or sɛҳuąƖ Content" that the site owner has to fix. That's why CathInfo has to mangle that word, which breaks many URLs of course.

    Yeah, AI is pretty stupid. Fast, faster than a human for some repetitious activities, but still zero real intelligence.
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    Offline dxcat40

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #6 on: April 06, 2023, 07:33:06 AM »
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  • Google
    It's probably just cheaper for them to be lazy. They're at the top, so they can afford to be.

    Yeah, AI is pretty stupid. Fast, faster than a human for some repetitious activities, but still zero real intelligence.
    The thread title is "AI is rock-stupid department." You win.

    Offline SimpleMan

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #7 on: April 06, 2023, 08:31:56 AM »
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  • Sometimes I get the vibe that these people who are either touting AI as "the next big thing", or OTOH, who fear that AI will somehow take over the world and reduce humans to slaves, actually want it to be this way, so that they can deny the supernatural nature of the soul, and/or pretend that human intelligence and free will are just concepts fueled by the combination of organic materials and electrical impulses.  Once you've done this, you can demystify everything, and dismiss religion as just an adaptation to natural and temporal phenomena.

    Just look at what is happening, with trying to find ways for autistic non-verbal priests to offer "Mass" without speaking, and to confer sacraments in the same way.  Even though it has nothing to do with autism, they've already come up with a Mass in American Sign Language, where words are not used, even for the "consecration".

    While high-functioning autism, such as Asperger Syndrome, can actually be viewed as a "superpower" of sorts, and a way to focus and channel genius into excellence in narrowly defined fields of endeavor, a priest who cannot speak, or who has some grave mental dysfunction, would simply have been irregular for ordination in the pre-Vatican II Church.  I guess Newchurch is so hard up for vocations, that they're willing to ordain any man who displays some kind of tenacity in pursuing a priestly vocation... unless, of course, he calls attention to the huge problems with Vatican II and the Novus Ordo, and wishes to offer the TLM.

    Got to wonder if St Thomas Aquinas, in today's world, would have been labeled as autistic or Asperger, we're talking about one finely honed, laser-sharp mind there.  I have a pet theory that much of this modern trend to tag everyone who is somewhat eccentric as autistic, is a bid to dismiss such people as having an intellectual disability, which means they couldn't possibly have anything to say, that anyone should take seriously.

    Funny, someone who has a one-track mind, where achieving excellence in sports or making money, is universally admired, and nobody ever questions whether they might be a little autistic.  All about the Benjamins.

    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #8 on: April 06, 2023, 12:48:13 PM »
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  • Quote
    Got to wonder if St Thomas Aquinas, in today's world, would have been labeled as autistic or Asperger, we're talking about one finely honed, laser-sharp mind there.  I have a pet theory that much of this modern trend to tag everyone who is somewhat eccentric as autistic, is a bid to dismiss such people as having an intellectual disability, which means they couldn't possibly have anything to say, that anyone should take seriously.
    Right.  People who "specialize" in one area of study and become experts, have to be dismissed because 1) they are outside of the elite's control, 2) because they could hurt the perception of "perceived experts" (media, scientists, govt), and 3) because such people encourage independent/critical thinking.

    Of course all great scientists in the past were self-taught and solved the world's problems through trial-n-error, hard work, and common sense.  But these 3 traits are at odds with the NWO so they must be eradicated.

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #9 on: April 06, 2023, 12:56:34 PM »
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  • Sometimes I get the vibe that these people who are either touting AI as "the next big thing", or OTOH, who fear that AI will somehow take over the world and reduce humans to slaves, actually want it to be this way, so that they can deny the supernatural nature of the soul, and/or pretend that human intelligence and free will are just concepts fueled by the combination of organic materials and electrical impulses.  Once you've done this, you can demystify everything, and dismiss religion as just an adaptation to natural and temporal phenomena.

    That's precisely what they're doing.  They're trying to get people to believe that true intelligence and even self-awareness can be created from purely material causes, thereby salvaging the atheistic evolution agenda.

    Offline Soubirous

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #10 on: April 06, 2023, 01:31:29 PM »
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  • It's all written by human beings, fed data into its database by human beings -- and that data was produced by human beings.

    There was a dystopian satire film back in the 1980s called Brazil (Jonathan Pryce, Ian Holm, Bob Hoskins, among others). A bug in the machine (a bug, as in an insect, falls into a printer machine) produces a typo that leads to havoc for a poor guy now pursued by an out-of-control totalitarian bureaucracy. It was supposed to be a laughable plot, but it actually isn't.

