Well, if the only reason you don't want to do it is because you don't like them because you find them "weird", then, yes, you are a jerk.
I see no rational reason clearly articulated in your OP to refuse the request, just a whole lot of emoting ... and maybe? some implied actual reason, but it's entirely unclear.
Not everyone is required to work if they don't have to, and so it's not inherently a mortal sin. If you have the ability and the leisure time, it's perfectly acceptable to spend your time in prayer.
If you could actually articulate a rational reason why their faith is not Catholic (not getting a driver license does not count), or perhaps they're Modernists, etc. ... but your expressions such as weird "fuddy duddy" sound to be more on the Modernist side, and it just seems like you don't like them because you find them to be strange.
If you can't articulate a rational reason here, then, yes, you're being a jerk.
I've known a few tin-foil types who, say, refused to get Social Security numbers, and driver licenses, and the like ... and I thought they were a bit strange for doing so, but I wouldn't refuse sponsoring them for the Sacraments on account of it.