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What the nαzιs did
« on: Yesterday at 11:51:37 AM »
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    Offline Jaynek

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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 12:52:15 PM »
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  • Why is this anonymous?  Don't you care enough about the truth to put your name to it?  

    Offline ElwinRansom1970

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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 01:10:55 PM »
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  • The National Socialists did much good and did much evil. It arose as a naturalistic reaction against Jєωιѕн Bolshevism. As such, the inspiration for National Socialism is man himself, not God and His Catholic Church. National Socialism was blinded and handicapped by Naturalism so that its response to the International Jew was wholly inadequate, plagued by internal contradiction, and doomed to produce its own errors and horrors in spite of whatever good it may do.

    BTW, why is the term "nαzι" used in the title for this thread and in the meme presented? This term originated as a Jєωιѕн slur, based upon the Catholic name "Ignaz" common in Bavaria and Tyrol amongst country folk. As such, it is an insult to both National Socialists and rural Catholics.
    "I distrust every idea that does not seem obsolete and grotesque to my contemporaries."
    Nicolás Gómez Dávila


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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #3 on: Yesterday at 01:40:19 PM »
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  • The National Socialists did much good and did much evil. It arose as a naturalistic reaction against Jєωιѕн Bolshevism. As such, the inspiration for National Socialism is man himself, not God and His Catholic Church. National Socialism was blinded and handicapped by Naturalism so that its response to the International Jew was wholly inadequate, plagued by internal contradiction, and doomed to produce its own errors and horrors in spite of whatever good it may do.

    BTW, why is the term "nαzι" used in the title for this thread and in the meme presented? This term originated as a Jєωιѕн slur, based upon the Catholic name "Ignaz" common in Bavaria and Tyrol amongst country folk. As such, it is an insult to both National Socialists and rural Catholics.


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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #4 on: Yesterday at 01:45:09 PM »
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  • Agree with OP, but I have another question.

    Why do Trad Catholics feel like they needed to see Adolf as some redeeming Catholic Monarch?? Germany was 2/3 Protestant, lol. He was a lay Catholic defending his country. I don't know his personal "piety", but why would that be important. Should we have admonished Catholic Church for not mustering up millions of competent men to fight the Soviets and Masonic/Jew controlled Allies? See things objectively, please.

    Why does the whole naturalism thing have to be brought up? The NSDAP rising to power was a "interim" reaction to what was objectively happening to their people. 

    Offline ElwinRansom1970

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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #5 on: Yesterday at 02:00:55 PM »
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  • Why does the whole naturalism thing have to be brought up? The NSDAP rising to power was a "interim" reaction to what was objectively happening to their people.
    Organised Naturalism is the GREAT ERROR of the Modern World, of International Jєωιѕн Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ, of liberal republican democracy. To not recognise Naturalism where it manifests or to coöperate with Naturalism is to betray Christ the King.

    Are you a traditionalist? Or even a Catholic?
    "I distrust every idea that does not seem obsolete and grotesque to my contemporaries."
    Nicolás Gómez Dávila


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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #6 on: Yesterday at 02:18:46 PM »
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  • OP, are you honest or are you a "glowie"?


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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #7 on: Yesterday at 02:19:53 PM »
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  • Organised Naturalism is the GREAT ERROR of the Modern World, of International Jєωιѕн Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ, of liberal republican democracy. To not recognise Naturalism where it manifests or to coöperate with Naturalism is to betray Christ the King.

    Are you a traditionalist? Or even a Catholic?
    So you saying the NSDAP was organized by the Jews/Freemasons? 
    Yes I'm a traditional Catholic. Hope you looked at that .pdf a few comments above. 


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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #8 on: Yesterday at 03:18:59 PM »
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  • Let's not forget that the NSDAP threw over 270 vermin pedophile priests into Dachau where they belonged. 

    Reichskonkordat folks. I have said it a many times here. Without it and Pius XI's help, they would never have won the election.

