I remember years ago, when people were actually talking about him, we suspected TradCatKnight hired some kind of "denial of service" attack on CathInfo, since there was so much criticism of him here at the time. It was a reasonable accusation, since TCK was known and proven to have ventured into the shady and seedy neighborhoods of the Internet to hire such help, from bot farms, fake FB followers, fake Twitter followers, fake Youtube watches and likes, etc. All of that was 100% proven with rock-solid evidence. So if he wasn't above paying money for "things to go his way" on the Internet, plus the fact you CAN pay for a Denial of Service attack... it was quite logical and reasonable to at least suspect he might do such a thing.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if that were the case, and he was doing it again (perhaps because he was brought up again recently) -- only now we barely notice, like a mosquito on an ox?
Not saying it's him, but whoever it is, he will be sorely disappointed in the results. Seriously, the server is responding with a resounding "meh".