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Offline Simeon

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Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
« on: May 24, 2024, 04:24:33 PM »
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  • I just watched both of these videos today, and I think they are fantastic. I can say that I learned quite a lot. There is so much to consider here. First, let me post them. 

    Offline Simeon

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #1 on: May 24, 2024, 04:54:00 PM »
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  • The first bombshell revelation deals with Fr. Gabriel Amorth, who is covered in the second video on the "Catholic" charismatic movement.

    Maybe some of you can relate to this. I remember I had a similar experience with the fake Sr. Lucia. I started out in the novus ordo, and went with the SSPX in year 2000. At that time I was getting a lot of gunk from Fr. Gruner, and I often scratched my head with all the "Sister Lucy quotes" he published. I was very gullible then, and believed whatever Trad Inc. told me. But something in my soul was disturbed at the terrible contradiction between what we trads were supposed to stand for, and the absolute BS we heard coming out of the imposter's mouth - BS which Gruner rubber stamped.

    I was so thankful when TIA published their photographic comparisons of the real and the fake Sr. Lucia. All was resolved, and the demolition of my gullibility was well underway. 

    As for Fr. Amorth, I've heard him quoted a million times saying that the new "rite" of exorcism is a joke, and that he always used the true Rite. Yet, I perpetually wondered why he did not come out and tell the truth about the false church of the novus ordo. Why was so he so invested in this evil and perverse thing?

    Now I must thank the Dimonds for solving the mystery for me. O my dear! I had no idea that Amorth was yoked up with the charismatic movement!!! No idea whatsoever! What a reveal!

    But there's more. I remember about a year ago posting a reveal about Fr. Ripperger and his charismatic leanings. Here's what I posted:

    Now if you go over to a website called liberchristo [A Chad Ripperger Production], you will find that it trains novus ordo priests, deacons, and layfolk to be exorcists or exorcists' helpers. And that is not all you will find. Go to the section entitled Videos:

    You will see some talks by Ripperger, but even more talks by one Kyle Clement, a layman. Listen to him, and it won't take you long to discern that he is a charismatic and inserts charismania into his trainings.

    That is not just a run of the mill "NO beware" red flag. It is a smoking gun, as we know that charismania is identical to new age channeling. Charismania in an exorcism setting presents to my mind an extreme danger to the poor person already being manipulated and handled by exorcists without valid orders, and who come to them via deceit, i.e., through the vector of the illegitimate and satanic authority of a non-Catholic, infidel sect.

    I've always found Ripperger to be a mixed bag, but I was frankly shocked to see that he actually associates himself with charismania in his "deliverance ministry." This caused me to decide to finally avoid him completely, after years of head scratching because of the strange things he often says.

    So ......................... thanks to the Dimonds, I can now link up in my mind a) the false Vatican II Church; b) its vector, the charismatic diabolus; and c) celebrity exorcists who both prop up the apostasy and dip their toes in overt satanism.

    I have caught Ripperger at least twice giving the name of a demon who is not named in Scripture. That is against the rules.

    We've all caught him a million times telling us what he learns from the mouth of "beelzebub."

    We've seen him over and over speak out of both sides of his mouth, propping up the apostasy in a plausibly deniable, pseudo-traddish way.

    We've heard him over and over again bragging about how he "beats up" devils.

    Look at these charimstic warlocks portrayed in the videos. They have a common theme - violence. They thrust things - arms, hands, clothing - at their victims. They use violent words like "bam" and "fire," which they literally hurl at people.

    They use lots of violent metaphors. They describe being told by the "spirit" to punch people, step on them, slap them, or whatever. The African voodoo men actually step on people and make them eat disgusting things. 

    Now we know darn well that Ripperger, who isn't even ordained, and who cannot possibly have true faculties, can't even make a devil flinch, let alone "beat him up."

    My take away? Even now I think there is more gullibility in me than I realize.
    From this point forward I think it has to be "No Quarter, Period."

    If it doesn't line completely up, it has to be rejected out of hand. No more wasting time on riddles and perplexities.

    Offline Yeti

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #2 on: May 24, 2024, 04:58:12 PM »
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  • Fr. Cekada used to say about "Fr." Amorth: "He claims to be an expert on demons, and he can't see the most demonically-controlled person in the world standing there in a white cassock!" Meaning, his acceptance of the Novus Ordo false religion, and his lack of any condemnation of its false popes, shows that he is a big faker as an enemy of the demons.

    You don't need the Dimonds to tell you this, though. It's actually pretty simple.

    Offline Simeon

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #3 on: May 24, 2024, 05:11:43 PM »
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  • My second big takeaway from these astonishing videos, has to do with the American body politic, and, tangentially, the election. 