    Offline ElwinRansom1970

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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #9 on: Yesterday at 03:28:02 PM »
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  • So you saying the NSDAP was organized by the Jews/Freemasons?
    Yes I'm a traditional Catholic. Hope you looked at that .pdf a few comments above.
    I am not saying that the NSDAP was organised by Jєωιѕн Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ.

    I am saying that the NSDAP arose out of those same errors inherent in Judæo-Masonry.


    Occult connections: Thule Society. Wewelsburgschloß.

    Naturalism and Rationalism: Eugenics. Volk over Faith. Natural and material gifts superior to grace. State superior to Church and family.
    "I distrust every idea that does not seem obsolete and grotesque to my contemporaries."
    Nicolás Gómez Dávila


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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #10 on: Yesterday at 03:51:14 PM »
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  • Organised Naturalism is the GREAT ERROR of the Modern World, of International Jєωιѕн Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ, of liberal republican democracy. To not recognise Naturalism where it manifests or to coöperate with Naturalism is to betray Christ the King.

    Are you a traditionalist? Or even a Catholic?
    Considering the organised naturalism of capitalist USA, and the organised naturalism of communist Russia, I far prefer the organised naturalism of National Socialist Germany or Fascist Italy. I wish we had lost the war, because the Nuremburg trials wasn't a trial of war criminals it was a trial of all men in any future time who might happen to love their country and the common good.
    Adolf H may not have been a good Catholic, but it was the last fightback in history against the satanic one world order. 

    In occupied France, the very rare times a German soldier raped a French woman, he was imprisoned. The Soviets, and to some extent the US GIs raped their way through 'liberated' Europe. 

    Mass civilian bombings was an allied invention, as the Lancaster bomber was developed precisly for carpet bombings. The Germans had nothing similar because they had never envisaged the possibility of doing such a thing. 

    I cannot see any conflict of interest in a Catholic serving in the Waffen SS on the Eastern Front to fight Soviet power. I can't see how a Catholic serving in RAF bomber command can make it to heaven without a long good examination of conscience, as there is a clear conflict of interest in killing civilians just for the sake of it, and being a Catholic  

    But war is written by the winners and sympathy for the national socialist cause is considered the worst possible thought to have.     



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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #11 on: Yesterday at 04:00:22 PM »
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  • The Thule society was used to deter enemies the NSDAP. Occult connections or any free-masonry has been proven to not be anything Hitler approved of (He went after them pretty hard). Rosenburg and Himmler may have been guilty in this (as well as some others).

    Since WW2 we have had: Hitler was a Jew / atheist / a persecuter of Catholic Christian  / non Catholic / Zionist / in with the allies etc. etc. B.S. float around for 80 years, and they have been doing a good job of fooling everyone into thinking he systematically called for killing Jews. Which.... of course we all know what his biggest crime was... :laugh1:



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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #12 on: Yesterday at 04:02:17 PM »
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    Reality at last.  I especially liked the Catholic Encyclopedia's instruction to the "laity" on page 11.  This explains the silence of Catholics just before Vat II.

    Offline ElwinRansom1970

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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #13 on: Yesterday at 04:10:13 PM »
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  • I cannot see any conflict of interest in a Catholic serving in the Waffen SS on the Eastern Front to fight Soviet power.
    Have you any blood relations who volunteered in the Waffen SS?

    I know of at least two cousins of my grandmother who served as volunteers in the Waffen SS, serving in the Balkans as well as on both the Eastern and Western Fronts.

    The Waffen SS was not representative of the NSDAP. This armed service was an international fighting force committed to the protection of Europe and her culture, even with the presence of non-Aryan, non-European volunteers in particular Waffen SS units.
    "I distrust every idea that does not seem obsolete and grotesque to my contemporaries."
    Nicolás Gómez Dávila


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    Re: What the nαzιs did
    « Reply #14 on: Yesterday at 04:15:48 PM »
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  • The Waffen SS was not representative of the NSDAP. 
    This is true, 

    My great grandfather was in the Charlamegne SS. He was Bavarian.