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Author Topic: Sponsor at Baptism … am I a jerk?  (Read 911 times)

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Sponsor at Baptism … am I a jerk?
« on: February 15, 2025, 05:40:52 PM »
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  • Long story short, my wife loves to adopt the most bizaar people … she married me! There is a Covid couple who have never really understood anything about tradition and they’re VERY fuddy duddy (consider everything Ripperger says as if it is divine truth, extremely “spiritual” to the point where essentially the father doesn’t work because he couldn’t go to daily Mass and confession twice a day, didn’t have drivers licenses as adults because they couldn’t be bothered, etc etc etc). They asked my wife if we would be godparents to their child, and she clearly was honoured but I just thought … why?? But she clearly wanted to, so I just said yes … am I just a jerk for doing this? These people are just straight up weird, and I don’t care for them but I will be contracting a spiritual relationship with their child … advice?


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    Re: Sponsor at Baptism … am I a jerk?
    « Reply #1 on: February 15, 2025, 06:36:38 PM »
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  • Missing a lot of information.  How traditional are you?


    A good influence on the child and family.


    They are never influenced.

    Are you calling yourself a jerk for going along with your wife?  Do you want to take it back now?  Is your wife calling you a jerk?

    Is this even a real scenario?

    Offline SimpleMan

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    Re: Sponsor at Baptism … am I a jerk?
    « Reply #2 on: February 15, 2025, 06:52:54 PM »
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  • Long story short, my wife loves to adopt the most bizaar people … she married me! There is a Covid couple who have never really understood anything about tradition and they’re VERY fuddy duddy (consider everything Ripperger says as if it is divine truth, extremely “spiritual” to the point where essentially the father doesn’t work because he couldn’t go to daily Mass and confession twice a day, didn’t have drivers licenses as adults because they couldn’t be bothered, etc etc etc). They asked my wife if we would be godparents to their child, and she clearly was honoured but I just thought … why?? But she clearly wanted to, so I just said yes … am I just a jerk for doing this? These people are just straight up weird, and I don’t care for them but I will be contracting a spiritual relationship with their child … advice?
    If "the father doesn’t work because he couldn’t go to daily Mass and confession twice a day", that alone is gravely sinful if he has responsibilities to anyone other than himself --- you say that he has a wife, and presumably they have a child either in utero or ex utero.  Does he have independent means that enable him not to have to work, and that enable him to support his family?  (Full disclosure, that is my situation at the moment, I am retired and my son and I have enough to live on decently.)  Or are they living in poverty because of his unwillingness to work?

    And what is a "COVID couple"?

    I've never heard of anyone going to confession twice a day.

    More information is needed.

    Offline Yeti

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    Re: Sponsor at Baptism … am I a jerk?
    « Reply #3 on: February 15, 2025, 09:51:48 PM »
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  • Tell them NO.

    In order for you to be the sponsor of someone's child, the parents have to be willing to accept your guidance in the spiritual formation of their child if they are derelict. This bond and this agreement can only exist when there is a relationship of mutual respect between families, which clearly does not exist here.

    If you told the dad to get a job, would he do it? Probably not. If you told both of them to get a driver's license, would they do it? Probably not. So, if they do not care what you think about how they run their family, then they cannot ask you to hold a position of authority over their child that would enable you to tell them to raise their child in the Faith if they either willfully refused to do so, or (what is more likely) failed to do so out of negligence, such as by not driving the child to Mass or to his catechism lessons, or not working at a job that would provide the money to buy gas to drive their child to Mass.

    Tell them NO.

    Offline Yeti

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    Re: Sponsor at Baptism … am I a jerk?
    « Reply #4 on: February 15, 2025, 09:54:08 PM »
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  • Pros:

    A good influence on the child and family.

    Um, only if the family is willing to accept what this person tells them to do. And from what he has described, it doesn't sound like they are willing to accept any advice. It would be wrong for the OP to accept a responsibility that he knows he cannot fulfill, which would be the case if he knows the parents here do not care what he thinks about how they live or how they plan to raise their child.


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    Re: Sponsor at Baptism … am I a jerk?
    « Reply #5 on: February 16, 2025, 03:40:08 AM »
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  • .

    Um, only if the family is willing to accept what this person tells them to do. And from what he has described, it doesn't sound like they are willing to accept any advice. It would be wrong for the OP to accept a responsibility that he knows he cannot fulfill, which would be the case if he knows the parents here do not care what he thinks about how they live or how they plan to raise their child.
    My con was suppose to cover that. I am sorry it wasn't clear.

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: Sponsor at Baptism … am I a jerk?
    « Reply #6 on: February 16, 2025, 08:58:13 PM »
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  • Well, if the only reason you don't want to do it is because you don't like them because you find them "weird", then, yes, you are a jerk.

    I see no rational reason clearly articulated in your OP to refuse the request, just a whole lot of emoting ... and maybe? some implied actual reason, but it's entirely unclear.

    Not everyone is required to work if they don't have to, and so it's not inherently a mortal sin.  If you have the ability and the leisure time, it's perfectly acceptable to spend your time in prayer.

    If you could actually articulate a rational reason why their faith is not Catholic (not getting a driver license does not count), or perhaps they're Modernists, etc. ... but your expressions such as weird "fuddy duddy" sound to be more on the Modernist side, and it just seems like you don't like them because you find them to be strange.

    If you can't articulate a rational reason here, then, yes, you're being a jerk.

    I've known a few tin-foil types who, say, refused to get Social Security numbers, and driver licenses, and the like ... and I thought they were a bit strange for doing so, but I wouldn't refuse sponsoring them for the Sacraments on account of it.

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: Sponsor at Baptism … am I a jerk?
    « Reply #7 on: February 16, 2025, 09:00:48 PM »
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  • If "the father doesn’t work because he couldn’t go to daily Mass and confession twice a day", that alone is gravely sinful if ...

    More information is needed.

    May be ... if ... [various conditions].  MUCH more information is needed.  Presumably if they're living in a state of grave sin, you could bring it up to the priest and have him talk it over with them.  So you'd be doing your duty up front to help correct them.