    What is the demographic that compromises the willing victims of these satanic hucksters? Clearly it is middle America, and even the conservatives. You know, Trump supporters, who are loosely denominated "Christians" and "Evangelicals." 

    Even though what you see in these videos is the equivalent of a mosh pit, yet the victims are not sporting dreadlocks, tattoos, and spiked leather. No! Rather they are quite decently attired! Suits and ties, dresses, high heels. These are the same people who own businesses, and work as executives, teachers, doctors, etc. This is middle America. There is also an ethnic component, equally well dressed. The demographic is "American."  

    These are the people in whom we "hope." We hope they will "wake up." We hope they will "do something" about the evil swallowing us up alive. We wonder why they go along and do nothing. 

    Exactly why does evil "get away with it" in this country, as if it were as easy as taking candy from a baby? 

    What actually causes seemingly decent and normal American men and women to become "sheeple," "liberals, "RINO's," "commies." 

    My God!!!! They are in some degree or another possessed! The entire nation is possessed! I mean it. 

    We are living in a demon-garchy. It's just like ancient Sumer or Greece or Rome, and ten times worse, because of the blasphemy and apostasy. 

    Next time you go to the dentist, ask yourself - "Should I even let this SOB touch me?" :( 

    Offline Simeon

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #4 on: May 24, 2024, 05:18:40 PM »
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  • Fr. Cekada used to say about "Fr." Amorth: "He claims to be an expert on demons, and he can't see the most demonically-controlled person in the world standing there in a white cassock!" Meaning, his acceptance of the Novus Ordo false religion, and his lack of any condemnation of its false popes, shows that he is a big faker as an enemy of the demons.

    You don't need the Dimonds to tell you this, though. It's actually pretty simple.

    Take a look at this video. Maybe you are incapable of being manipulated. If you are, then you are in the minority, even of the good-willed. I've been chewing on the revelations contained here for a whole week. So many insights now come to me. The mind is an eminently pliable thing - for good or for evil:

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #5 on: May 24, 2024, 06:10:10 PM »
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  • Just in case people don't think these videos have any affect, as someone on another thread claimed, here's something an individual wrote in to the Dimond Brothers.

    This is by far one of the best videos you guys have released. It has single handedly pushed me to reject the Vatican 2 "Novus Ordo" sect. I cannot watch these clips without feeling disgusted at what the devil has done…

    Offline St Giles

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #6 on: May 24, 2024, 08:38:49 PM »
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  • Take a look at this video. Maybe you are incapable of being manipulated. If you are, then you are in the minority, even of the good-willed. I've been chewing on the revelations contained here for a whole week. So many insights now come to me. The mind is an eminently pliable thing - for good or for evil:

    What are you trying to say with regards to this video?
    "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."
    "Seek first the kingdom of Heaven..."
    "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment"

    Offline Simeon

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #7 on: May 24, 2024, 08:59:36 PM »
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  • Just in case people don't think these videos have any affect, as someone on another thread claimed, here's something an individual wrote in to the Dimond Brothers.

    Absolutely. I'm an old campaigner, and yet I was astonished by what I watched here. I learned so much, and I have been mightily strengthened in my resolve not to compromise the Faith one jot or tittle. The Dimonds, when they are good, are extraordinarily good. 

    There was another comment I liked: "The chef has cooked a masterpiece again." 


    Offline Simeon

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #8 on: May 24, 2024, 09:25:08 PM »
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  • What are you trying to say with regards to this video?

    Actually this video is a whole'nother thread. I was thinking about starting one to discuss all the points that came to my mind. 

    Regarding pliability of mind, Bp. Roy described in detail how strongly his mind had been formed by the SSPX, such that he truly believed that leaving it would be to condemn his immortal soul. He said that this was explicitly taught to all the faithful - outside the SSPX, there is no salvation. Also that when he had come to the non una cuм position on his own, yet even then he was afraid to contact the sedevacantist clergy because of the programming he had received inside the SSPX. For him they really did have cooties. Rather than reach out, he opted to spend four lonely years by himself. 

    This relation of his is very instructive. It illustrates and exemplifies the high-jacking and brutal contraction of the entire traditionalist movement. It gives the mind a picture of the livestock chutes the dissenting Catholics were forcibly maneuvered into. 

    Growth and development of thinking and praxis take a long time. I have been discussing with the Lord all week where I was when I began thirty years ago, and where I am now. It's night and day, under every possible aspect. I've been disabused of a multiplicity of illusions. My zeal and ardor have been radically purified, now resting almost entirely on pure faith, whereas in the past they rested almost entirely on human respect, human hopes, and human expectations. I would say that in my heart, mind, and soul, I experience now, even for the first time, the fulness of the refined and sadistic cruelty that is Vatican II - what it has done to the Church, to the world, and to individual souls. I have no more buffers, no more cushions to soften the blows. As Frodo saith, "I'm naked in the dark." 