    Garbage in, garbage out, certainly. The trouble is when human beings place the dumb machine, or rather its output, in the line of the decision-making process. The machine does not consciously "decide" anything but what it can do is generate, in effect, an order that something be done. The woke whiners a few years back went nuts over algorithmic preemptive criminal profiling, complaining that it caused law enforcement and the financial sector to harass unfairly the usual suspects. Yet what's to stop these algorithm writers from going after us instead on an even more widespread basis than they already are? The CCP did put this into practice not so long ago. 
    Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you, all things pass away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things. He who has God finds he lacks nothing; God alone suffices. - St. Teresa of Jesus

    Offline dxcat40

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #11 on: April 06, 2023, 01:48:02 PM »
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  • That's precisely what they're doing.
    Except it's really not. They are using these algorithmic models (AI) to create better weapons, as Soubirous helpfully points out:

    The woke whiners a few years back went nuts over algorithmic preemptive criminal profiling, complaining that it caused law enforcement and the financial sector to harass unfairly the usual suspects. Yet what's to stop these algorithm writers from going after us instead on an even more widespread basis than they already are? The CCP did put this into practice not so long ago.
    These models can produce results and are being actively developed all of the time. Isn't it funny that you downplay the threat of Russia and China while hyping non-threats (see: Marburg) and downplaying actual threats? AI isn't true artificial intelligence, but it can be a "force multiplier" in support of nefarious purposes. It isn't hard to understand.

    Offline Yeti

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #12 on: April 06, 2023, 02:17:36 PM »
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  • It's all written by human beings, fed data into its database by human beings -- and that data was produced by human beings.

    Yes, I've been around computers since they came out. I've seen some very impressive software. All written by human beings created in God's image (having Intellect and Free Will). Computers will never have either.

    Computers are determined by the next machine opcode instruction and/or the data they are processing. And they certainly have no soul, consciousness, or "ghost in the machine".

    AI is a misleading buzzword. It's all still software that needs human beings to write it, train it, maintain it, feed it. It will never be otherwise.

    Yes. No cause can be greater than its effect. The human is the cause of the software and the computer that runs it. No tool can be more advanced than the person who created it.

    All this AI hype is pure mythology on the level of the gods of Olympus striking people with thunderbolts from heaven. People believe that AI can defeat the human race for the same reason people believed in the gods of Olympus -- the endarkening of the mind due to sin, which causes them to believe childish stories instead of true philosophy. They believe human beings are soulless machines, so if you believe that then why isn't it possible to build another soulless machine that is more capable than a human? Actually no, even that is ridiculous, because how could one soulless machine (a human) build another soulless machine that is more capable than itself? Cause greater than the effect -- impossible.

    Once when I was a kid I watched a cartoon in which one character built some sort of spaceship and said to another character, "This ship is so modern, that even we are not sure what all of its features are." It's kind of a subtle joke, but that's what people think about AI.

    Offline Soubirous

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #13 on: April 06, 2023, 02:31:53 PM »
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  • Except it's really not. They are using these algorithmic models (AI) to create better weapons, as Soubirous helpfully points out:
    These models can produce results and are being actively developed all of the time. Isn't it funny that you downplay the threat of Russia and China while hyping non-threats (see: Marburg) and downplaying actual threats? AI isn't true artificial intelligence, but it can be a "force multiplier" in support of nefarious purposes. It isn't hard to understand.

    Except for the whole system to work, some minimum percentage of those less sophisticated human beings who are considerably downstream from the puppet-master tech lords need to grant legitimacy to the output of dumb machines programmed by those same tech lords. Disinformation does have its goals.
    Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you, all things pass away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things. He who has God finds he lacks nothing; God alone suffices. - St. Teresa of Jesus

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: AI is rock-stupid department
    « Reply #14 on: April 06, 2023, 03:04:05 PM »
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  • .

    Yes. No cause can be greater than its effect. The human is the cause of the software and the computer that runs it. No tool can be more advanced than the person who created it.

    All this AI hype is pure mythology on the level of the gods of Olympus striking people with thunderbolts from heaven. People believe that AI can defeat the human race for the same reason people believed in the gods of Olympus -- the endarkening of the mind due to sin, which causes them to believe childish stories instead of true philosophy. They believe human beings are soulless machines, so if you believe that then why isn't it possible to build another soulless machine that is more capable than a human? 

    Looking to a person/object/phenomenon, and attributing to it MORE CAUSALITY, POWER, or PERSONHOOD than it actually has, is the recipe for falling under the demon's control. Because the demon will insinuate himself into the loop, and get some adoration (which should be for God alone) in exchange for some real power or information, which he possesses being a fallen angel.

    Many idiots certainly "imagine" or treat the AI as if it WERE a person. All the devil has to do is get into the loop, and WHAM-O! you have someone blindly following the dictates/information/orders from the devil. 

    This has happened before with other objects -- today's object of choice is a computer software program called "AI". Not saying the devil is involved yet, but there's no reason to doubt that he will be, if enough people come seeking intelligence/guidance/person where there is just SOFTWARE.

    Seriously, the most advanced "AI" today has less real LIFE to it than a mouse or a cat. As far as intelligence/free will, they are equals. Think about it.
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