    What we see in these two videos, is categorically the effects of Vatican II. But for Vatican II, such evil would never have materialized in the world.  

    Offline AnthonyPadua

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #9 on: May 24, 2024, 09:58:23 PM »
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  • Great video. Really sad to hear that over 100 million "Catholics" are brainwashed by this evil filth.

    Offline St Giles

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #10 on: May 24, 2024, 11:08:11 PM »
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  • It's a serious situation on the SSPX alright, but I wouldn't be to hasty to consider it much of a deliberate conspiracy the SSPX is guilty of, more so just a conspiracy caused by our human failings and the devil coupled with good intentions. In short it's modernism at work. Bp Roy even said he was too busy to look into this stuff. I imagine a lot would change in the SSPX if everyone stopped and did a month of careful study, consideration, & prayer.
    "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."
    "Seek first the kingdom of Heaven..."
    "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment"

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #11 on: May 25, 2024, 07:21:51 AM »
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  • Absolutely. I'm an old campaigner, and yet I was astonished by what I watched here. I learned so much, and I have been mightily strengthened in my resolve not to compromise the Faith one jot or tittle. The Dimonds, when they are good, are extraordinarily good.

    There was another comment I liked: "The chef has cooked a masterpiece again."


    Whatever disagreement people may have with the Dimond Brothers, one should give them credit where credit is due.  Charity requires it.  Even if you don't agree with them on BoD or Sedevacantism, they put together one of the best short biographies of Padre Pio I've ever read.  Their apologetics booklet about how the Protestant Bible Proves Catholicism is a masterpiece.  I love their videos on Evolution, the errors of Orthodoxy, yes, the Magicians one as well, and also the one about Hell.  People have excoriated them for using St. Alphonsus without attribution.  Except that it's obvious they're using St. Alphonsus.  I find the video extremely moving and inspiring (to avoid sin).  But when they put the pictures and video with it, it has a profound effect that the text alone does not have.  I believe that if everyone watched that video once a week, they would all save their souls.  So what?  Do you think St. Alphonsus would care if someone used his work to save souls?  He gets the glory for it from God, the only type of glory that matters.  And it's not like the Dimond Brothers are making money off of it.  They make it available for free.  When I've ordered things from them before, just a small item for like $5, they threw in a bunch of others stuff for free where I believed they were losing money on the deal.  They send out those apologetics booklets in bulk for probably less that what it costs to print them.

    There are a lot of people who hate the Dimond Brothers for various reasons, but it's not acceptable to carry that grudge into criticizing them over EVERYTHING.  There are some people that just feel they constantly need to "hate on" them, where they can do no good, and that attitude is decidedly un-Christian.  Yes, they had a tendency towards bitter zeal, but I mentioned that instead I pray for them about that, and I've noticed a significant softening in the past year or so.  If we see faults in our brothers, we pray for them, and don't go around ripping them to shreds over it out of spite ... while failing to see the beams in our own eyes.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #12 on: May 25, 2024, 07:28:10 AM »
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  • Anyone who has spent time around Fr R will tell you that he's possessed.  I have 2 family members that used to be very good friends with him in Idaho and they told me that they believe him to be possessed.  They reported him to the Bishop because he was living with a woman for years that he claimed he was performing an exorcism on. Yeah, right.  Shortly after that he was transferred to Tulsa.

    Talk about massive detraction (if not calumny).  Seriously ... he's possessed?  At worse he may have suffered some psychological trauma due to the programming he received in the SSPX.

    Offline Simeon

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #13 on: May 25, 2024, 09:12:30 AM »
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  • It's a serious situation on the SSPX alright, but I wouldn't be to hasty to consider it much of a deliberate conspiracy the SSPX is guilty of, more so just a conspiracy caused by our human failings and the devil coupled with good intentions. In short it's modernism at work. Bp Roy even said he was too busy to look into this stuff. I imagine a lot would change in the SSPX if everyone stopped and did a month of careful study, consideration, & prayer.

    Oh man! You are correct! But the SSPX hierarchy makes certain that their underlings have no time to study, think, and pray - and no courage to do so. Probably the most glorious thing that could happen, excepting of course we receive a Pope from our God, is a mass exodus of priests from the SSPX, and into the bloodstream of the militant Church. 

    Offline Simeon

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    Re: Dimonds Charismatic Double Header
    « Reply #14 on: May 25, 2024, 09:18:28 AM »
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  • Talk about massive detraction (if not calumny).  Seriously ... he's possessed?  At worse he may have suffered some psychological trauma due to the programming he received in the SSPX.

    I was confused by McCoy's post at first, and even disturbed because I really like Bp. Roy. But she is actually talking about Ripperger, I think. That does not address the accusation of calumny; only I would not have you laboring under a factual mistake.